Post by Building Comittee on Feb 4, 2006 18:53:38 GMT -5
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Dora Resistance: oh, yeah, there it is.
Dora Resistance: so... about what... 256 a side?
Al Kaiser: yes
Dora Resistance: yeah. the hull's gonna need a good corner. but it doesn't really interfer with the ground layout, being up so high
Al Kaiser: exactly
Dora Resistance: you should just include the tower
Al Kaiser: we jsut need to put the tower in the right location
Glenn Goodliffe: Al, can you paste that image over my old layout?
Dora Resistance: if you push the tower about... hmm, let me show you.
Glenn Goodliffe gave you galaxy.v03gs.
Al Kaiser: glenn can u pso the pic
Al Kaiser: post
Dora Resistance: about there
Al Kaiser: ok
Al Kaiser: well gang where do go from here?
Dora Resistance: you know, I planned the hull to be the sky appartments,
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, i tried to incorporate your ideas with those that Al and Dora and I came up with. it has the central tower with a few changes, especially the hollow mountains that serve as RP and training areas, with sandboxes inside.
Dora Resistance: it's got plenty of room
Al Kaiser: Glenn is the hub Dora's hull?
Dora Resistance: that's abotu the right size. lol
Glenn Goodliffe: it could be
Dora Resistance: it's a BIT bigger than my hull.
Glenn Goodliffe: well, it's just a concept drawing.
Al Kaiser: yes that was jsut what i was going to say
Glenn Goodliffe: anything can be changed
Dora Resistance: I do like the idea of putting rhe stores, holoeck welcome area together though.
Dora Resistance: my hull is between these two sizes...
Al Kaiser: yeah but we lost the 16 plota that Cobra wanted
Glenn Goodliffe: i was thinking we could make public areas down on the ground, with members-only areas up in the Skyhub
Dora Resistance: it's that size, more or less
Al Kaiser: cool Dora
You: ok, let me compare with the proposal i came up with
Al Kaiser: well Cobra any input?
Dora Resistance: oh? I was thinking member apartments up there... there will be plenty with windows...
Dora Resistance: and member housing... you know, down here
You: what i had in mind was to make a nice WOW tp area on the ground center
Glenn Goodliffe: yes
Al Kaiser: we all agree there
Dora Resistance: hmm. I didn't come up with a general land use map.
You: from there you tp up to the saucer where the hq is/vendor/holodeck/apartments/etc
You: ground is only divided around the edges
You: private plots
You: and a sand box area
Al Kaiser: so like Dora's layout?
You: teraformed and landscaped
Dora Resistance: of the three, I think we can come to an agreement... My layout?
You: river/ect
Dora Resistance: oh, the one I proposed at the first meeting
You: theland in the middle wouldnot be divided,
Al Kaiser: that is going to be one BIG saucer
You: well, was thinking not all need be solid
Al Kaiser: and if we make menbers only then the vendors can't be up there
You: could have hubs
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, sir, Al and Dora and I brainstormed about housing and we thought that with some sky apartments, we get more housing space and green space
Dora Resistance: it's 120 meters across now. I Could increase that... but I don't advise much larger.
Al Kaiser: oh yeah i like that idea
You: well, i can always make areas like the sandboxes for members only
Al Kaiser: smaller pods for div, medical etc
Glenn Goodliffe: hmm pods off of the main saucer? that sounds nice
Dora Resistance: yes. I like this one best... with some small changes.
You: and the "saucer" need not be all one level, could be multiplelevels
Al Kaiser: like Deep Space 9!
Glenn Goodliffe: which one Dora?
Al Kaiser: and Quarks
Glenn Goodliffe: yes, we need a Quarks.
You: kind of ds9, but a la Trek
Dora Resistance: the one here... but with some minor modifications.
Glenn Goodliffe: Dora, where is here for you? lol
Dora Resistance: I think however, we can take away the 8 and 10...
Al Kaiser: will the be apts. in the hub too?
Dora Resistance: make them part of the tower...
You: well, the practical aspect is that dividing up theland in a triangle is difficult
Dora Resistance: keep the private resiences,
Glenn Goodliffe: i suggest we separate the apts from the work areas
Al Kaiser: agree
Glenn Goodliffe: ppl need a psychological break from work
Al Kaiser: anothe "pod"
Dora Resistance: put 7 where 11 is, and increase the sandboxsize where 7 and 8 are now
Dora Resistance: .. wait, mod that, keep 11 there, and move 7 next to it
Al Kaiser: well actually i'm leaning to your plan Dora
Dora Resistance: see, leaves us one quarter for sandbox and projects,
Al Kaiser: private lots and landsacped land on the ground and everything else in the air
Dora Resistance: we put the shopping and welcomeing area in the tower... plenty of space on the way up...
Dora Resistance: we build high, not wide. lol
Dora Resistance: the sim is alot taller than it is wide after all./ why waste the space?
Glenn Goodliffe: well of course we will have TP points and TP boxes at the hubs
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Al Kaiser: yes but we have to build it first
Dora Resistance: my Shuttle pods are 350 now. lol
You: yes, a modified tp like the one cubey terra has for free
Al Kaiser: what about the one that was at meeting island - that was acool one
Dora Resistance: yeah, and I'm still loving the idea of a see through central tower with a turbo shaft inside.
You: well, i am convinced on the idea of private plots and sandbox on the ground and a nice welcome area built around the tp point
Al Kaiser: yes
Al Kaiser: how high is your hull?
Dora Resistance: right. we place the tower around the welcome spot.
Dora Resistance: it's 310meters now. I could go higher or lower.
Dora Resistance: I put it just above casual flight range
You: above the clouds
Dora Resistance: yes.
Dora Resistance: great star views at night up there
You: cant stand clouds drifting inside buildings
Glenn Goodliffe: definitely needs to be above clouds
Dora Resistance: I was thinking just the tower itself through the cloud lvl
Al Kaiser: yes
Al Kaiser: adds to illusion of hight
Dora Resistance: then you see the louds as you pass through them on the way up the turbo shaft
Dora Resistance: clouds
You: how many prims would a tower consume?
Dora Resistance: not many. make it 1 prim wide.
Dora Resistance: 30 then
Dora Resistance: it'll look crazy, but we could do that.
Glenn Goodliffe: and we can put the sky apts on towers too but below the clouds so they have a nice view
Al Kaiser: that won't be much room for shops and welcome are - maybe we can have some wider level to accomadate them
Dora Resistance: yeah... I do have plenty of space up there for people who want star views.
Dora Resistance: and we can have mutlitple lvls as we go up the tower.
You: remember, we need to accomodate the bridge, sickbay and tactical and i want squagmires holodeck there too
Dora Resistance: it's not a problem. LOTs of space going up
Dora Resistance: I'
Al Kaiser: and i realy want to fight for divisions rooms - i think that will make them more "real"
Glenn Goodliffe: the newest plan i proposed accomodates all of those areas, while separating the public ones from the member areas...
Dora Resistance: I'm building a bridge on top of the tower... and we could house the labs in the hull...
Al Kaiser: yes i agree was talking about the saucer deign
Glenn Goodliffe: i don't think space will be a prob, just the prim limit
You: i agree Al, I want an office for each division, however many we end up with
Dora Resistance: right now, in the smallest deck of the 4, I have 4 good sized lab spaces, with 8 nice appartments on the outside.
Glenn Goodliffe: if we need more offices, we can add nodules out from the main saucer
Dora Resistance: with a central meeting area in the middle
Dora Resistance: I have 3 larger decks
Glenn Goodliffe: do we want apts next to work areas?
Al Kaiser: well deck 4 has 12 places and we have 12 divisions
Dora Resistance: hmm... maybe not. but there is a good space there.
Al Kaiser: suggest we make deck 4 all divsion offices and move the apts to separate pods
You: apts could some below cloud level and some above
Dora Resistance: or deck 7
Dora Resistance: deck 7 is the lowest...
Glenn Goodliffe: if we have extra spaces, we could have some offices for officers.
Al Kaiser: welll we're working on details now
You: and remmeber vendor spaces
Dora Resistance: we could put alot of aprtments in deck 7, and keep 5 and 6 for office/lab space
Al Kaiser: as i understand it we all seem to be in concensus about a combination of Glens's and Dora's layout - am i right?
Dora Resistance: vendor spaces go down here, around the welcome area, lowest 2 lvls
Glenn Goodliffe: with turbolifts to go to each section
Dora Resistance: aye.
Glenn Goodliffe: lets ask Cobra about that.
You: im ok with a "saucer
Al Kaiser: i thought i jsut did
You: a "saucer" type area up hight, a center section with hubs going to diff sections andlevels
Dora Resistance: so... lastly. the position of the central tower?
Glenn Goodliffe: yes, sounds great
Al Kaiser: yes
You: the ground level i need to be practical about
Dora Resistance: sure.
You: it is a bit difficult to divide up land in a triagular way
Dora Resistance: lol, guess so. but rectangles?
You: and would intrude on the "saucer" area
You: square, rectangle is the most practical and the way land divides
Al Kaiser: true
You: thats why i proposed the land on the ground to be around 3/4 ofthe edges
Dora Resistance: yes....too bad you can't stop a land grant at 300 meters.
Dora Resistance: ... you could include it in your, /bulding codes.
You: and that land will be key in providing income to keep the sim
You: no income, no sim
Dora Resistance: Ok, so... we put all the external in th tower, and shrink the 5 a bit?
You: there can be a good deal of land scaping i can do with the central land on theground
Glenn Goodliffe: agreed. with sky apts and ground homes, we only need half the land or less. easy to make rectangular lots with garden areas between. sound good Cobra?
Dora Resistance: make the housing take up a quater?
Dora Resistance: of the land space I mean
Dora Resistance: like that
Al Kaiser: how about a square = like Cobra said it is hard to do a trinagle
You: the way i would divide the plots would give 22 plots
Dora Resistance: to sell, yes, but htis will be member housing, right?
You: yes
You: to members
Al Kaiser: Cobra u talking about diving up the entire sim into residencial ploys?
You: no, just the outer 3.4 edges
You: 3/4
Dora Resistance: right. I see that.
You: the inside of that would be whre the saucer fits
Al Kaiser: how about we group the housing into one large sq on a conor and leave the rest of the sim open
Dora Resistance: that's a good idea.
Al Kaiser: then we can mountians beaches etc.
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You: that way we dont infringe on the land plots
Glenn Goodliffe: that's what i had in mind with my plan. group them together...
Dora Resistance: rightio
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, how much do you need to charge for each plot, and how much for each apt?
You: each plot would run some where in the area of 12 to 14 usd @ month
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Glenn Goodliffe: and how many of each do you need?
Al Kaiser: something like that - the size is not exact - just a concept
Glenn Goodliffe: or maybe a better question, is what is the total money you need to receive?
You: would need a minimum of 16 to break even, need to have at lease 20 to compensate for the initial out of pocket investment
You: at some point, probl a year
Dora Resistance: the other question, can you limit building hight? or at least make sure they stay away from the hull?
You: i can make any rule that is reasonable
Glenn Goodliffe: good idea
Dora Resistance: other structures up high would be great,.
Al Kaiser: i think all residences should be no nore than 3 stories
Dora Resistance: make for a nice view.
You: and trek lookings
Dora Resistance: or ships anyway.
Glenn Goodliffe: if we had a number of lower-cost apts then we wouldn't need as many lots, or we could charge less, correct?
Dora Resistance: the other thing I wanted to mention... the hull is 1024 prims at the moment. to finish will take about 400 prims. I can rebuild sections of it, and cut down about 200 prims, but that will take time.
Glenn Goodliffe: not everyone will want to pay that much per month so low-cost apts will be good to have.
You: yes, need low cost apartments
Al Kaiser: yes
You: well, about the saucer
Al Kaiser: for land
Dora Resistance: yeah, I figure I can put about 30 appartments in deck 7.
Dora Resistance: and about the same in deck 6
You: dont think the "saucer" needs to be all solid, make hubs to the diff sections
You: and diff levels
You: conserve prim
Glenn Goodliffe: yes hubs would look great
You: radiating from central area
Dora Resistance: it's not solid. it's got 4 decks
Al Kaiser: yeah we could use Kale "sky walks"
Dora Resistance: I'm working on the internal walls still, but I have deck 4 finished.
Glenn Goodliffe: i think the Admiral means everything doesn't have to be inside the main saucer section.
Dora Resistance: (other than texturing/doors exc.
Dora Resistance: ah.
Glenn Goodliffe: we can make the saucer smaller and have pods on hubs around it
Glenn Goodliffe: it
Dora Resistance: well, of course not
Glenn Goodliffe: should take less prims to make than lotsa interior walls.
You: skywalks like this
Glenn Goodliffe: mmmm nice!
Dora Resistance: <sigh> I thought so. Well, I guess I could make a Miranda class hull.
Al Kaiser: that's why i want to live on the land
Glenn Goodliffe: lol, sorry Dora. that's why we need to do the planning b4 we start to build.
You: you fell off a walkway?
Al Kaiser: yes
Dora Resistance: np. I've got it saved. I can easily make a smaller hull in a day.
Dora Resistance: how big though?
Al Kaiser: well let me suggest that i get busy and make some drwaings based on what w etalked about today
Dora Resistance: good idea.
Al Kaiser: that will help to visulaize and confirm
Dora Resistance: we should meet again son then
Dora Resistance: soon.
You: ok, let plan on our next meeting
Al Kaiser: i can have that by tom
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, what do you think of the mountains for RP on the outside, and sandboxes inside?
You: well, there is apractical problem with that
Dora Resistance: how about a meeting tom afternoon?
Glenn Goodliffe: we can put housing around the outside of mountains
You: and is; you cant tunnel or make holes in theland
You: that i know of
Dora Resistance: can we make fake land?
You: i could surround the area
Glenn Goodliffe: Al, did u say it might be possible?
You: raise land around it
Al Kaiser: yes - isn't htat what they did at Indigo for the tactical
You: chosen sank the lnd
You: land
Glenn Goodliffe: aren't we 100m up? can we place a room below the land and TP into it?
Al Kaiser: yeah but u tp on the same level as the building
Glenn Goodliffe: i have a UFO that is non-physical and can move thru sims. might be possible to make a room like that and TP to it...
Dora Resistance: if I'm going to delete that hull, I'd like to finish it first. lol
You: sure dora, i understand
Al Kaiser: why would you delete it
You: btw, what is Kale doing over there?
Al Kaiser: jsut make it the cental hub surround by smaller ones
Dora Resistance: Cobra and Glenn want to reduce the prim count a bit
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, could Al and i have permission to edit the land and experiment to see if we can make hollow mountains? we would only edit in one corner
Dora Resistance: yeah, well, right now, it's as acurate as I can make it while leaving it comfortable inside for real people not in the navy.
Al Kaiser: so a big round cylinder with 7-9 decks and then little cylinders around it for other activities
Glenn Goodliffe: good, we eliminate the 2 decks and put them in pods connected by tubes
Al Kaiser: yes
Dora Resistance: ... wait. are we talking keeping the shape, and eliminating the central decks, or changing the shape?
Al Kaiser: jsut square the edges
Dora Resistance: cause right now, if I texture it right, it'll look just like the enterpisizes hull
Al Kaiser: like a cylinder instead of a saucer
Al Kaiser: that way all the deck are the same size
Dora Resistance: ... sigh. I see. kinda boring looking, isn't that?
Al Kaiser: we can jsut stack them
Al Kaiser: we can jaze it up with textures
Dora Resistance: I tell you, making it a cilinder won't save many prims. the angle is 11 degees or so right now.
Glenn Goodliffe: hmmmm it will be kinda boring...
Al Kaiser: ok just s suggestion
Dora Resistance: I've already figured out internal walls that match the curve...
Glenn Goodliffe: Admiral, what do you think?
Dora Resistance: the apartment celings on the outside are a bit shorter, but heck, the main ceilings are 3.5 meters. the outer ring doesn't get lower than 2.5
Al Kaiser: ok
Dora Resistance: with the windows, people will still want to rent thouse
Glenn Goodliffe: sounds good.
Al Kaiser: can we trun back to the land for a minute
Dora Resistance: lets.
Al Kaiser: which layout all around the edga or clustered?
Glenn Goodliffe: i suggest clustered
Al Kaiser: me too
Glenn Goodliffe: if we can get enough lots to generate the money Cobra needs.
Dora Resistance: I think setting up the edges, basicaly the other 3/4 of the ground can be sold.
Dora Resistance: ... let me refrase that.
Al Kaiser: ok
Dora Resistance: Glenn's map, as it is, with the wood being the area we're using, and the other sections being plots.
Dora Resistance: with the cnetal tower/welcome area being on the coner of the wood, at the center,
Dora Resistance: central
Al Kaiser: yes
Al Kaiser: wellAdmiral what's ur opion
Al Kaiser: yup
Dora Resistance: woah...
You: what about central area, with areas connected by walkways or tubes
You: and mulitlple levels
Glenn Goodliffe: you mean for the saucer tower?
You: all inside the diameter contrained by the area inside of the land plots on the outside
Dora Resistance: I've no problem with this idea... but where? around the sacuer, or below it?
You: this is up in the sky
You: instead of one solid saucer
Dora Resistance: yes.
You: a smaller saucer in the middle
You: and walkways connecting different saucers
You: diff buildings
Al Kaiser: d**n i wish we had a white board
Glenn Goodliffe: yes, i like that idea a lot
You: one thought wouldbe in addition to make a apartment ring
You: above or below this
Glenn Goodliffe: it will look so cool when ppl look out the windows
You: or apartments in one of the circles
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Al Kaiser: sorry, i 'm confused - r u talking about no land lots?
Dora Resistance: I'm seeing a tiny saucer there in the center... this could be below the central sacuer section, then you could sell premium appartments in the saucer's lower ring, with windows on the down slope, so people could see it.
You: no no, this is what would be on the inside of the land lots
Al Kaiser: oh ok
Glenn Goodliffe: Al, the Admiral's talking about up in the sky
Dora Resistance: right
Glenn Goodliffe: i like it.
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Glenn Goodliffe: with scripted slidewalk tubes connecting everything
Dora Resistance: right.
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Dora Resistance: lol, thanks, ALl
Al Kaiser: so something like that?
You: sort of like this
You: regula one space station
Al Kaiser: cool
Dora Resistance: now, that... that is a starbase.
Al Kaiser: i think thats what we all had i mind for the sky
Dora Resistance: well, lol, sort of.
You: thats what i ment when i was saying, small saucer in center, hubs coming out of it
Glenn Goodliffe: Excellent
You: building on the hubs
Al Kaiser: understand
Dora Resistance: I think I have it.
Glenn Goodliffe: i propose that Dora draft a 3-D miniture of the skyhub. i will go and redraw my latest plan to take into account sufficient lots and apts. Then ask Al to draft in perspective view.
Al Kaiser: so are the smaller saucers ur "lots"?
Dora Resistance: to we want the mutliple towers, to make it look more solid? only 20 prims each.
Al Kaiser: can do
Dora Resistance: do
Glenn Goodliffe: then we have another meeting on Monday at 1pm SLT to discuss. how does that sound?
You: the lots are as in my proposal, this is on the inside of the lots
Al Kaiser: oh ok got it
Dora Resistance: I see that.
Dora Resistance: I think I'm starting to see the admiral's idea.
Al Kaiser: a little slow today - giving myslef brain strain
You: np al, you need to relax a bit after the meeting, then go at it refreshed
Glenn Goodliffe: shall we meet again at 1pm SLT on Monday?
Al Kaiser: no then i'll forget everything lol
Glenn Goodliffe: lol Al
Dora Resistance: 1 pm Monday? Ok, I'll set it up.
Dora Resistance: in my scedule
Al Kaiser: sound good Glen i think i have enough to make a sketch now
Glenn Goodliffe: everyone, please remember to copy your History of this discussion so we can include the main points in our designs
You: that 4pm for me..i will try to make it, hmm we rescheduled the general meeting for monday at.....
Al Kaiser: sounds like a job ffor the leader hehehe
You: oh, 8pm
Glenn Goodliffe: Admiral, may Al and I have permission to edit the land so we can try to make a hollow hill? we will edit only in one limited area.
Dora Resistance: yeah, not going to make that meeting, unfortunatly, but I'll be here at 1
You: let me show you something, follow me please
Glenn Goodliffe: aye
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You: this is about all you can do as far as hollowing out theland
Dora Resistance: Interesting
You: you cant make holes in it
Al Kaiser: does this effect the prim count?
You: no
You: its just terraforming
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Glenn Goodliffe: that's good
Al Kaiser: well then we could cover ift with prims to build on
You: ture
You: true
Dora Resistance: yeah, fake land.
Glenn Goodliffe: sounds good.
Glenn Goodliffe: we can go 100m down, so we have tons of space for multiple sandboxes
Dora Resistance: sort of like disk world.
Al Kaiser: yes and i think that would be a good use of prims since it effectively doulble the land
Al Kaiser: we don't have to cover it all
Glenn Goodliffe: more than double
Glenn Goodliffe: with 100 meters, we could have 5 or more levels
Dora Resistance: gotta remember the 'roof' prims are going to count.
Glenn Goodliffe: well, maybe they need to be higher since it's a sandbox. nvm
Dora Resistance: just one big open sacpe would probably be best
Dora Resistance: space
Glenn Goodliffe: yep, true
Al Kaiser: yes but only 10 prims for a 1024 lot
Dora Resistance: ... intersting.
Glenn Goodliffe: agreed
Dora Resistance: could even make the roof prims 10 meters thick so people don't go pearing in
Dora Resistance: peering
Glenn Goodliffe: what are good length and width for our sandbox
Glenn Goodliffe: ?
Dora Resistance: 256 meters
Al Kaiser: we could have one heck of a tactical area down there
You: well, you know, when your building in a sandbox, you need space overhead and around you
Al Kaiser: lol @ Doar
Glenn Goodliffe: with two mountains we will have lots of interior space
Dora Resistance: just a false front on a mountain?
Al Kaiser: can u step these so that there are plateaus
Glenn Goodliffe: sure
Dora Resistance: lol, sorry.
Dora Resistance: I wasn't paying attention.
Dora Resistance: just thinking outload
Dora Resistance: loud
Al Kaiser: i know a guy how has a device that produces an entire sim area in the sky
You: some form of self replicating script?
Glenn Goodliffe: Admiral, one drawback of making the sandbox along the perimeter is that it wouldn't be very wide: only 32m, which is why i suggested the hollow mountains
Glenn Goodliffe: wow, a sim in the sky?
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Dora Resistance: it's interesting...
You: the sand box would be this wide
Al Kaiser: yes it uses 650 prims
Al Kaiser: and grass texture
You: from whre im standing
Al Kaiser: looks just like this place
You: to the edge of the world
Dora Resistance: hmm.
You: and from here to the last house
You: over there
Dora Resistance: I see
You: to the west
Dora Resistance: well, it's 3.
You: but i think we should terraform the center
You: small hills
Glenn Goodliffe: and river
You: makeit interesting
Al Kaiser: agree
You: a river !
Al Kaiser: that wow factor again
Glenn Goodliffe: with trees, flowers, insects
You: a small lake
Glenn Goodliffe: like butterflies
You: in themiddle, kat wants a lake in the middle
You: got to have a lake
Glenn Goodliffe: also some small aircraft that fly by scripts in the sky
Dora Resistance: a lake, surrounding the central tower maybe?
Glenn Goodliffe: yes, a lake is nice.
Glenn Goodliffe: with a river that feeds from there throuh the sim
Al Kaiser: yes
Dora Resistance: I was thinking about making some shuttle pods that fly around the sim from building to building...
You: like taxis?
Dora Resistance: yes
You: intersting
Al Kaiser: no like the idea of unmanned one flying around -adds ambience
Dora Resistance: these would be unmanned.
Dora Resistance: they'd fly around and stp at eacxh location for a min
Al Kaiser: ok
Dora Resistance: you'd be able to sit down in it at that time
You: now that is a WOW idea
Dora Resistance: ... like a buss system, but with small little ones
Dora Resistance: bus
Dora Resistance: I'm not sure I can script it, but I'd like to try... lol
You: cuby terra has something like that
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You: the blimp tour thingie
Al Kaiser: i've seen a trolly that does that so it is possible
Dora Resistance: we should look into it. The Alpha Furry zone has a simular system...
Dora Resistance: and detriot has a bus
Al Kaiser: well gang i have to run - see u all Monday
Dora Resistance: oh, yeah, there it is.
Dora Resistance: so... about what... 256 a side?
Al Kaiser: yes
Dora Resistance: yeah. the hull's gonna need a good corner. but it doesn't really interfer with the ground layout, being up so high
Al Kaiser: exactly
Dora Resistance: you should just include the tower
Al Kaiser: we jsut need to put the tower in the right location
Glenn Goodliffe: Al, can you paste that image over my old layout?
Dora Resistance: if you push the tower about... hmm, let me show you.
Glenn Goodliffe gave you galaxy.v03gs.
Al Kaiser: glenn can u pso the pic
Al Kaiser: post
Dora Resistance: about there
Al Kaiser: ok
Al Kaiser: well gang where do go from here?
Dora Resistance: you know, I planned the hull to be the sky appartments,
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, i tried to incorporate your ideas with those that Al and Dora and I came up with. it has the central tower with a few changes, especially the hollow mountains that serve as RP and training areas, with sandboxes inside.
Dora Resistance: it's got plenty of room
Al Kaiser: Glenn is the hub Dora's hull?
Dora Resistance: that's abotu the right size. lol
Glenn Goodliffe: it could be
Dora Resistance: it's a BIT bigger than my hull.
Glenn Goodliffe: well, it's just a concept drawing.
Al Kaiser: yes that was jsut what i was going to say
Glenn Goodliffe: anything can be changed
Dora Resistance: I do like the idea of putting rhe stores, holoeck welcome area together though.
Dora Resistance: my hull is between these two sizes...
Al Kaiser: yeah but we lost the 16 plota that Cobra wanted
Glenn Goodliffe: i was thinking we could make public areas down on the ground, with members-only areas up in the Skyhub
Dora Resistance: it's that size, more or less
Al Kaiser: cool Dora
You: ok, let me compare with the proposal i came up with
Al Kaiser: well Cobra any input?
Dora Resistance: oh? I was thinking member apartments up there... there will be plenty with windows...
Dora Resistance: and member housing... you know, down here
You: what i had in mind was to make a nice WOW tp area on the ground center
Glenn Goodliffe: yes
Al Kaiser: we all agree there
Dora Resistance: hmm. I didn't come up with a general land use map.
You: from there you tp up to the saucer where the hq is/vendor/holodeck/apartments/etc
You: ground is only divided around the edges
You: private plots
You: and a sand box area
Al Kaiser: so like Dora's layout?
You: teraformed and landscaped
Dora Resistance: of the three, I think we can come to an agreement... My layout?
You: river/ect
Dora Resistance: oh, the one I proposed at the first meeting
You: theland in the middle wouldnot be divided,
Al Kaiser: that is going to be one BIG saucer
You: well, was thinking not all need be solid
Al Kaiser: and if we make menbers only then the vendors can't be up there
You: could have hubs
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, sir, Al and Dora and I brainstormed about housing and we thought that with some sky apartments, we get more housing space and green space
Dora Resistance: it's 120 meters across now. I Could increase that... but I don't advise much larger.
Al Kaiser: oh yeah i like that idea
You: well, i can always make areas like the sandboxes for members only
Al Kaiser: smaller pods for div, medical etc
Glenn Goodliffe: hmm pods off of the main saucer? that sounds nice
Dora Resistance: yes. I like this one best... with some small changes.
You: and the "saucer" need not be all one level, could be multiplelevels
Al Kaiser: like Deep Space 9!
Glenn Goodliffe: which one Dora?
Al Kaiser: and Quarks
Glenn Goodliffe: yes, we need a Quarks.
You: kind of ds9, but a la Trek
Dora Resistance: the one here... but with some minor modifications.
Glenn Goodliffe: Dora, where is here for you? lol
Dora Resistance: I think however, we can take away the 8 and 10...
Al Kaiser: will the be apts. in the hub too?
Dora Resistance: make them part of the tower...
You: well, the practical aspect is that dividing up theland in a triangle is difficult
Dora Resistance: keep the private resiences,
Glenn Goodliffe: i suggest we separate the apts from the work areas
Al Kaiser: agree
Glenn Goodliffe: ppl need a psychological break from work
Al Kaiser: anothe "pod"
Dora Resistance: put 7 where 11 is, and increase the sandboxsize where 7 and 8 are now
Dora Resistance: .. wait, mod that, keep 11 there, and move 7 next to it
Al Kaiser: well actually i'm leaning to your plan Dora
Dora Resistance: see, leaves us one quarter for sandbox and projects,
Al Kaiser: private lots and landsacped land on the ground and everything else in the air
Dora Resistance: we put the shopping and welcomeing area in the tower... plenty of space on the way up...
Dora Resistance: we build high, not wide. lol
Dora Resistance: the sim is alot taller than it is wide after all./ why waste the space?
Glenn Goodliffe: well of course we will have TP points and TP boxes at the hubs
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Al Kaiser: yes but we have to build it first
Dora Resistance: my Shuttle pods are 350 now. lol
You: yes, a modified tp like the one cubey terra has for free
Al Kaiser: what about the one that was at meeting island - that was acool one
Dora Resistance: yeah, and I'm still loving the idea of a see through central tower with a turbo shaft inside.
You: well, i am convinced on the idea of private plots and sandbox on the ground and a nice welcome area built around the tp point
Al Kaiser: yes
Al Kaiser: how high is your hull?
Dora Resistance: right. we place the tower around the welcome spot.
Dora Resistance: it's 310meters now. I could go higher or lower.
Dora Resistance: I put it just above casual flight range
You: above the clouds
Dora Resistance: yes.
Dora Resistance: great star views at night up there
You: cant stand clouds drifting inside buildings
Glenn Goodliffe: definitely needs to be above clouds
Dora Resistance: I was thinking just the tower itself through the cloud lvl
Al Kaiser: yes
Al Kaiser: adds to illusion of hight
Dora Resistance: then you see the louds as you pass through them on the way up the turbo shaft
Dora Resistance: clouds
You: how many prims would a tower consume?
Dora Resistance: not many. make it 1 prim wide.
Dora Resistance: 30 then
Dora Resistance: it'll look crazy, but we could do that.
Glenn Goodliffe: and we can put the sky apts on towers too but below the clouds so they have a nice view
Al Kaiser: that won't be much room for shops and welcome are - maybe we can have some wider level to accomadate them
Dora Resistance: yeah... I do have plenty of space up there for people who want star views.
Dora Resistance: and we can have mutlitple lvls as we go up the tower.
You: remember, we need to accomodate the bridge, sickbay and tactical and i want squagmires holodeck there too
Dora Resistance: it's not a problem. LOTs of space going up
Dora Resistance: I'
Al Kaiser: and i realy want to fight for divisions rooms - i think that will make them more "real"
Glenn Goodliffe: the newest plan i proposed accomodates all of those areas, while separating the public ones from the member areas...
Dora Resistance: I'm building a bridge on top of the tower... and we could house the labs in the hull...
Al Kaiser: yes i agree was talking about the saucer deign
Glenn Goodliffe: i don't think space will be a prob, just the prim limit
You: i agree Al, I want an office for each division, however many we end up with
Dora Resistance: right now, in the smallest deck of the 4, I have 4 good sized lab spaces, with 8 nice appartments on the outside.
Glenn Goodliffe: if we need more offices, we can add nodules out from the main saucer
Dora Resistance: with a central meeting area in the middle
Dora Resistance: I have 3 larger decks
Glenn Goodliffe: do we want apts next to work areas?
Al Kaiser: well deck 4 has 12 places and we have 12 divisions
Dora Resistance: hmm... maybe not. but there is a good space there.
Al Kaiser: suggest we make deck 4 all divsion offices and move the apts to separate pods
You: apts could some below cloud level and some above
Dora Resistance: or deck 7
Dora Resistance: deck 7 is the lowest...
Glenn Goodliffe: if we have extra spaces, we could have some offices for officers.
Al Kaiser: welll we're working on details now
You: and remmeber vendor spaces
Dora Resistance: we could put alot of aprtments in deck 7, and keep 5 and 6 for office/lab space
Al Kaiser: as i understand it we all seem to be in concensus about a combination of Glens's and Dora's layout - am i right?
Dora Resistance: vendor spaces go down here, around the welcome area, lowest 2 lvls
Glenn Goodliffe: with turbolifts to go to each section
Dora Resistance: aye.
Glenn Goodliffe: lets ask Cobra about that.
You: im ok with a "saucer
Al Kaiser: i thought i jsut did
You: a "saucer" type area up hight, a center section with hubs going to diff sections andlevels
Dora Resistance: so... lastly. the position of the central tower?
Glenn Goodliffe: yes, sounds great
Al Kaiser: yes
You: the ground level i need to be practical about
Dora Resistance: sure.
You: it is a bit difficult to divide up land in a triagular way
Dora Resistance: lol, guess so. but rectangles?
You: and would intrude on the "saucer" area
You: square, rectangle is the most practical and the way land divides
Al Kaiser: true
You: thats why i proposed the land on the ground to be around 3/4 ofthe edges
Dora Resistance: yes....too bad you can't stop a land grant at 300 meters.
Dora Resistance: ... you could include it in your, /bulding codes.
You: and that land will be key in providing income to keep the sim
You: no income, no sim
Dora Resistance: Ok, so... we put all the external in th tower, and shrink the 5 a bit?
You: there can be a good deal of land scaping i can do with the central land on theground
Glenn Goodliffe: agreed. with sky apts and ground homes, we only need half the land or less. easy to make rectangular lots with garden areas between. sound good Cobra?
Dora Resistance: make the housing take up a quater?
Dora Resistance: of the land space I mean
Dora Resistance: like that
Al Kaiser: how about a square = like Cobra said it is hard to do a trinagle
You: the way i would divide the plots would give 22 plots
Dora Resistance: to sell, yes, but htis will be member housing, right?
You: yes
You: to members
Al Kaiser: Cobra u talking about diving up the entire sim into residencial ploys?
You: no, just the outer 3.4 edges
You: 3/4
Dora Resistance: right. I see that.
You: the inside of that would be whre the saucer fits
Al Kaiser: how about we group the housing into one large sq on a conor and leave the rest of the sim open
Dora Resistance: that's a good idea.
Al Kaiser: then we can mountians beaches etc.
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You: that way we dont infringe on the land plots
Glenn Goodliffe: that's what i had in mind with my plan. group them together...
Dora Resistance: rightio
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, how much do you need to charge for each plot, and how much for each apt?
You: each plot would run some where in the area of 12 to 14 usd @ month
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Glenn Goodliffe: and how many of each do you need?
Al Kaiser: something like that - the size is not exact - just a concept
Glenn Goodliffe: or maybe a better question, is what is the total money you need to receive?
You: would need a minimum of 16 to break even, need to have at lease 20 to compensate for the initial out of pocket investment
You: at some point, probl a year
Dora Resistance: the other question, can you limit building hight? or at least make sure they stay away from the hull?
You: i can make any rule that is reasonable
Glenn Goodliffe: good idea
Dora Resistance: other structures up high would be great,.
Al Kaiser: i think all residences should be no nore than 3 stories
Dora Resistance: make for a nice view.
You: and trek lookings
Dora Resistance: or ships anyway.
Glenn Goodliffe: if we had a number of lower-cost apts then we wouldn't need as many lots, or we could charge less, correct?
Dora Resistance: the other thing I wanted to mention... the hull is 1024 prims at the moment. to finish will take about 400 prims. I can rebuild sections of it, and cut down about 200 prims, but that will take time.
Glenn Goodliffe: not everyone will want to pay that much per month so low-cost apts will be good to have.
You: yes, need low cost apartments
Al Kaiser: yes
You: well, about the saucer
Al Kaiser: for land
Dora Resistance: yeah, I figure I can put about 30 appartments in deck 7.
Dora Resistance: and about the same in deck 6
You: dont think the "saucer" needs to be all solid, make hubs to the diff sections
You: and diff levels
You: conserve prim
Glenn Goodliffe: yes hubs would look great
You: radiating from central area
Dora Resistance: it's not solid. it's got 4 decks
Al Kaiser: yeah we could use Kale "sky walks"
Dora Resistance: I'm working on the internal walls still, but I have deck 4 finished.
Glenn Goodliffe: i think the Admiral means everything doesn't have to be inside the main saucer section.
Dora Resistance: (other than texturing/doors exc.
Dora Resistance: ah.
Glenn Goodliffe: we can make the saucer smaller and have pods on hubs around it
Glenn Goodliffe: it
Dora Resistance: well, of course not
Glenn Goodliffe: should take less prims to make than lotsa interior walls.
You: skywalks like this
Glenn Goodliffe: mmmm nice!
Dora Resistance: <sigh> I thought so. Well, I guess I could make a Miranda class hull.
Al Kaiser: that's why i want to live on the land
Glenn Goodliffe: lol, sorry Dora. that's why we need to do the planning b4 we start to build.
You: you fell off a walkway?
Al Kaiser: yes
Dora Resistance: np. I've got it saved. I can easily make a smaller hull in a day.
Dora Resistance: how big though?
Al Kaiser: well let me suggest that i get busy and make some drwaings based on what w etalked about today
Dora Resistance: good idea.
Al Kaiser: that will help to visulaize and confirm
Dora Resistance: we should meet again son then
Dora Resistance: soon.
You: ok, let plan on our next meeting
Al Kaiser: i can have that by tom
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, what do you think of the mountains for RP on the outside, and sandboxes inside?
You: well, there is apractical problem with that
Dora Resistance: how about a meeting tom afternoon?
Glenn Goodliffe: we can put housing around the outside of mountains
You: and is; you cant tunnel or make holes in theland
You: that i know of
Dora Resistance: can we make fake land?
You: i could surround the area
Glenn Goodliffe: Al, did u say it might be possible?
You: raise land around it
Al Kaiser: yes - isn't htat what they did at Indigo for the tactical
You: chosen sank the lnd
You: land
Glenn Goodliffe: aren't we 100m up? can we place a room below the land and TP into it?
Al Kaiser: yeah but u tp on the same level as the building
Glenn Goodliffe: i have a UFO that is non-physical and can move thru sims. might be possible to make a room like that and TP to it...
Dora Resistance: if I'm going to delete that hull, I'd like to finish it first. lol
You: sure dora, i understand
Al Kaiser: why would you delete it
You: btw, what is Kale doing over there?
Al Kaiser: jsut make it the cental hub surround by smaller ones
Dora Resistance: Cobra and Glenn want to reduce the prim count a bit
Glenn Goodliffe: Cobra, could Al and i have permission to edit the land and experiment to see if we can make hollow mountains? we would only edit in one corner
Dora Resistance: yeah, well, right now, it's as acurate as I can make it while leaving it comfortable inside for real people not in the navy.
Al Kaiser: so a big round cylinder with 7-9 decks and then little cylinders around it for other activities
Glenn Goodliffe: good, we eliminate the 2 decks and put them in pods connected by tubes
Al Kaiser: yes
Dora Resistance: ... wait. are we talking keeping the shape, and eliminating the central decks, or changing the shape?
Al Kaiser: jsut square the edges
Dora Resistance: cause right now, if I texture it right, it'll look just like the enterpisizes hull
Al Kaiser: like a cylinder instead of a saucer
Al Kaiser: that way all the deck are the same size
Dora Resistance: ... sigh. I see. kinda boring looking, isn't that?
Al Kaiser: we can jsut stack them
Al Kaiser: we can jaze it up with textures
Dora Resistance: I tell you, making it a cilinder won't save many prims. the angle is 11 degees or so right now.
Glenn Goodliffe: hmmmm it will be kinda boring...
Al Kaiser: ok just s suggestion
Dora Resistance: I've already figured out internal walls that match the curve...
Glenn Goodliffe: Admiral, what do you think?
Dora Resistance: the apartment celings on the outside are a bit shorter, but heck, the main ceilings are 3.5 meters. the outer ring doesn't get lower than 2.5
Al Kaiser: ok
Dora Resistance: with the windows, people will still want to rent thouse
Glenn Goodliffe: sounds good.
Al Kaiser: can we trun back to the land for a minute
Dora Resistance: lets.
Al Kaiser: which layout all around the edga or clustered?
Glenn Goodliffe: i suggest clustered
Al Kaiser: me too
Glenn Goodliffe: if we can get enough lots to generate the money Cobra needs.
Dora Resistance: I think setting up the edges, basicaly the other 3/4 of the ground can be sold.
Dora Resistance: ... let me refrase that.
Al Kaiser: ok
Dora Resistance: Glenn's map, as it is, with the wood being the area we're using, and the other sections being plots.
Dora Resistance: with the cnetal tower/welcome area being on the coner of the wood, at the center,
Dora Resistance: central
Al Kaiser: yes
Al Kaiser: wellAdmiral what's ur opion
Al Kaiser: yup
Dora Resistance: woah...
You: what about central area, with areas connected by walkways or tubes
You: and mulitlple levels
Glenn Goodliffe: you mean for the saucer tower?
You: all inside the diameter contrained by the area inside of the land plots on the outside
Dora Resistance: I've no problem with this idea... but where? around the sacuer, or below it?
You: this is up in the sky
You: instead of one solid saucer
Dora Resistance: yes.
You: a smaller saucer in the middle
You: and walkways connecting different saucers
You: diff buildings
Al Kaiser: d**n i wish we had a white board
Glenn Goodliffe: yes, i like that idea a lot
You: one thought wouldbe in addition to make a apartment ring
You: above or below this
Glenn Goodliffe: it will look so cool when ppl look out the windows
You: or apartments in one of the circles
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Al Kaiser: sorry, i 'm confused - r u talking about no land lots?
Dora Resistance: I'm seeing a tiny saucer there in the center... this could be below the central sacuer section, then you could sell premium appartments in the saucer's lower ring, with windows on the down slope, so people could see it.
You: no no, this is what would be on the inside of the land lots
Al Kaiser: oh ok
Glenn Goodliffe: Al, the Admiral's talking about up in the sky
Dora Resistance: right
Glenn Goodliffe: i like it.
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Glenn Goodliffe: with scripted slidewalk tubes connecting everything
Dora Resistance: right.
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Dora Resistance: lol, thanks, ALl
Al Kaiser: so something like that?
You: sort of like this
You: regula one space station
Al Kaiser: cool
Dora Resistance: now, that... that is a starbase.
Al Kaiser: i think thats what we all had i mind for the sky
Dora Resistance: well, lol, sort of.
You: thats what i ment when i was saying, small saucer in center, hubs coming out of it
Glenn Goodliffe: Excellent
You: building on the hubs
Al Kaiser: understand
Dora Resistance: I think I have it.
Glenn Goodliffe: i propose that Dora draft a 3-D miniture of the skyhub. i will go and redraw my latest plan to take into account sufficient lots and apts. Then ask Al to draft in perspective view.
Al Kaiser: so are the smaller saucers ur "lots"?
Dora Resistance: to we want the mutliple towers, to make it look more solid? only 20 prims each.
Al Kaiser: can do
Dora Resistance: do
Glenn Goodliffe: then we have another meeting on Monday at 1pm SLT to discuss. how does that sound?
You: the lots are as in my proposal, this is on the inside of the lots
Al Kaiser: oh ok got it
Dora Resistance: I see that.
Dora Resistance: I think I'm starting to see the admiral's idea.
Al Kaiser: a little slow today - giving myslef brain strain
You: np al, you need to relax a bit after the meeting, then go at it refreshed
Glenn Goodliffe: shall we meet again at 1pm SLT on Monday?
Al Kaiser: no then i'll forget everything lol
Glenn Goodliffe: lol Al
Dora Resistance: 1 pm Monday? Ok, I'll set it up.
Dora Resistance: in my scedule
Al Kaiser: sound good Glen i think i have enough to make a sketch now
Glenn Goodliffe: everyone, please remember to copy your History of this discussion so we can include the main points in our designs
You: that 4pm for me..i will try to make it, hmm we rescheduled the general meeting for monday at.....
Al Kaiser: sounds like a job ffor the leader hehehe
You: oh, 8pm
Glenn Goodliffe: Admiral, may Al and I have permission to edit the land so we can try to make a hollow hill? we will edit only in one limited area.
Dora Resistance: yeah, not going to make that meeting, unfortunatly, but I'll be here at 1
You: let me show you something, follow me please
Glenn Goodliffe: aye
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You: this is about all you can do as far as hollowing out theland
Dora Resistance: Interesting
You: you cant make holes in it
Al Kaiser: does this effect the prim count?
You: no
You: its just terraforming
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Glenn Goodliffe: that's good
Al Kaiser: well then we could cover ift with prims to build on
You: ture
You: true
Dora Resistance: yeah, fake land.
Glenn Goodliffe: sounds good.
Glenn Goodliffe: we can go 100m down, so we have tons of space for multiple sandboxes
Dora Resistance: sort of like disk world.
Al Kaiser: yes and i think that would be a good use of prims since it effectively doulble the land
Al Kaiser: we don't have to cover it all
Glenn Goodliffe: more than double
Glenn Goodliffe: with 100 meters, we could have 5 or more levels
Dora Resistance: gotta remember the 'roof' prims are going to count.
Glenn Goodliffe: well, maybe they need to be higher since it's a sandbox. nvm
Dora Resistance: just one big open sacpe would probably be best
Dora Resistance: space
Glenn Goodliffe: yep, true
Al Kaiser: yes but only 10 prims for a 1024 lot
Dora Resistance: ... intersting.
Glenn Goodliffe: agreed
Dora Resistance: could even make the roof prims 10 meters thick so people don't go pearing in
Dora Resistance: peering
Glenn Goodliffe: what are good length and width for our sandbox
Glenn Goodliffe: ?
Dora Resistance: 256 meters
Al Kaiser: we could have one heck of a tactical area down there
You: well, you know, when your building in a sandbox, you need space overhead and around you
Al Kaiser: lol @ Doar
Glenn Goodliffe: with two mountains we will have lots of interior space
Dora Resistance: just a false front on a mountain?
Al Kaiser: can u step these so that there are plateaus
Glenn Goodliffe: sure
Dora Resistance: lol, sorry.
Dora Resistance: I wasn't paying attention.
Dora Resistance: just thinking outload
Dora Resistance: loud
Al Kaiser: i know a guy how has a device that produces an entire sim area in the sky
You: some form of self replicating script?
Glenn Goodliffe: Admiral, one drawback of making the sandbox along the perimeter is that it wouldn't be very wide: only 32m, which is why i suggested the hollow mountains
Glenn Goodliffe: wow, a sim in the sky?
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Dora Resistance: it's interesting...
You: the sand box would be this wide
Al Kaiser: yes it uses 650 prims
Al Kaiser: and grass texture
You: from whre im standing
Al Kaiser: looks just like this place
You: to the edge of the world
Dora Resistance: hmm.
You: and from here to the last house
You: over there
Dora Resistance: I see
You: to the west
Dora Resistance: well, it's 3.
You: but i think we should terraform the center
You: small hills
Glenn Goodliffe: and river
You: makeit interesting
Al Kaiser: agree
You: a river !
Al Kaiser: that wow factor again
Glenn Goodliffe: with trees, flowers, insects
You: a small lake
Glenn Goodliffe: like butterflies
You: in themiddle, kat wants a lake in the middle
You: got to have a lake
Glenn Goodliffe: also some small aircraft that fly by scripts in the sky
Dora Resistance: a lake, surrounding the central tower maybe?
Glenn Goodliffe: yes, a lake is nice.
Glenn Goodliffe: with a river that feeds from there throuh the sim
Al Kaiser: yes
Dora Resistance: I was thinking about making some shuttle pods that fly around the sim from building to building...
You: like taxis?
Dora Resistance: yes
You: intersting
Al Kaiser: no like the idea of unmanned one flying around -adds ambience
Dora Resistance: these would be unmanned.
Dora Resistance: they'd fly around and stp at eacxh location for a min
Al Kaiser: ok
Dora Resistance: you'd be able to sit down in it at that time
You: now that is a WOW idea
Dora Resistance: ... like a buss system, but with small little ones
Dora Resistance: bus
Dora Resistance: I'm not sure I can script it, but I'd like to try... lol
You: cuby terra has something like that
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You: the blimp tour thingie
Al Kaiser: i've seen a trolly that does that so it is possible
Dora Resistance: we should look into it. The Alpha Furry zone has a simular system...
Dora Resistance: and detriot has a bus
Al Kaiser: well gang i have to run - see u all Monday