Post by Cobramax Mechanique on May 10, 2007 7:54:14 GMT -5
...continued from Part 1
[16:01] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:01] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:01] Jessica Kanahoe: title -Enseigh- Of Gound keeper Garbage picker uper..
[16:01] You: from Science Chief, Lt Vanessa Noarlunga
[16:01] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:02] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:02] Tal Dix applauds
[16:02] Katrina Bixby: claps
[16:02] Melon Edelweiss: /clap
[16:03] Dirk Klees claps
[16:03] Vanessa Noarlunga: Science Report 17 Hello dear fellow officers and sentient beings. This is my 17th report to the General meeting. I am Vanessa Noarlunga, Chief Science Officer of this, our organization . As usual I wrote this report prior to the meeting and cut and paste it into chat. If I am going to fast let me know. Also the report is as usual available as note card file either from Picard Maladay or me, it also is available at the orgs web site.
[16:03] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:03] Vanessa Noarlunga: The science –issue is being worked on and is a point of continuous discussion and a solution will be found that will benefit , perhaps not every individual but it will be a solution that will benefit the majority and the organization as whole, and that I can assure you.
[16:04] Vanessa Noarlunga: 1) Musicology . Mr. Merlin made some great progress and has some wonderful and marvelous ideas and reports progress. Music is an integral part of culture and through his work group efforts, it will be a part of our organization. 2) EUROC = The Euroc work group managed to proof that they are more than an idea and from the results and reports I am getting , I ca tell you they are on their way to become as integral and active as the Linguistics department. I am very very pleased with their results and they accomplished more than I hoped for. 3) Medical – Medical is still in re structuring and we are currently in the final phase of finding and installing a new CMO.
[16:04] Vanessa Noarlunga: 4) Xeno Biology will be lead by Deej .the medical department had to fight and digest a series of serious blows and set backs and one of the major reasons they are still somewhat dormant is the fact that no final permanent place could be found for medical as of yet, that would allow defining its tasks and activities 5) Q PEDIA , Melon Edelweiss and the Q Pedia department continue to do fine and soon might change the name of the department.
[16:04] Vanessa Noarlunga: 6) LINGUISTICS – Linguistics remains a very active department with new ideas and a very active group. 7) Ten Forward. Tal Dix does an incredible job in managing Ten Forward. The movie issue has sort of been solved. I have server room now and several movies ready for showing, I just did not find the time to convert the movie files into a format that will be accepted by the Second Life system but it will be operational coming week.
[16:05] Vanessa Noarlunga: 8) SS Sagittarius is near completion and already a hub of activities and now as you know an official auxiliary site of SLQ. Members who wish to extend their role play time are welcome to inquire with Paula Dix or rod Halberd
[16:05] Vanessa Noarlunga: 9) The SLQ Studios have their “location” and are working on their first project and new exciting project was proposed by SLQ studios called SFCSLQ-TV. A news program with video and an anchor person covering weekly news of SFCSLQ are in the works.
[16:05] Vanessa Noarlunga: 10) I am not mentioning Counseling and R&D as they usually deliver their own reports. 11) The Historic Cultural society a work group has opened its doors and will soon be ready to deliver its first report. 12) DEF SYS – work group under Mikey Sinatra is seeking an assistant , interested applicants with some basic scripting knowledge, basic building skills and a good knowledge of the Start Trek universe are welcome to IM Mikey Sinatra with applications.
[16:05] Vanessa Noarlunga: 13) PCLO, OROC , eXtreme Team and the other sub departments and work groups are currently busy with the relocation issue. Overall, the SFCSLQ Science department is as active as a bee hive and we where able to announce the first winners of the About Me Wish Contest last week. I am all very proud of you and thank you for your hard work, incredible contributions and more so…becoming a real Brotherhood , which was very evident last week. This concludes my report .
[16:06] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:06] Totalus Karas claps
[16:06] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:06] Vanessa Noarlunga: I know i was goign a little fast but it was a lot.....any questions?
[16:06] Dirk Klees claps
[16:07] Vanessa Noarlunga: I think there are no questions atm ...
[16:07] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:07] Tal Dix applauds
[16:07] Dirk Klees claps
[16:07] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:07] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[16:07] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:07] Totalus Karas claps
[16:07] Vanessa Noarlunga: Admirals may I step down?
[16:07] Ludo Merit claps
[16:08] You: granted
[16:08] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:08] You: ty for your report Lt
[16:08] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:08] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:08] Melon Edelweiss claps
[16:08] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:09] You: next report
[16:09] You: Lead Research Lt Andromeda Quonset
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you admiral, good afternoon everyone!
[16:10] Klyick Roffo: good afternoon
[16:10] Katrina Bixby: hi
[16:10] Dwayne Lancaster: hi
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: I hope nobody is feeling claustrophic in here this week. I know that I sure don't!
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: If anyone has questions during my report, please feel free to ask me at the end, and I will address them, lag-permitting
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: Item 1: MEETING SCHEDULE INFORMATION
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: The research subdivision tries to meet once per week.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Notice of meetings is generally included in The Fleet Admiral's weekly Announcements.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Please keep up with reading the announcments.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday,May 10, 2007 at 8:00 PM SLT
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Item 2: After some confusion over offices last week, the Research subdivision is AGAIN quartered in the Sato Center.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: You may drop notecards for me, or the subdivision, into the PADD on my desk.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Additionally, there is a new online-indicator on my desk. Clicking on it will result in a message sent to me, both in-world and off-world, requesting my presence to the location.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Item 3: If you have a project suggestion, or any other inquiry, the research subdivision prefers that you put it on a notecard, and put it in the PADD on my desk.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: This helps with formalizing our projects, and keeping projects from getting lost or forgotten, buried in one person's inventory.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: Or sent as an IM and never being documented at all, depending on one person's memory.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: Also, please remember to put your name in the contents of any notecards, and rename the notecard to something other than "New Note".
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: I have receiived my share of notecards which are both named "New Note", and containing no names, forcing me to have to look at the notecard properties to see who sent it.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: Item 4 : If we adopt this auditorium for Galaxy, I am seeking suggestions for improvements/changes for this auditorium.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: Please submit your changes on notecard so they don't get lost.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: If your changes are related to changing textures, I would appreciate it if you would include the sugegsted texture.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: I used what I had in my collection to texture the auditorium, and some of them may not be optimum.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: Item 5 (LAST): Note: For emergencies, the turbolift doors are touch-activated, and not collision-activated.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: They are also automatically-activated.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: End of report
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: The turbolift emergency buttons have been downgraded: all they do is summon me to the designated turbolift.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: Are there any questions? Comments?
[16:13] Jessica Kanahoe take the gum out and plays with it.. place it back in her mouth..
[16:14] Jessica Kanahoe wips her hands on chair
[16:14] Si Arcadia: ( Jessica Kanahoe, I have asked twice in private for you to behave )
[16:14] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you!
[16:14] Dirk Klees claps
[16:14] Erich Plunkett: /claps
[16:14] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:14] Grace Nakamura claps
[16:14] Dirk Klees: nice work on this auditorium Andro
[16:14] Andromeda Quonset: TY
[16:15] Katrina Bixby accepted your inventory offer.
[16:15] Katrina Bixby: claps
[16:15] You: ty
[16:15] Melon Edelweiss claps
[16:15] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:15] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:15] Tal Dix applauds
[16:15] Ludo Merit claps
[16:15] You: and now a quick announcment from Ens Tal Dix regarding Ten Forward
[16:15] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:16] Tal Dix: Greetings, first I wanted to inform everyone that we have a weekly party in Quarks on Friday's from 7pm SLT to 9pm SLT. Also, at the request of EUPOC I'm going to try a party next Sunday at noon (should be timed well for right after the RP), so if this time works well for you, be sure to stop by, if we get a good responce, we'll make it an every two week event.
[16:16] Tal Dix: EUROC*
[16:16] Tal Dix: Also, I want to remind people that Personnel isn't an appropriate place to be "hanging out and chatting", it creates problems for those who are trying to process cadets, likewise the Sandox shouldn't be used for just hanging out and chatting, it distrubs the people building. Ten Forward was built primarily to give people an appropriate place to hang out and chat, and it would be aprpeciated if people will avoid the Sandbox and especially Personnel for this.
[16:17] Tal Dix: any questions?
[16:17] Bedwyr Merlin: yes
[16:17] Tal Dix: aye bedwyr?
[16:17] Bedwyr Merlin: I had a thought about having live music at Ten Forward - how do we go about getting a shoutcast stream here so we can do that?
[16:18] Tal Dix: you just download shoutcast, and winamp, and the winamp "plugin"
[16:18] Tal Dix: all free
[16:18] Tal Dix: if you use a firewall, you will need to set it so that it will let the stream through
[16:18] Tal Dix: i can try to help you with it in private should you need assistance
[16:19] Bedwyr Merlin: If the fleet had its own shoutcast stream, the musician woul djust need to plug into it - and we could use it for a variety of other things.... is it possible for the fleet to get one?
[16:19] Tal Dix: after you are all setup, lemme know when you want to do the event, and i simply put your stream info into the media
[16:19] Tal Dix: well with shoutcast, it would be a large pain to set it up that way
[16:20] Tal Dix: with a professional broadcasting program, it would be doable, if we could find someone willing/able to support such a large server
[16:20] Tal Dix: (one for media and music)
[16:20] Tal Dix: it's something we can look into tho
[16:20] Bedwyr Merlin: great
[16:21] Tal Dix: any other questions?
[16:21] Tal Dix: thank you for your time =)
[16:21] Dirk Klees claps
[16:21] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:21] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:21] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:21] You: ty
[16:21] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:21] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:21] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:21] Gaviota Lane: claps
[16:21] Grace Nakamura claps
[16:22] You: next report from Activities, Ens Christopher Molinaro
[16:22] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:22] Christopher Molinaro: hello everyone
[16:23] Christopher Molinaro: note from talon: Sorry again for not being able to attend the GM... I have a family outing to attend.
[16:23] Christopher Molinaro: and now for the report:)
[16:23] Christopher Molinaro: Do you have a unnoficial RP going on? Want to have access to Activities resources such as forum announcments, advertising, and advice? Just send a IM to Talon Lardner and BOOM! You'll get all of that!
[16:24] Christopher Molinaro: Rumor Control time... Yes, a argument DID go on at the end of the Friday RP. Yes, I (Talon Lardner) probally did over react. And yes, Everything has been mended between myself and the person in question. And no, I won't tell who that person was, nor what exactly happened... if you were there, you know what went down. If the fellow RP leads and the admirals want to know what happened, they can IM Talon Lardner.
[16:24] Christopher Molinaro: PLEASE register on the forums! Also, be working on your character profiles so your fellow RP leads can know all about your character.
[16:25] Christopher Molinaro: 5. Activiites is ALWAYS recruiting! If you like to role-play, have an active imagination, or just LOVE paperwork, please IM Talon Lardner, sign up at the forums, or send me a e-mail at the(dotts)nekex@gmail(dotts)com . You know what to do with the dotts.
[16:25] Christopher Molinaro: i will now take some time for questions.
[16:26] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:26] Christopher Molinaro: if we have no questions permission to step down admiral.
[16:26] You: granted
[16:26] Ethan Muldoon: .clap
[16:26] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:26] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:26] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:26] Gaviota Lane: claps
[16:26] You: ty for the report
[16:26] Dirk Klees claps
[16:26] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[16:26] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:27] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:27] Ludo Merit claps
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro: your very welcome
[16:27] You: next report from SFA –Lt Soloman Flax, Academy Commandant
[16:27] Solomon Flax: Thank you, sir.
[16:28] Solomon Flax: Greetings Everyone,
[16:28] Solomon Flax: I have a brief update on the Academy.
[16:28] Jessica Kanahoe claps
[16:28] Solomon Flax: We are almost ready to introduce the new Academy, encompassing a new ranking system and new recruitment procedures.
[16:28] Solomon Flax: There are only a few things remaining to be done before we can launch those:
[16:28] Solomon Flax: 1) Finishing writing the Basic Training classes for new Recruits
[16:28] Solomon Flax: 2) Creating the new enlisted personnel uniforms
[16:28] Solomon Flax: 3) Move into our new floor space in the western tower in Galaxy
[16:29] Solomon Flax: Additional to that, we are now receiving proposals for new courses to be taught at the Academy.
[16:29] Solomon Flax: Please read the Academy webforum for details on how to get your course approved.
[16:29] Solomon Flax: Finally, I am also advertising for personnel who wish to work in the Academy Library.
[16:29] Ludo Merit: Which site
[16:29] Solomon Flax: It is starting anew and needs some dedicated and visionary members to make it an integral part of the StarFleet Academy experience.
[16:30] Solomon Flax: I also wish to congratulate LT Jin Tao and his team for the great work being done in the Academy Air Corps.
[16:30] Solomon Flax: I am very excited about the new couple of weeks as we transform the Academy into something we can all be proud of.
[16:30] Solomon Flax: Thank you for your attention. Are there any questions?
[16:30] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:30] Devindude Carter: /xl
[16:30] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:30] Dirk Klees claps
[16:30] Grace Nakamura claps
[16:30] Gaviota Lane: claps
[16:30] Jessica Kanahoe take the gum out and put it under her chair for later
[16:30] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:30] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:31] Tal Dix applauds
[16:31] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:31] Ludo Merit claps
[16:31] Solomon Flax: If there are no more questions, I yield the floor to the chair.
[16:31] You: looks sternly at Jessica
[16:31] Christopher Molinaro blows a bubble
[16:31] You: ty for the report
[16:31] You: next report
[16:31] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:31] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:32] You: Personnel, Lt Ethan Muldoon
[16:32] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:32] Dirk Klees claps
[16:32] Ethan Muldoon: Hello, everyone.
[16:33] Ethan Muldoon: If you have any questions, please hold them until the end of the report. I will answer as time allows
[16:33] Ethan Muldoon: The personnel group has been working hard in getting their new office for galaxy up and running.
[16:33] Ethan Muldoon: We will be ready when Galaxy is ready to re open.
[16:34] Ethan Muldoon: As SLQ grows, we are seeing a need for dedicated Personnel Officers. If you are interested in joining the sub division, and have the time to spare, please contact Lt. Cmdr. Stones Petty or myself.
[16:34] Ethan Muldoon: We have also created a new position in Personnel, and that is the Placement Officer.,
[16:35] Ethan Muldoon: This is typically an experienced Personnel Officer that will assist in matching a new member's sL skills with our divisions.
[16:35] Ethan Muldoon: This group will be lead by Morgue McMillan
[16:35] Christopher Molinaro:
[16:36] Tal Dix claps
[16:36] Rowan Jacobus: yay morgue!
[16:36] Ethan Muldoon: At the moment we have just a few officers for this position, and we expect more are needed in the various time zones.
[16:36] Dirk Klees claps
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro: go morgue
[16:36] Ethan Muldoon: That is the end of my report. Are there any questions?
[16:36] Dirk Klees: go morgue!
[16:36] Devindude Carter: go morgue
[16:36] Ashtar Hian: raises hand
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro raises his hand
[16:36] Ethan Muldoon: Yes, Ashtar?
[16:36] Ashtar Hian: i've heard SL is building an European server
[16:37] Ashtar Hian: could this mean SFQ beeing broken in two? or expanding?
[16:37] Morgue McMillan: hopefully expanding
[16:37] Ethan Muldoon: I am not aware of that. Someone else in the audience my be more up to speed with this.
[16:37] Christopher Molinaro keeps raising his hand
[16:38] Ethan Muldoon: Sorry, Yes Ensign Molinaro
[16:38] Christopher Molinaro: would we contact morgue about this ne position(i am guessing so but just want to make sure)
[16:38] Christopher Molinaro: *new
[16:39] Ethan Muldoon: You can contact her as well as the other Personnel Asst Leads and even Cmdr. Petty
[16:39] Christopher Molinaro: ok
[16:39] Christopher Molinaro: thanks
[16:39] Ethan Muldoon: We can work together to make sure we get the staffing for this role, but it will be her baby
[16:39] Christopher Molinaro: haha
[16:39] Morgue McMillan:
[16:39] Ethan Muldoon: Any other questions?
[16:40] Ethan Muldoon: If there are no other questions, I return the floor to the Admiral.
[16:40] Ethan Muldoon: thank you.
[16:40] Jessica Kanahoe take out some chocolate M&M's and pop's quickly in too her mouth.. wip her sticky hands on the chair....
[16:40] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:40] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:40] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:40] Morgue McMillan: Jessica, it is disgusting
[16:40] Tal Dix: pardon me sir, ma'am, i have a security issue to attend to, i will hurry back
[16:40] Dirk Klees claps
[16:40] Christopher Molinaro: permission to leave for a security emergency
[16:41] Jessica Kanahoe smiles
[16:41] You: granted
[16:41] Morgue McMillan does not smile, Jessica
[16:41] You: ty for that report, moving on to next one
[16:41] Rowan Jacobus: The Vulcan Ambassador does not smile either, Jessica
[16:42] Andromeda Quonset wonders which subdivision gives out spankings.
[16:42] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:42] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:42] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:42] Vanessa Noarlunga: Jessica...last warning...;-)
[16:42] Ludo Merit claps
[16:42] You: Regulations-Ens.Si Arcadia
[16:42] You: report
[16:43] You: Lt jg Si Arcadia
[16:43] You: sorry
[16:43] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:43] Si Arcadia: ( Just wanted to clarify that there has been no proof deposited;
[16:43] Si Arcadia: on the TOS breach of a transcript for normal chat )
[16:43] Si Arcadia: Greetings, fellows of fiction "partie-deux life" ( second-life );
[16:43] Si Arcadia: again, with my presentations, you can interrupt me at anytime.
[16:44] Ashtar Hian: lol
[16:44] Si Arcadia: First, I'd like to say discussions about regulations and galaxy were fun and adventurous;
[16:44] Christopher Molinaro: yay
[16:44] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:44] Si Arcadia: there was a duty-officer notecard approved and it will be available in the JAB 1st floor cabinet;
[16:44] Si Arcadia: for many months now, you can find meetings and general meetings available to all, there.
[16:45] Si Arcadia: Second, some people gave me propositions on notecards;
[16:45] Solomon Flax wonders "Propositions?"
[16:45] Si Arcadia: wich we have and/ or will remit to the admiralty shortly.
[16:45] Si Arcadia: Finally, I have started work on a notecard-server device;
[16:46] Si Arcadia: you can see it showing time dilation ( lag ) at the moment;
[16:46] Si Arcadia: and it will, hopefully, be ready to process notecards into 1 main-notecard shortly.
[16:46] Si Arcadia: For further details, feel free to visit the temporary HQ lounge;
[16:46] Si Arcadia: or the Jonathan Archer Building, 1st floor.
[16:47] Si Arcadia: Thank-you to the admiralty for letting me have the podium for this short report;
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Grace Nakamura claps
[16:47] Dirk Klees claps
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:47] Si Arcadia: and hopefully we'll see ourselves more often at "galaxy" soon!
[16:47] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Rowan Jacobus: yay, si!
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Devindude Carter: cl
[16:47] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Katrina Bixby: claps
[16:47] Tal Dix: back sir, ma'am
[16:47] Gaviota Lane: Yea!
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro hopes
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro: just like the old fasion days
[16:47] Morgue McMillan: hello Emma
[16:48] Emma Bamaisin: hi
[16:48] You: ty for the report
...continued in Part 3
[16:01] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:01] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:01] Jessica Kanahoe: title -Enseigh- Of Gound keeper Garbage picker uper..
[16:01] You: from Science Chief, Lt Vanessa Noarlunga
[16:01] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:02] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:02] Tal Dix applauds
[16:02] Katrina Bixby: claps
[16:02] Melon Edelweiss: /clap
[16:03] Dirk Klees claps
[16:03] Vanessa Noarlunga: Science Report 17 Hello dear fellow officers and sentient beings. This is my 17th report to the General meeting. I am Vanessa Noarlunga, Chief Science Officer of this, our organization . As usual I wrote this report prior to the meeting and cut and paste it into chat. If I am going to fast let me know. Also the report is as usual available as note card file either from Picard Maladay or me, it also is available at the orgs web site.
[16:03] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:03] Vanessa Noarlunga: The science –issue is being worked on and is a point of continuous discussion and a solution will be found that will benefit , perhaps not every individual but it will be a solution that will benefit the majority and the organization as whole, and that I can assure you.
[16:04] Vanessa Noarlunga: 1) Musicology . Mr. Merlin made some great progress and has some wonderful and marvelous ideas and reports progress. Music is an integral part of culture and through his work group efforts, it will be a part of our organization. 2) EUROC = The Euroc work group managed to proof that they are more than an idea and from the results and reports I am getting , I ca tell you they are on their way to become as integral and active as the Linguistics department. I am very very pleased with their results and they accomplished more than I hoped for. 3) Medical – Medical is still in re structuring and we are currently in the final phase of finding and installing a new CMO.
[16:04] Vanessa Noarlunga: 4) Xeno Biology will be lead by Deej .the medical department had to fight and digest a series of serious blows and set backs and one of the major reasons they are still somewhat dormant is the fact that no final permanent place could be found for medical as of yet, that would allow defining its tasks and activities 5) Q PEDIA , Melon Edelweiss and the Q Pedia department continue to do fine and soon might change the name of the department.
[16:04] Vanessa Noarlunga: 6) LINGUISTICS – Linguistics remains a very active department with new ideas and a very active group. 7) Ten Forward. Tal Dix does an incredible job in managing Ten Forward. The movie issue has sort of been solved. I have server room now and several movies ready for showing, I just did not find the time to convert the movie files into a format that will be accepted by the Second Life system but it will be operational coming week.
[16:05] Vanessa Noarlunga: 8) SS Sagittarius is near completion and already a hub of activities and now as you know an official auxiliary site of SLQ. Members who wish to extend their role play time are welcome to inquire with Paula Dix or rod Halberd
[16:05] Vanessa Noarlunga: 9) The SLQ Studios have their “location” and are working on their first project and new exciting project was proposed by SLQ studios called SFCSLQ-TV. A news program with video and an anchor person covering weekly news of SFCSLQ are in the works.
[16:05] Vanessa Noarlunga: 10) I am not mentioning Counseling and R&D as they usually deliver their own reports. 11) The Historic Cultural society a work group has opened its doors and will soon be ready to deliver its first report. 12) DEF SYS – work group under Mikey Sinatra is seeking an assistant , interested applicants with some basic scripting knowledge, basic building skills and a good knowledge of the Start Trek universe are welcome to IM Mikey Sinatra with applications.
[16:05] Vanessa Noarlunga: 13) PCLO, OROC , eXtreme Team and the other sub departments and work groups are currently busy with the relocation issue. Overall, the SFCSLQ Science department is as active as a bee hive and we where able to announce the first winners of the About Me Wish Contest last week. I am all very proud of you and thank you for your hard work, incredible contributions and more so…becoming a real Brotherhood , which was very evident last week. This concludes my report .
[16:06] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:06] Totalus Karas claps
[16:06] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:06] Vanessa Noarlunga: I know i was goign a little fast but it was a lot.....any questions?
[16:06] Dirk Klees claps
[16:07] Vanessa Noarlunga: I think there are no questions atm ...
[16:07] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:07] Tal Dix applauds
[16:07] Dirk Klees claps
[16:07] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:07] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[16:07] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:07] Totalus Karas claps
[16:07] Vanessa Noarlunga: Admirals may I step down?
[16:07] Ludo Merit claps
[16:08] You: granted
[16:08] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:08] You: ty for your report Lt
[16:08] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:08] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:08] Melon Edelweiss claps
[16:08] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:09] You: next report
[16:09] You: Lead Research Lt Andromeda Quonset
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you admiral, good afternoon everyone!
[16:10] Klyick Roffo: good afternoon
[16:10] Katrina Bixby: hi
[16:10] Dwayne Lancaster: hi
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: I hope nobody is feeling claustrophic in here this week. I know that I sure don't!
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: If anyone has questions during my report, please feel free to ask me at the end, and I will address them, lag-permitting
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: Item 1: MEETING SCHEDULE INFORMATION
[16:10] Andromeda Quonset: The research subdivision tries to meet once per week.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Notice of meetings is generally included in The Fleet Admiral's weekly Announcements.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Please keep up with reading the announcments.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday,May 10, 2007 at 8:00 PM SLT
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Item 2: After some confusion over offices last week, the Research subdivision is AGAIN quartered in the Sato Center.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: You may drop notecards for me, or the subdivision, into the PADD on my desk.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Additionally, there is a new online-indicator on my desk. Clicking on it will result in a message sent to me, both in-world and off-world, requesting my presence to the location.
[16:11] Andromeda Quonset: Item 3: If you have a project suggestion, or any other inquiry, the research subdivision prefers that you put it on a notecard, and put it in the PADD on my desk.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: This helps with formalizing our projects, and keeping projects from getting lost or forgotten, buried in one person's inventory.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: Or sent as an IM and never being documented at all, depending on one person's memory.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: Also, please remember to put your name in the contents of any notecards, and rename the notecard to something other than "New Note".
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: I have receiived my share of notecards which are both named "New Note", and containing no names, forcing me to have to look at the notecard properties to see who sent it.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: Item 4 : If we adopt this auditorium for Galaxy, I am seeking suggestions for improvements/changes for this auditorium.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: Please submit your changes on notecard so they don't get lost.
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: If your changes are related to changing textures, I would appreciate it if you would include the sugegsted texture.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: I used what I had in my collection to texture the auditorium, and some of them may not be optimum.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: Item 5 (LAST): Note: For emergencies, the turbolift doors are touch-activated, and not collision-activated.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: They are also automatically-activated.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: End of report
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: The turbolift emergency buttons have been downgraded: all they do is summon me to the designated turbolift.
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset: Are there any questions? Comments?
[16:13] Jessica Kanahoe take the gum out and plays with it.. place it back in her mouth..
[16:14] Jessica Kanahoe wips her hands on chair
[16:14] Si Arcadia: ( Jessica Kanahoe, I have asked twice in private for you to behave )
[16:14] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you!
[16:14] Dirk Klees claps
[16:14] Erich Plunkett: /claps
[16:14] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:14] Grace Nakamura claps
[16:14] Dirk Klees: nice work on this auditorium Andro
[16:14] Andromeda Quonset: TY
[16:15] Katrina Bixby accepted your inventory offer.
[16:15] Katrina Bixby: claps
[16:15] You: ty
[16:15] Melon Edelweiss claps
[16:15] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:15] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:15] Tal Dix applauds
[16:15] Ludo Merit claps
[16:15] You: and now a quick announcment from Ens Tal Dix regarding Ten Forward
[16:15] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:16] Tal Dix: Greetings, first I wanted to inform everyone that we have a weekly party in Quarks on Friday's from 7pm SLT to 9pm SLT. Also, at the request of EUPOC I'm going to try a party next Sunday at noon (should be timed well for right after the RP), so if this time works well for you, be sure to stop by, if we get a good responce, we'll make it an every two week event.
[16:16] Tal Dix: EUROC*
[16:16] Tal Dix: Also, I want to remind people that Personnel isn't an appropriate place to be "hanging out and chatting", it creates problems for those who are trying to process cadets, likewise the Sandox shouldn't be used for just hanging out and chatting, it distrubs the people building. Ten Forward was built primarily to give people an appropriate place to hang out and chat, and it would be aprpeciated if people will avoid the Sandbox and especially Personnel for this.
[16:17] Tal Dix: any questions?
[16:17] Bedwyr Merlin: yes
[16:17] Tal Dix: aye bedwyr?
[16:17] Bedwyr Merlin: I had a thought about having live music at Ten Forward - how do we go about getting a shoutcast stream here so we can do that?
[16:18] Tal Dix: you just download shoutcast, and winamp, and the winamp "plugin"
[16:18] Tal Dix: all free
[16:18] Tal Dix: if you use a firewall, you will need to set it so that it will let the stream through
[16:18] Tal Dix: i can try to help you with it in private should you need assistance
[16:19] Bedwyr Merlin: If the fleet had its own shoutcast stream, the musician woul djust need to plug into it - and we could use it for a variety of other things.... is it possible for the fleet to get one?
[16:19] Tal Dix: after you are all setup, lemme know when you want to do the event, and i simply put your stream info into the media
[16:19] Tal Dix: well with shoutcast, it would be a large pain to set it up that way
[16:20] Tal Dix: with a professional broadcasting program, it would be doable, if we could find someone willing/able to support such a large server
[16:20] Tal Dix: (one for media and music)
[16:20] Tal Dix: it's something we can look into tho
[16:20] Bedwyr Merlin: great
[16:21] Tal Dix: any other questions?
[16:21] Tal Dix: thank you for your time =)
[16:21] Dirk Klees claps
[16:21] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:21] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:21] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:21] You: ty
[16:21] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:21] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:21] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:21] Gaviota Lane: claps
[16:21] Grace Nakamura claps
[16:22] You: next report from Activities, Ens Christopher Molinaro
[16:22] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:22] Christopher Molinaro: hello everyone
[16:23] Christopher Molinaro: note from talon: Sorry again for not being able to attend the GM... I have a family outing to attend.
[16:23] Christopher Molinaro: and now for the report:)
[16:23] Christopher Molinaro: Do you have a unnoficial RP going on? Want to have access to Activities resources such as forum announcments, advertising, and advice? Just send a IM to Talon Lardner and BOOM! You'll get all of that!
[16:24] Christopher Molinaro: Rumor Control time... Yes, a argument DID go on at the end of the Friday RP. Yes, I (Talon Lardner) probally did over react. And yes, Everything has been mended between myself and the person in question. And no, I won't tell who that person was, nor what exactly happened... if you were there, you know what went down. If the fellow RP leads and the admirals want to know what happened, they can IM Talon Lardner.
[16:24] Christopher Molinaro: PLEASE register on the forums! Also, be working on your character profiles so your fellow RP leads can know all about your character.
[16:25] Christopher Molinaro: 5. Activiites is ALWAYS recruiting! If you like to role-play, have an active imagination, or just LOVE paperwork, please IM Talon Lardner, sign up at the forums, or send me a e-mail at the(dotts)nekex@gmail(dotts)com . You know what to do with the dotts.
[16:25] Christopher Molinaro: i will now take some time for questions.
[16:26] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:26] Christopher Molinaro: if we have no questions permission to step down admiral.
[16:26] You: granted
[16:26] Ethan Muldoon: .clap
[16:26] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:26] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:26] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:26] Gaviota Lane: claps
[16:26] You: ty for the report
[16:26] Dirk Klees claps
[16:26] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[16:26] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:27] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:27] Ludo Merit claps
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro: your very welcome
[16:27] You: next report from SFA –Lt Soloman Flax, Academy Commandant
[16:27] Solomon Flax: Thank you, sir.
[16:28] Solomon Flax: Greetings Everyone,
[16:28] Solomon Flax: I have a brief update on the Academy.
[16:28] Jessica Kanahoe claps
[16:28] Solomon Flax: We are almost ready to introduce the new Academy, encompassing a new ranking system and new recruitment procedures.
[16:28] Solomon Flax: There are only a few things remaining to be done before we can launch those:
[16:28] Solomon Flax: 1) Finishing writing the Basic Training classes for new Recruits
[16:28] Solomon Flax: 2) Creating the new enlisted personnel uniforms
[16:28] Solomon Flax: 3) Move into our new floor space in the western tower in Galaxy
[16:29] Solomon Flax: Additional to that, we are now receiving proposals for new courses to be taught at the Academy.
[16:29] Solomon Flax: Please read the Academy webforum for details on how to get your course approved.
[16:29] Solomon Flax: Finally, I am also advertising for personnel who wish to work in the Academy Library.
[16:29] Ludo Merit: Which site
[16:29] Solomon Flax: It is starting anew and needs some dedicated and visionary members to make it an integral part of the StarFleet Academy experience.
[16:30] Solomon Flax: I also wish to congratulate LT Jin Tao and his team for the great work being done in the Academy Air Corps.
[16:30] Solomon Flax: I am very excited about the new couple of weeks as we transform the Academy into something we can all be proud of.
[16:30] Solomon Flax: Thank you for your attention. Are there any questions?
[16:30] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:30] Devindude Carter: /xl
[16:30] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:30] Dirk Klees claps
[16:30] Grace Nakamura claps
[16:30] Gaviota Lane: claps
[16:30] Jessica Kanahoe take the gum out and put it under her chair for later
[16:30] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:30] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:31] Tal Dix applauds
[16:31] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:31] Ludo Merit claps
[16:31] Solomon Flax: If there are no more questions, I yield the floor to the chair.
[16:31] You: looks sternly at Jessica
[16:31] Christopher Molinaro blows a bubble
[16:31] You: ty for the report
[16:31] You: next report
[16:31] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:31] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:32] You: Personnel, Lt Ethan Muldoon
[16:32] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:32] Dirk Klees claps
[16:32] Ethan Muldoon: Hello, everyone.
[16:33] Ethan Muldoon: If you have any questions, please hold them until the end of the report. I will answer as time allows
[16:33] Ethan Muldoon: The personnel group has been working hard in getting their new office for galaxy up and running.
[16:33] Ethan Muldoon: We will be ready when Galaxy is ready to re open.
[16:34] Ethan Muldoon: As SLQ grows, we are seeing a need for dedicated Personnel Officers. If you are interested in joining the sub division, and have the time to spare, please contact Lt. Cmdr. Stones Petty or myself.
[16:34] Ethan Muldoon: We have also created a new position in Personnel, and that is the Placement Officer.,
[16:35] Ethan Muldoon: This is typically an experienced Personnel Officer that will assist in matching a new member's sL skills with our divisions.
[16:35] Ethan Muldoon: This group will be lead by Morgue McMillan
[16:35] Christopher Molinaro:
[16:36] Tal Dix claps
[16:36] Rowan Jacobus: yay morgue!
[16:36] Ethan Muldoon: At the moment we have just a few officers for this position, and we expect more are needed in the various time zones.
[16:36] Dirk Klees claps
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro: go morgue
[16:36] Ethan Muldoon: That is the end of my report. Are there any questions?
[16:36] Dirk Klees: go morgue!
[16:36] Devindude Carter: go morgue
[16:36] Ashtar Hian: raises hand
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro raises his hand
[16:36] Ethan Muldoon: Yes, Ashtar?
[16:36] Ashtar Hian: i've heard SL is building an European server
[16:37] Ashtar Hian: could this mean SFQ beeing broken in two? or expanding?
[16:37] Morgue McMillan: hopefully expanding
[16:37] Ethan Muldoon: I am not aware of that. Someone else in the audience my be more up to speed with this.
[16:37] Christopher Molinaro keeps raising his hand
[16:38] Ethan Muldoon: Sorry, Yes Ensign Molinaro
[16:38] Christopher Molinaro: would we contact morgue about this ne position(i am guessing so but just want to make sure)
[16:38] Christopher Molinaro: *new
[16:39] Ethan Muldoon: You can contact her as well as the other Personnel Asst Leads and even Cmdr. Petty
[16:39] Christopher Molinaro: ok
[16:39] Christopher Molinaro: thanks
[16:39] Ethan Muldoon: We can work together to make sure we get the staffing for this role, but it will be her baby
[16:39] Christopher Molinaro: haha
[16:39] Morgue McMillan:
[16:39] Ethan Muldoon: Any other questions?
[16:40] Ethan Muldoon: If there are no other questions, I return the floor to the Admiral.
[16:40] Ethan Muldoon: thank you.
[16:40] Jessica Kanahoe take out some chocolate M&M's and pop's quickly in too her mouth.. wip her sticky hands on the chair....
[16:40] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:40] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:40] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:40] Morgue McMillan: Jessica, it is disgusting
[16:40] Tal Dix: pardon me sir, ma'am, i have a security issue to attend to, i will hurry back
[16:40] Dirk Klees claps
[16:40] Christopher Molinaro: permission to leave for a security emergency
[16:41] Jessica Kanahoe smiles
[16:41] You: granted
[16:41] Morgue McMillan does not smile, Jessica
[16:41] You: ty for that report, moving on to next one
[16:41] Rowan Jacobus: The Vulcan Ambassador does not smile either, Jessica
[16:42] Andromeda Quonset wonders which subdivision gives out spankings.
[16:42] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:42] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:42] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:42] Vanessa Noarlunga: Jessica...last warning...;-)
[16:42] Ludo Merit claps
[16:42] You: Regulations-Ens.Si Arcadia
[16:42] You: report
[16:43] You: Lt jg Si Arcadia
[16:43] You: sorry
[16:43] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:43] Si Arcadia: ( Just wanted to clarify that there has been no proof deposited;
[16:43] Si Arcadia: on the TOS breach of a transcript for normal chat )
[16:43] Si Arcadia: Greetings, fellows of fiction "partie-deux life" ( second-life );
[16:43] Si Arcadia: again, with my presentations, you can interrupt me at anytime.
[16:44] Ashtar Hian: lol
[16:44] Si Arcadia: First, I'd like to say discussions about regulations and galaxy were fun and adventurous;
[16:44] Christopher Molinaro: yay
[16:44] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:44] Si Arcadia: there was a duty-officer notecard approved and it will be available in the JAB 1st floor cabinet;
[16:44] Si Arcadia: for many months now, you can find meetings and general meetings available to all, there.
[16:45] Si Arcadia: Second, some people gave me propositions on notecards;
[16:45] Solomon Flax wonders "Propositions?"
[16:45] Si Arcadia: wich we have and/ or will remit to the admiralty shortly.
[16:45] Si Arcadia: Finally, I have started work on a notecard-server device;
[16:46] Si Arcadia: you can see it showing time dilation ( lag ) at the moment;
[16:46] Si Arcadia: and it will, hopefully, be ready to process notecards into 1 main-notecard shortly.
[16:46] Si Arcadia: For further details, feel free to visit the temporary HQ lounge;
[16:46] Si Arcadia: or the Jonathan Archer Building, 1st floor.
[16:47] Si Arcadia: Thank-you to the admiralty for letting me have the podium for this short report;
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Grace Nakamura claps
[16:47] Dirk Klees claps
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:47] Si Arcadia: and hopefully we'll see ourselves more often at "galaxy" soon!
[16:47] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Rowan Jacobus: yay, si!
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Devindude Carter: cl
[16:47] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:47] Katrina Bixby: claps
[16:47] Tal Dix: back sir, ma'am
[16:47] Gaviota Lane: Yea!
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro hopes
[16:47] Christopher Molinaro: just like the old fasion days
[16:47] Morgue McMillan: hello Emma
[16:48] Emma Bamaisin: hi
[16:48] You: ty for the report
...continued in Part 3