Post by Cobramax Mechanique on May 29, 2007 13:30:30 GMT -5
...continued from Part 2
[17:24] Cobramax Mechanique: next report, from Lingustics, Hugh Dench
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Si Arcadia claps.
[17:25] Si Arcadia: claps.
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:25] Talon Lardner: Go Hugh! You Rock!
[17:25] Dirk Klees claps
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:25] Heishin Weizhen is Offline
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:25] Si Arcadia: (Was back-reading)
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro: APPLAUSE APPLAUSE
[17:25] Dirk Klees: Hugh! Hugh!
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro: APPLAUSE APPLAUSE
[17:25] Hugh Dench: Thank you, Admiral. Greetings, everybody.
[17:25] Hugh Dench: Yes, pics together with fans later this day, Dirk
[17:25] Hugh Dench: Now the report of Linguistic Subdivision (Science).
[17:25] Dirk Klees smiles
[17:25] Hugh Dench: This report will be very short. First I have to say that the group is working very hard this days. At the moment we
have over 50 translation to do. So we are very busy.
[17:26] Hugh Dench: But with the awesome team - it's an honor to work with them together.
[17:26] Dirk Klees claps
[17:26] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:26] Hugh Dench: So sure I will remind you, that you can give us texts to translate, and plese do this. But also I have to say, that you have to wait a little bit, maybe 2 or 3 weeks until they are finished, because we are so busy.
[17:26] Hugh Dench: We are translating texts and materials for the Conversation-Courses (see forum!), also doing translations for EUROC and the new History Group at the moment.
[17:26] Hugh Dench: At last a little reminder. You know the great work by the webteam and maybe you also saw the WIKI. Linguistics isn't able to translate there many things. So maybe you as non-Linguistics can support the WIKI - let's etablish this awesome sites together.
[17:26] Hugh Dench: Finally just the information, if you are interested in the Linguistics, just contact me or my Asst. Morgue McMillan.
[17:27] Hugh Dench: Ah, and final-finnaly tweo words to the movies....
[17:27] Telek Lednev is Online
[17:27] Hugh Dench: You know there are the SLQStudios and WarpTV and we're srearching for a team. So feel free to contact Rowan Jacobus (Studios) or me (TV)
[17:28] Hugh Dench: We'll be happy about your interest
[17:28] Hugh Dench: And that....
[17:28] Christopher Molinaro raises his hand he can wait till the end of the report
[17:28] Hugh Dench: that's it
[17:28] Hugh Dench: it is the end, so you can ask
[17:28] Hugh Dench: Yes, please
[17:28] Freelancer Takacs excuses himself from the meeting as the sims are comming back and no one is there
[17:29] Christopher Molinaro: well was wondering about this warp TV is this like a video pod cast thing for SLQ?
[17:30] Hugh Dench: So at the moments we are developping our ideas. So just let me say this: SLQStudios and WarpTV will work
together....the studios are making movies and also they will film the news show of WarpTV
[17:30] Hugh Dench: and maybe someday there wil be some more shows, maybe a cultural show, whatever....and also the movies
[17:30] Christopher Molinaro: ok then i suggest to myself i join warp tv as i am in the SLQ studio
[17:31] Hugh Dench: we can talk about this but not now, my time ends^^
[17:31] Hugh Dench: so, ty for your attention
[17:31] Hugh Dench: ty Admiral
[17:31] Si Arcadia claps.
[17:31] Si Arcadia: claps.
[17:31] Christopher Molinaro: yes not now:0
[17:31] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:31] Morgue McMillan claps
[17:31] Dirk Klees claps
[17:31] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:31] Hugh Dench: I'll spam you, Chris
[17:31] Journey Juran claps
[17:31] Christopher Molinaro: hehe hugh
[17:32] Cobramax Mechanique: ty for that most intersting report
[17:32] Christopher Molinaro quickly starts looking for a IM with hughs name he hovers his mouse about were the close button would be
[17:32] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[17:33] Cobramax Mechanique: next report
[17:33] Cobramax Mechanique: will be Personnel, Lt Ethan Muldoon
[17:33] Dirk Klees claps
[17:33] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:33] Christopher Molinaro: APPLAUSE APPLAUSE
[17:34] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:34] Ethan Muldoon: ty admrial.
[17:34] Ethan Muldoon: Good afternoon fellow officers, cadets, and guests.
[17:34] Ethan Muldoon: I ask that everyone please hold theire questions until the end of the report.
[17:35] Ethan Muldoon: The Personnel Sub-Division is working hard to get the new office up and running very soon. If you are not aware, it will be located on the first floor of the same building the Academy is in.
[17:36] Ethan Muldoon: We are hoping that it can be operational within a week or shortly there after. We are just fine tuning it, as it is the first location a possible new cadet will see, generally
[17:37] Ethan Muldoon: As we have mentioned in previous meetings, our Placement Office is getting under way. Ensign Morgue McMillan is leading this operation, and is working with all divisions/subdivisions to get the information we need together.
[17:37] Ethan Muldoon: Questionnaires have been delivered to the divisions / sub divisions regards the positions they offer and the skills needed.
[17:38] Ethan Muldoon: Please complete and send these back to Ensign Morgue McMillan as soon as possible.
[17:38] Ethan Muldoon: That is the end of my report for today, are there any questions?
[17:39] Ethan Muldoon: if there are no questions, i return the floor to the admiral. Thank you.
[17:39] Si Arcadia claps.
[17:39] Si Arcadia: claps.
[17:39] Hugh Dench claps
[17:39] Morgue McMillan claps
[17:39] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:39] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:39] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:39] Jeremiah Czervik claps
[17:39] Cobramax Mechanique: ty for that report
[17:39] Journey Juran claps
[17:40] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:40] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:40] Cobramax Mechanique: next report
[17:40] Cobramax Mechanique: Ltjg Si Arcadia, Lead Regulations Officer
[17:41] Si Arcadia: Greetings, fellow SFCSLQ members and otherss (as there are visitors sometimes here).
[17:41] Si Arcadia smiles.
[17:41] Si Arcadia: If you want to ask questions during the report;
[17:41] Si Arcadia: just get my attention, since I like to clarify as much as I can along the way.
[17:42] Si Arcadia: - Command division: All those in the division who would like to participate in the online billboard test;
[17:42] Si Arcadia: please come and drop a picture or texture of yourself whether to me;
[17:42] Si Arcadia: or in to one of the "server balls" located at the third floor of the command tower and the 1st floor of the Jonathan archer building.
[17:42] Si Arcadia: - Regulations sub-division: There will be a meeting held this week about the approved and proposed regulations;
[17:42] Si Arcadia: please watch the weekly announcements for more details.
[17:43] Si Arcadia: Also, there is a trivia device available for all to use at the jonathan archer building, 1st floor.
[17:43] Si Arcadia: - Duty-officer project: There are 3 cabinets wich can receive the duty-officers reports;
[17:43] Si Arcadia: The jonathan archer building 1st floor, the 1st or the third floor of the command tower.
[17:43] Si Arcadia: please feel free to use them at:
[17:43] Si Arcadia: And as someone or something once said:
[17:44] Si Arcadia: Resistance is futile when fun is assimilated;
[17:44] Si Arcadia: so have fun!
[17:44] Si Arcadia laughs.
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:10] Cobramax Mechanique: next report
[17:10] Cobramax Mechanique: Activities report
[17:10] Cobramax Mechanique: Lt Talon Lardner
[17:10] Talon Lardner: Eep!
[17:10] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:10] Si Arcadia laughs.
[17:11] Gandalf Nakamura: asking for dismission sir admiral, id to go to bed too
[17:11] Talon Lardner: Bah, People's heads are just as good as stairs..
[17:11] Cobramax Mechanique: granted Gandalf
[17:11] Talon Lardner: Anywho, on to the report, it'll be a quickie.
[17:11] Gandalf Nakamura: ty, sir and good night
[17:12] Talon Lardner: GREAT job, RP leads, with the explosion of RPs being hosted, we are showing off our abilities and talents like never before!
[17:12] Talon Lardner: I don't think my division has EVER seen this sort of activiity going on!
[17:12] Jeremiah Czervik cheers!
[17:13] Talon Lardner: Again, I would like to remind people to use ((Brackets)) for Out of Character text.. this makes RPs ten times easier to understand when people do this
[17:13] nokithecat Writer is Online
[17:14] Talon Lardner: Activities is looking for sets! If you know of a PERNAMENT set of ANY genre that Activities personell can get our hands, paws, and tentacles on, PLEASE, IM me about it, or even better, post a SLURL in the approprate thread on the forums!
[17:15] Vanessa Noarlunga: raises hand
[17:15] Talon Lardner: Also, I would like to remind people that if there is EVER a OOC conflict in a role-play that you need advice on, feel free to talk about it, and I can help set it up.
[17:15] Talon Lardner: I open the floor to questions...
[17:15] Talon Lardner: Vanessa?
[17:15] Vanessa Noarlunga: there is the SLQ movie set that can be adapted to any RP set ..sir
[17:15] Talon Lardner: And what is this set like? Can you toss me a landmark?
[17:16] Vanessa Noarlunga: jsut needs to be coordinated with the SLQ studio guys ..they don't film 24/7
[17:16] Christopher Molinaro wuld like one as well
[17:16] Talon Lardner: I, sadly, don't get to explore the sims as often as I would like to
[17:16] Jeremiah Czervik would like to point out that a holodeck would be a GREAT way to experience RP
[17:16] Vanessa Noarlunga:
[17:16] Rowan Jacobus is head of SLQStudios, my resources are your own, activities
[17:17] Talon Lardner: *grins* Don't get me started on Holodecks, Jeremiah, I'd rant for DAYS on how I dislike Holodeck episodes of Trek
[17:17] You: I would be glad to help in this
[17:17] Christopher Molinaro: thanks vannesa
[17:17] Jeremiah Czervik: well i love holodeck episodes, but that's beside the point
[17:17] Jeremiah Czervik: if i may speak for a moment?
[17:17] Vanessa Noarlunga: well I am sure rowan will be happy to accomdate RPs outside of theitr filming activity or can even film such a RP
[17:17] Talon Lardner: Aye, feel free
[17:17] Jeremiah Czervik: unfortunately, prim counts are our enemies
[17:17] You: yes, Rowan is very happy to do that!
[17:17] Jeremiah Czervik: making elaborate sets require a lot of prims, with a lot of scripts
[17:18] Jeremiah Czervik: designing holodecks for use in RP could be a great way to solve this
[17:18] Christopher Molinaro: good thing we own 3sims
[17:18] Talon Lardner: *nods* So... we loose the detail and flexibility a pernament set has, in favor of a laggy, TINY set?
[17:18] Christopher Molinaro: well it is not really a problem
[17:18] Jeremiah Czervik: provide a way to rez a set at any time, and when the set is not being used, it is not using up resources
[17:18] Dirk Klees: sorry for beeing late, just arrived from rl-work
[17:18] Christopher Molinaro: we got like tons of prims
[17:18] Tal Dix: aye, the bridge rezer will be an even better solution to this
[17:19] Talon Lardner: No no... I really don't like bridge rezzers...
[17:19] Jeremiah Czervik: the bridge rezzer is very similar to what i'm talking about...
[17:19] Tal Dix: btw talon, i now have warren's miranda class bridge for you to check out
[17:19] Jeremiah Czervik: well
[17:19] Talon Lardner: We are allready CRAMPED on RPs as of yet, we need MORE than just a bridge! We need more rooms than just a bridge!
[17:19] Jeremiah Czervik: its obviously a very heated topic...
[17:19] Jeremiah Czervik: i'm envisioning a very large holodeck
[17:19] Tal Dix: aye, don't you recall the demo i showed you?
[17:19] Tal Dix: it rezes several sections
[17:19] Tal Dix: not just the bridge
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik: one like what Tal is just describing...
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik: something stories high
[17:20] Tal Dix: for example the ajax set could be put in it, just as it is
[17:20] Talon Lardner: Show me a rezzer that can spawn a Bridge, a Sickbay, a Crew Quarters, and a Engineering deck, and I will be VERY impressed.
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik: that can be used for tactical events, RP events, etc
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik: quite possible, Talon
[17:20] Tal Dix: that's what i wanna show ya hehe
[17:20] Tal Dix: i've already built one
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik really MUST speak with Tal Dix very soon
[17:20] Talon Lardner: I don't disagree, Tal, but I quetion the practicalness of a Rezzer from a Security standpoint...
[17:21] Tal Dix: will do bridge and sickbay and engineering and brig and crew quarters
[17:21] Christopher Molinaro: it is the 24th century:)
[17:21] Talon Lardner: I mean, if you're in a middle of a RP, and some cadet hits the set's "off" switch, then what?
[17:21] Tal Dix: nothing happens
[17:21] Talon Lardner: Also, how easy are these sets to edit?
[17:21] You: then you reset it
[17:21] Tal Dix: the cadet isn't on the access list
[17:21] Tal Dix: only people an the access list will be able to make any changes
[17:21] BJ Cheetah is Online
[17:21] Tal Dix: easy
[17:21] Jeremiah Czervik: we could even, perhaps, have a network of holodecks...
[17:21] Tal Dix: change it
[17:21] Talon Lardner: Don't get me wrong, I appreciate rezzers... I just see them for use for a SECONDARY set, not a primary set
[17:21] Tal Dix: pick it up
[17:21] Tal Dix: drop it in rezer
[17:22] Talon Lardner: Anywho... I'd better yield the floor for our next presenter, Cobra's giving me the evil eye
[17:22] Tal Dix: remember i demoed it to you once?
[17:22] Talon Lardner: Perhaps I should look more into these rezzers...
[17:22] Tal Dix: ok see me after the metting
[17:22] Tal Dix: and i'll demo it again
[17:22] Jeremiah Czervik: thank you for letting me speak, sir
[17:22] Christopher Molinaro wonders if he can see the new ship to
[17:23] Talon Lardner: Thank you, Jeremiah, for making sure I hear more than just my own opinion.
[17:23] Jeremiah Czervik: lol didn't mean to be argumentative, sir
[17:23] Cobramax Mechanique: ty for that report
[17:23] Morgue McMillan claps
[17:24] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:24] Dirk Klees claps
[17:24] Jeremiah Czervik claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:24] Journey Juran claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Talon Lardner gives a shy bow
[17:24] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Talon Lardner: More of a debate than a report, but either way, I'm glad I made it
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:44] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:44] Jeremiah Czervik cheers!
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:44] Morgue McMillan claps
[17:44] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:44] Journey Juran claps
[17:44] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:44] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[17:44] Dirk Klees claps
[17:45] Cobramax Mechanique: ok,Lt Dwain Knight cannot get here
[17:45] Cobramax Mechanique: so, i will fill in
[17:45] Christopher Molinaro:
[17:46] Cobramax Mechanique: Communications is looking for more people
[17:46] Cobramax Mechanique: contact Dwain Knight for more details
[17:47] Cobramax Mechanique: Communications deals with corporate communications, marketing, and webteam
[17:47] Cobramax Mechanique: and also, Dwain is working on textures for Galaxy hq interiors
[17:48] Cobramax Mechanique: so he is looking for people experienced in photoshop, gimp, etc
[17:48] Cobramax Mechanique: and who would like to help out
[17:48] Cobramax Mechanique: next report
[17:49] Cobramax Mechanique: Ltjg Tal Dix, Lead Group Assets Officer
[17:49] Tal Dix: it's LAGTASTIC!
[17:49] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:49] Tal Dix: Greetings! Just a reminder to set all items to the appropraite group, such as Galaxy Homeowners for items in houses and rented buildings, and Galaxy Landholding for buildings or objects built for sim use, failure to do so will result in prims being returned by auto retun when they are turned on, the houses will be turned on (most already are) very shortly, and the Galaxy and Constelation sims will be in the near future (aeon main already is).
[17:49] Jeremiah Czervik begins to roll around on the floor, laughing hysterically
[17:49] Si Arcadia claps.
[17:49] Si Arcadia: claps.
[17:49] Tal Dix: Also some building prim limits are starting to get a bit high again, remember these are LIMITS not suggestions. I will be giving a warning about prim overage, then returning excess prims, this applys to both houses and offices. If you have a question about what your prim limit is, let me know after the meeting (or in IM sometime) and I will make sure you are informed.
[17:50] Tal Dix: Any Questions?
[17:50] Christopher Molinaro: APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .
[17:50] Tal Dix: Thanks for your time =)
[17:50] Christopher Molinaro: /raises his hand!
[17:50] Jeremiah Czervik nods in agreement
[17:50] Journey Juran claps
[17:50] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[17:50] Christopher Molinaro: 4nm
[17:51] Cobramax Mechanique: ok, thank you everyone for your patience with the sim crash
[17:51] Cobramax Mechanique: hopefully all 3 of them will be back soon
[17:51] You: it was exciting!
[17:51] Jeremiah Czervik: keeps things interesting
[17:52] Cobramax Mechanique: we appreciate that we have this Outpost we can take refuge in
[17:52] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:52] You: we are very proud to have you all!
[17:52] Katrina Bixby claps
[17:52] Dirk Klees claps
[17:52] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:52] Cobramax Mechanique: with this, we conclude this General Meeting
[17:24] Cobramax Mechanique: next report, from Lingustics, Hugh Dench
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Si Arcadia claps.
[17:25] Si Arcadia: claps.
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:25] Talon Lardner: Go Hugh! You Rock!
[17:25] Dirk Klees claps
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:25] Heishin Weizhen is Offline
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:25] Si Arcadia: (Was back-reading)
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro: APPLAUSE APPLAUSE
[17:25] Dirk Klees: Hugh! Hugh!
[17:25] Christopher Molinaro: APPLAUSE APPLAUSE
[17:25] Hugh Dench: Thank you, Admiral. Greetings, everybody.
[17:25] Hugh Dench: Yes, pics together with fans later this day, Dirk
[17:25] Hugh Dench: Now the report of Linguistic Subdivision (Science).
[17:25] Dirk Klees smiles
[17:25] Hugh Dench: This report will be very short. First I have to say that the group is working very hard this days. At the moment we
have over 50 translation to do. So we are very busy.
[17:26] Hugh Dench: But with the awesome team - it's an honor to work with them together.
[17:26] Dirk Klees claps
[17:26] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:26] Hugh Dench: So sure I will remind you, that you can give us texts to translate, and plese do this. But also I have to say, that you have to wait a little bit, maybe 2 or 3 weeks until they are finished, because we are so busy.
[17:26] Hugh Dench: We are translating texts and materials for the Conversation-Courses (see forum!), also doing translations for EUROC and the new History Group at the moment.
[17:26] Hugh Dench: At last a little reminder. You know the great work by the webteam and maybe you also saw the WIKI. Linguistics isn't able to translate there many things. So maybe you as non-Linguistics can support the WIKI - let's etablish this awesome sites together.
[17:26] Hugh Dench: Finally just the information, if you are interested in the Linguistics, just contact me or my Asst. Morgue McMillan.
[17:27] Hugh Dench: Ah, and final-finnaly tweo words to the movies....
[17:27] Telek Lednev is Online
[17:27] Hugh Dench: You know there are the SLQStudios and WarpTV and we're srearching for a team. So feel free to contact Rowan Jacobus (Studios) or me (TV)
[17:28] Hugh Dench: We'll be happy about your interest
[17:28] Hugh Dench: And that....
[17:28] Christopher Molinaro raises his hand he can wait till the end of the report
[17:28] Hugh Dench: that's it
[17:28] Hugh Dench: it is the end, so you can ask
[17:28] Hugh Dench: Yes, please
[17:28] Freelancer Takacs excuses himself from the meeting as the sims are comming back and no one is there
[17:29] Christopher Molinaro: well was wondering about this warp TV is this like a video pod cast thing for SLQ?
[17:30] Hugh Dench: So at the moments we are developping our ideas. So just let me say this: SLQStudios and WarpTV will work
together....the studios are making movies and also they will film the news show of WarpTV
[17:30] Hugh Dench: and maybe someday there wil be some more shows, maybe a cultural show, whatever....and also the movies
[17:30] Christopher Molinaro: ok then i suggest to myself i join warp tv as i am in the SLQ studio
[17:31] Hugh Dench: we can talk about this but not now, my time ends^^
[17:31] Hugh Dench: so, ty for your attention
[17:31] Hugh Dench: ty Admiral
[17:31] Si Arcadia claps.
[17:31] Si Arcadia: claps.
[17:31] Christopher Molinaro: yes not now:0
[17:31] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:31] Morgue McMillan claps
[17:31] Dirk Klees claps
[17:31] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:31] Hugh Dench: I'll spam you, Chris
[17:31] Journey Juran claps
[17:31] Christopher Molinaro: hehe hugh
[17:32] Cobramax Mechanique: ty for that most intersting report
[17:32] Christopher Molinaro quickly starts looking for a IM with hughs name he hovers his mouse about were the close button would be
[17:32] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[17:33] Cobramax Mechanique: next report
[17:33] Cobramax Mechanique: will be Personnel, Lt Ethan Muldoon
[17:33] Dirk Klees claps
[17:33] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:33] Christopher Molinaro: APPLAUSE APPLAUSE
[17:34] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:34] Ethan Muldoon: ty admrial.
[17:34] Ethan Muldoon: Good afternoon fellow officers, cadets, and guests.
[17:34] Ethan Muldoon: I ask that everyone please hold theire questions until the end of the report.
[17:35] Ethan Muldoon: The Personnel Sub-Division is working hard to get the new office up and running very soon. If you are not aware, it will be located on the first floor of the same building the Academy is in.
[17:36] Ethan Muldoon: We are hoping that it can be operational within a week or shortly there after. We are just fine tuning it, as it is the first location a possible new cadet will see, generally
[17:37] Ethan Muldoon: As we have mentioned in previous meetings, our Placement Office is getting under way. Ensign Morgue McMillan is leading this operation, and is working with all divisions/subdivisions to get the information we need together.
[17:37] Ethan Muldoon: Questionnaires have been delivered to the divisions / sub divisions regards the positions they offer and the skills needed.
[17:38] Ethan Muldoon: Please complete and send these back to Ensign Morgue McMillan as soon as possible.
[17:38] Ethan Muldoon: That is the end of my report for today, are there any questions?
[17:39] Ethan Muldoon: if there are no questions, i return the floor to the admiral. Thank you.
[17:39] Si Arcadia claps.
[17:39] Si Arcadia: claps.
[17:39] Hugh Dench claps
[17:39] Morgue McMillan claps
[17:39] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:39] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:39] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:39] Jeremiah Czervik claps
[17:39] Cobramax Mechanique: ty for that report
[17:39] Journey Juran claps
[17:40] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:40] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:40] Cobramax Mechanique: next report
[17:40] Cobramax Mechanique: Ltjg Si Arcadia, Lead Regulations Officer
[17:41] Si Arcadia: Greetings, fellow SFCSLQ members and otherss (as there are visitors sometimes here).
[17:41] Si Arcadia smiles.
[17:41] Si Arcadia: If you want to ask questions during the report;
[17:41] Si Arcadia: just get my attention, since I like to clarify as much as I can along the way.
[17:42] Si Arcadia: - Command division: All those in the division who would like to participate in the online billboard test;
[17:42] Si Arcadia: please come and drop a picture or texture of yourself whether to me;
[17:42] Si Arcadia: or in to one of the "server balls" located at the third floor of the command tower and the 1st floor of the Jonathan archer building.
[17:42] Si Arcadia: - Regulations sub-division: There will be a meeting held this week about the approved and proposed regulations;
[17:42] Si Arcadia: please watch the weekly announcements for more details.
[17:43] Si Arcadia: Also, there is a trivia device available for all to use at the jonathan archer building, 1st floor.
[17:43] Si Arcadia: - Duty-officer project: There are 3 cabinets wich can receive the duty-officers reports;
[17:43] Si Arcadia: The jonathan archer building 1st floor, the 1st or the third floor of the command tower.
[17:43] Si Arcadia: please feel free to use them at:
[17:43] Si Arcadia: And as someone or something once said:
[17:44] Si Arcadia: Resistance is futile when fun is assimilated;
[17:44] Si Arcadia: so have fun!
[17:44] Si Arcadia laughs.
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:10] Cobramax Mechanique: next report
[17:10] Cobramax Mechanique: Activities report
[17:10] Cobramax Mechanique: Lt Talon Lardner
[17:10] Talon Lardner: Eep!
[17:10] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:10] Si Arcadia laughs.
[17:11] Gandalf Nakamura: asking for dismission sir admiral, id to go to bed too
[17:11] Talon Lardner: Bah, People's heads are just as good as stairs..
[17:11] Cobramax Mechanique: granted Gandalf
[17:11] Talon Lardner: Anywho, on to the report, it'll be a quickie.
[17:11] Gandalf Nakamura: ty, sir and good night
[17:12] Talon Lardner: GREAT job, RP leads, with the explosion of RPs being hosted, we are showing off our abilities and talents like never before!
[17:12] Talon Lardner: I don't think my division has EVER seen this sort of activiity going on!
[17:12] Jeremiah Czervik cheers!
[17:13] Talon Lardner: Again, I would like to remind people to use ((Brackets)) for Out of Character text.. this makes RPs ten times easier to understand when people do this
[17:13] nokithecat Writer is Online
[17:14] Talon Lardner: Activities is looking for sets! If you know of a PERNAMENT set of ANY genre that Activities personell can get our hands, paws, and tentacles on, PLEASE, IM me about it, or even better, post a SLURL in the approprate thread on the forums!
[17:15] Vanessa Noarlunga: raises hand
[17:15] Talon Lardner: Also, I would like to remind people that if there is EVER a OOC conflict in a role-play that you need advice on, feel free to talk about it, and I can help set it up.
[17:15] Talon Lardner: I open the floor to questions...
[17:15] Talon Lardner: Vanessa?
[17:15] Vanessa Noarlunga: there is the SLQ movie set that can be adapted to any RP set ..sir
[17:15] Talon Lardner: And what is this set like? Can you toss me a landmark?
[17:16] Vanessa Noarlunga: jsut needs to be coordinated with the SLQ studio guys ..they don't film 24/7
[17:16] Christopher Molinaro wuld like one as well
[17:16] Talon Lardner: I, sadly, don't get to explore the sims as often as I would like to
[17:16] Jeremiah Czervik would like to point out that a holodeck would be a GREAT way to experience RP
[17:16] Vanessa Noarlunga:
[17:16] Rowan Jacobus is head of SLQStudios, my resources are your own, activities
[17:17] Talon Lardner: *grins* Don't get me started on Holodecks, Jeremiah, I'd rant for DAYS on how I dislike Holodeck episodes of Trek
[17:17] You: I would be glad to help in this
[17:17] Christopher Molinaro: thanks vannesa
[17:17] Jeremiah Czervik: well i love holodeck episodes, but that's beside the point
[17:17] Jeremiah Czervik: if i may speak for a moment?
[17:17] Vanessa Noarlunga: well I am sure rowan will be happy to accomdate RPs outside of theitr filming activity or can even film such a RP
[17:17] Talon Lardner: Aye, feel free
[17:17] Jeremiah Czervik: unfortunately, prim counts are our enemies
[17:17] You: yes, Rowan is very happy to do that!
[17:17] Jeremiah Czervik: making elaborate sets require a lot of prims, with a lot of scripts
[17:18] Jeremiah Czervik: designing holodecks for use in RP could be a great way to solve this
[17:18] Christopher Molinaro: good thing we own 3sims
[17:18] Talon Lardner: *nods* So... we loose the detail and flexibility a pernament set has, in favor of a laggy, TINY set?
[17:18] Christopher Molinaro: well it is not really a problem
[17:18] Jeremiah Czervik: provide a way to rez a set at any time, and when the set is not being used, it is not using up resources
[17:18] Dirk Klees: sorry for beeing late, just arrived from rl-work
[17:18] Christopher Molinaro: we got like tons of prims
[17:18] Tal Dix: aye, the bridge rezer will be an even better solution to this
[17:19] Talon Lardner: No no... I really don't like bridge rezzers...
[17:19] Jeremiah Czervik: the bridge rezzer is very similar to what i'm talking about...
[17:19] Tal Dix: btw talon, i now have warren's miranda class bridge for you to check out
[17:19] Jeremiah Czervik: well
[17:19] Talon Lardner: We are allready CRAMPED on RPs as of yet, we need MORE than just a bridge! We need more rooms than just a bridge!
[17:19] Jeremiah Czervik: its obviously a very heated topic...
[17:19] Jeremiah Czervik: i'm envisioning a very large holodeck
[17:19] Tal Dix: aye, don't you recall the demo i showed you?
[17:19] Tal Dix: it rezes several sections
[17:19] Tal Dix: not just the bridge
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik: one like what Tal is just describing...
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik: something stories high
[17:20] Tal Dix: for example the ajax set could be put in it, just as it is
[17:20] Talon Lardner: Show me a rezzer that can spawn a Bridge, a Sickbay, a Crew Quarters, and a Engineering deck, and I will be VERY impressed.
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik: that can be used for tactical events, RP events, etc
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik: quite possible, Talon
[17:20] Tal Dix: that's what i wanna show ya hehe
[17:20] Tal Dix: i've already built one
[17:20] Jeremiah Czervik really MUST speak with Tal Dix very soon
[17:20] Talon Lardner: I don't disagree, Tal, but I quetion the practicalness of a Rezzer from a Security standpoint...
[17:21] Tal Dix: will do bridge and sickbay and engineering and brig and crew quarters
[17:21] Christopher Molinaro: it is the 24th century:)
[17:21] Talon Lardner: I mean, if you're in a middle of a RP, and some cadet hits the set's "off" switch, then what?
[17:21] Tal Dix: nothing happens
[17:21] Talon Lardner: Also, how easy are these sets to edit?
[17:21] You: then you reset it
[17:21] Tal Dix: the cadet isn't on the access list
[17:21] Tal Dix: only people an the access list will be able to make any changes
[17:21] BJ Cheetah is Online
[17:21] Tal Dix: easy
[17:21] Jeremiah Czervik: we could even, perhaps, have a network of holodecks...
[17:21] Tal Dix: change it
[17:21] Talon Lardner: Don't get me wrong, I appreciate rezzers... I just see them for use for a SECONDARY set, not a primary set
[17:21] Tal Dix: pick it up
[17:21] Tal Dix: drop it in rezer
[17:22] Talon Lardner: Anywho... I'd better yield the floor for our next presenter, Cobra's giving me the evil eye
[17:22] Tal Dix: remember i demoed it to you once?
[17:22] Talon Lardner: Perhaps I should look more into these rezzers...
[17:22] Tal Dix: ok see me after the metting
[17:22] Tal Dix: and i'll demo it again
[17:22] Jeremiah Czervik: thank you for letting me speak, sir
[17:22] Christopher Molinaro wonders if he can see the new ship to
[17:23] Talon Lardner: Thank you, Jeremiah, for making sure I hear more than just my own opinion.
[17:23] Jeremiah Czervik: lol didn't mean to be argumentative, sir
[17:23] Cobramax Mechanique: ty for that report
[17:23] Morgue McMillan claps
[17:24] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:24] Dirk Klees claps
[17:24] Jeremiah Czervik claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:24] Journey Juran claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Talon Lardner gives a shy bow
[17:24] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:24] Talon Lardner: More of a debate than a report, but either way, I'm glad I made it
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:44] LauraAnne Sheridan: *applauds*
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:44] Jeremiah Czervik cheers!
[17:44] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:44] Morgue McMillan claps
[17:44] Mikey Sinatra claps
[17:44] Journey Juran claps
[17:44] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:44] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[17:44] Dirk Klees claps
[17:45] Cobramax Mechanique: ok,Lt Dwain Knight cannot get here
[17:45] Cobramax Mechanique: so, i will fill in
[17:45] Christopher Molinaro:
[17:46] Cobramax Mechanique: Communications is looking for more people
[17:46] Cobramax Mechanique: contact Dwain Knight for more details
[17:47] Cobramax Mechanique: Communications deals with corporate communications, marketing, and webteam
[17:47] Cobramax Mechanique: and also, Dwain is working on textures for Galaxy hq interiors
[17:48] Cobramax Mechanique: so he is looking for people experienced in photoshop, gimp, etc
[17:48] Cobramax Mechanique: and who would like to help out
[17:48] Cobramax Mechanique: next report
[17:49] Cobramax Mechanique: Ltjg Tal Dix, Lead Group Assets Officer
[17:49] Tal Dix: it's LAGTASTIC!
[17:49] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:49] Tal Dix: Greetings! Just a reminder to set all items to the appropraite group, such as Galaxy Homeowners for items in houses and rented buildings, and Galaxy Landholding for buildings or objects built for sim use, failure to do so will result in prims being returned by auto retun when they are turned on, the houses will be turned on (most already are) very shortly, and the Galaxy and Constelation sims will be in the near future (aeon main already is).
[17:49] Jeremiah Czervik begins to roll around on the floor, laughing hysterically
[17:49] Si Arcadia claps.
[17:49] Si Arcadia: claps.
[17:49] Tal Dix: Also some building prim limits are starting to get a bit high again, remember these are LIMITS not suggestions. I will be giving a warning about prim overage, then returning excess prims, this applys to both houses and offices. If you have a question about what your prim limit is, let me know after the meeting (or in IM sometime) and I will make sure you are informed.
[17:50] Tal Dix: Any Questions?
[17:50] Christopher Molinaro: APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .
[17:50] Tal Dix: Thanks for your time =)
[17:50] Christopher Molinaro: /raises his hand!
[17:50] Jeremiah Czervik nods in agreement
[17:50] Journey Juran claps
[17:50] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[17:50] Christopher Molinaro: 4nm
[17:51] Cobramax Mechanique: ok, thank you everyone for your patience with the sim crash
[17:51] Cobramax Mechanique: hopefully all 3 of them will be back soon
[17:51] You: it was exciting!
[17:51] Jeremiah Czervik: keeps things interesting
[17:52] Cobramax Mechanique: we appreciate that we have this Outpost we can take refuge in
[17:52] Christopher Molinaro claps
[17:52] You: we are very proud to have you all!
[17:52] Katrina Bixby claps
[17:52] Dirk Klees claps
[17:52] Tal Dix applauds!
[17:52] Cobramax Mechanique: with this, we conclude this General Meeting