Post by Cobramax Mechanique on Apr 24, 2007 14:24:49 GMT -5
...continued from part 2
[16:09] You: next report
[16:10] You: standing in for Lt Talon Lardner, Lead Activities, Ens Totalus Karas
[16:10] Totalus Karas: greetings all
[16:10] Totalus Karas: wow always wanted to do one of these ^^
[16:10] Totalus Karas: and now I have
[16:10] Totalus Karas: anyway....
[16:10] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:11] Totalus Karas: Talon apologies for not being here
[16:11] Totalus Karas: but RL duty calls
[16:11] Totalus Karas: I do have a notecard
[16:11] Totalus Karas: its brief
[16:11] Totalus Karas: and here we go
[16:11] Totalus Karas: Again, congratulations on the GREAT roleplay done by the crew! I want to shout out to DarkAlpha, Tatiana, Zania, Fenriss, Areyn, RoBobby, Ashtar, Ave, Arbre, Moonlight, LauraAnne, and ronald for being GREAT participants, they make me proud to be in SFCSLQ!
[16:11] Totalus Karas: If you have not done so, I request all activities members to post in the headcount thread at the forums
[16:12] Totalus Karas: talon is almost done with school for the semester, so he'll be back on the grid more often after next week.
[16:12] Totalus Karas: Be thinking of characters to play in role-plays, they will become manditory in May! (Cobra's Role-play may not require character profiles, it is up to him.)
[16:12] Totalus Karas: Any questions? Please e-mail questions to
[16:12] Totalus Karas: and that is all I have to say I can't answer questions as I really don't whats the plan
[16:12] Totalus Karas: thus ends my report
[16:12] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:13] Warren Holt claps
[16:13] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:13] Totalus Karas: thank you
[16:13] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:13] Jimbu Watanabe claps
[16:13] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:13] Dirk Klees claps
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:13] Katrina Bixby: /claps
[16:13] Morgue McMillan claps - nice, Totalus
[16:13] Mikey Sinatra: *claps*
[16:13] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:13] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:13] Journey Juran claps
[16:13] You: ty, very nice report
[16:13] Totalus Karas nods
[16:14] Command Pannel: Enter Text:.
[16:15] You: a report from Personnel, from Lt Ethan Muldoon
[16:15] Ethan Muldoon: Good afternoon Admirals, officers and cadets
[16:15] Aiden Zhichao: what i miss
[16:16] Ethan Muldoon: This report will be brief, and I ask that you hold questions until the the end please.
[16:16] Ethan Muldoon: The personnel sub-division is growing and adding new officers so we can address the needs of those wishing to join our group
[16:17] Ethan Muldoon: I am glad that we have such a fantastic group and people want to be part of it.
[16:17] Ethan Muldoon: The work we do is sometimes demanding, but if you are interested in becoming part of our team, please see either Lt. Cmdr Stones Petty or myself.
[16:18] Ethan Muldoon: I am sure that the Sci Fi event in June will only bring more interested people to SLQ, so we need to make sure that we are prepared with the appropriate staff.
[16:18] Ethan Muldoon: Also, Personnel is working to ensure that we are ready day one when Galaxy reopens with a fantastic new office.
[16:19] Ethan Muldoon: That is all for my report, are there any questions?
[16:19] Ethan Muldoon: If there are no questions, i return to floor to the admiral.
[16:19] Ethan Muldoon: thank you
[16:19] Warren Holt claps
[16:19] Dirk Klees claps
[16:19] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:19] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:19] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:19] Ludo Merit clapss
[16:19] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:19] Journey Juran claps
[16:19] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:19] Jimbu Watanabe claps
[16:19] Mikey Sinatra: *claps*
[16:20] Aiden Zhichao: *clap
[16:20] You: next report
[16:21] You: Ltjg Si Arcadia, Lead Regulations Officer
[16:21] Si Arcadia: Greetings, members of this:
[16:22] Si Arcadia: If you'd like to raise hand or a paw during this report...
[16:22] Si Arcadia: Please do so ( As I like to clear things up as we go along ).
[16:22] Si Arcadia: Firstly, we had the last "lead meeting" posponed, due to uncheerfull events...
[16:22] Si Arcadia: So details on the regulation's sub-division are still to come.
[16:22] Si Arcadia: I had the opportunity to meet with a few people, including ludo merit...
[16:23] Si Arcadia: About subjects pertaining to the regulation's sub-division.
[16:23] Si Arcadia: Noted were those comments...
[16:23] Si Arcadia: And they will be adapted to the next revisions that are presently underway.
[16:23] Si Arcadia: Since it seems no previous regulations had been approved...
[16:24] Si Arcadia: I will make sure to get an approved version of the those revisions I was not implicated with.
[16:24] Si Arcadia: Plans are being made to have revisions approved monthly...
[16:24] Si Arcadia: If possible in conjunction with the admiralty.
[16:24] Si Arcadia: Also, I was looking to hold a weekly meeting surrounding regulations...
[16:24] Si Arcadia: But not excluding other related aspects as: - security options - duty-officer's - realism and similarities to "SF".
[16:25] Si Arcadia: Secondly, we now have a "trivia" network installed at the lounge...
[16:25] Si Arcadia: In the temporary headquarter, at Aeon.
[16:25] Si Arcadia: Work has been made on it, to have it respectfully functionnal...
[16:25] Si Arcadia: At you can try out some of the new trivias created in good part by ensign Bedwyr Merlin.
[16:25] Si Arcadia: If you'd like to participate in anyway...
[16:25] Si Arcadia: Please head down to the lounge and fill out a template!
[16:25] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:26] Si Arcadia: Third and lastly, DarkAlpha Bourne has been so kind, again...
[16:26] Si Arcadia: To enable me to adapt part of his coding for us all to use a new filing cabinet system.
[16:26] Si Arcadia: Those are available for all to access...
[16:26] Si Arcadia: And you can find some at the PPI ( Pile of Paper Intel at Galaxy "Jonathan Archer Building", first floor ).
[16:27] Si Arcadia: ( If you have any data to add to those cabinets or get from them...
[16:27] Si Arcadia: Please see with Paula Dix, Grace Nakamura, Jyrras Wielder or myself )
[16:27] Katrina Bixby: /claps
[16:27] Si Arcadia: Thank-you all for your time...
[16:27] Warren Holt claps
[16:27] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro sits down very quietly
[16:27] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:27] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:27] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:27] Jonathan Heaney claps
[16:27] Si Arcadia: And may the stars bring you luck!
[16:27] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:27] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:27] Journey Juran claps and smiles
[16:27] Dirk Klees claps
[16:27] Mikey Sinatra: *Claps enthusiastically*
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:28] You: ty , nice report
[16:28] You: next report
[16:28] You: filling in for Lt Dwain Knight, Lead Communications Officer, Ens Warren Holt
[16:29] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:29] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:29] Ludo Merit claps
[16:29] Warren Holt: Good evening everyone.
[16:29] Warren Holt: Lt Dwain Knight was not available to make the General Meeting, so asked me to take his place.
[16:29] Warren Holt: Publicity is now known as Starfleet Communications, please annotate all documentation and information where possible.
[16:29] Warren Holt: We have currently 2 active projects that we would like to inform you all about, firstly the group newsletter for SLQ.
[16:30] Warren Holt pauses for a moment looking over his data pad
[16:30] Warren Holt: 1# newsletter was produced a while back by Publicity but in order for this to be successful it requires contribution from the whole group. The deadline for the new newsletter will be May 1st and so if you wish to contribute we would ask.
[16:30] Warren Holt: that you turn in any contributions no later than a this Friday, the sooner the better and more of a chance that we will include your contribution in that issue. It is the members that make this group what it is and we want you to have some way of displaying your efforts, thoughts and ideas publically.
[16:31] Warren Holt: 2# , Secondly we would ask you to be mindful that the division will be busy with a Sci Fi convention due to happen in June.
[16:31] Warren Holt: We are not here to dictate the content of your ideas or contributions but we would ask that if you have anything to contribute that you pass it through our division so all information and efforts can be coordinated.
[16:31] Warren Holt: In a consistent and organised manner. I would ask you to offer as much support and enthusiasm for this as this will be a big project for us all. I would clarify that our divsion is here to help organise and provide a central point of contact but we are not here to monoplise the event content.
[16:31] Warren Holt: and we encourage group participation, we just ask that you channel that participation through the correct channels, i.e. us, so we know who is wanting to do what and where
[16:32] Warren Holt: and the event flows smoothly and with consistency. More details of this event will be released sooner to the event.
[16:32] Warren Holt: Also I would ask if you need to contact Lt Dwain Knight to do so through forum IM, or pass along any submissions or contributions to Morgue McMillan for the newsletter, or me for the Sci Fi convention.
[16:32] Warren Holt: I'll be taking questions after the meeting, due to time restraints. as well as alot of the details I do not have on hand. or in this data pad. This concludes my report.
[16:33] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:33] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:33] Ludo Merit claps
[16:33] Dirk Klees claps
[16:33] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:33] Jonathan Heaney claps
[16:33] Mikey Sinatra: *claps*
[16:33] Warren Holt: Thanks everyone, permission to step down
[16:33] Journey Juran claps
[16:33] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:33] Marie Lawson claps
[16:33] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:33] You: granted
[16:33] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:33] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:33] Christopher Molinaro wispers ood report
[16:33] You: ty for that report
[16:33] Christopher Molinaro mispelled good
[16:33] Aiden Zhichao: hee
[16:34] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:34] You: and now a development of interest
[16:34] Warren Holt frowns
[16:34] You: It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you a distinguished guest.....
[16:35] You: a envoy from the Vulcan Council, a new Ambassador to our group....
[16:35] You: i present to you, Rowan Jacobus
[16:36] You: please stand, Ambassador
[16:36] Dirk Klees claps
[16:36] Morgue McMillan: clap
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:36] Aiden Zhichao: *clap
[16:36] Warren Holt claps
[16:36] Marie Lawson slaps
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:36] Ludo Merit nods.
[16:36] nokithecat Writer: Yaaaaaaaay!!!! !
[16:36] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:36] Jonathan Heaney claps
[16:36] Marie Lawson claps*
[16:36] Mikey Sinatra: *claps*
[16:36] Dwayne Lancaster: /c;
[16:36] Totalus Karas claps
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro: welcome to starfleet command
[16:36] Journey Juran claps enthusiastically
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:36] DarthBunny Petrov claps.
[16:36] Aiden Zhichao: *whisles in the good way*
[16:36] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:36] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:36] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:36] You: Ty Ambassador Jacobus
[16:37] Rowan Jacobus: thank you, all my wonderful friends
[16:37] You: well, with that, we come to the conclusion of another great Meeting, this is our 61st General Meeting
[16:37] You: how time flies...
[16:37] Christopher Molinaro: yay
[16:37] Aiden Zhichao: *Clab
[16:37] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:37] Aiden Zhichao: ops
[16:37] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:37] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:37] Warren Holt claps
[16:37] Aiden Zhichao: *claps
[16:37] Christopher Molinaro: it sure dose
[16:38] Dirk Klees claps
[16:38] Deej Kasshiki claps
[16:38] Journey Juran claps
[16:38] Jonathan Heaney claps
[16:38] Areyn Laurasia nods
[16:38] Marie Lawson puts away the catnip
[16:38] Christopher Molinaro: before we know it we will be at 100:)
[16:38] You: indeed
[16:38] Aiden Zhichao: man, good thing i skiped the frist hour
[16:38] Aiden Zhichao: this sucker is long
[16:38] You: so, with no further ado, this meeting is ajourned, you are all dismissed
[16:09] You: next report
[16:10] You: standing in for Lt Talon Lardner, Lead Activities, Ens Totalus Karas
[16:10] Totalus Karas: greetings all
[16:10] Totalus Karas: wow always wanted to do one of these ^^
[16:10] Totalus Karas: and now I have
[16:10] Totalus Karas: anyway....
[16:10] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:11] Totalus Karas: Talon apologies for not being here
[16:11] Totalus Karas: but RL duty calls
[16:11] Totalus Karas: I do have a notecard
[16:11] Totalus Karas: its brief
[16:11] Totalus Karas: and here we go
[16:11] Totalus Karas: Again, congratulations on the GREAT roleplay done by the crew! I want to shout out to DarkAlpha, Tatiana, Zania, Fenriss, Areyn, RoBobby, Ashtar, Ave, Arbre, Moonlight, LauraAnne, and ronald for being GREAT participants, they make me proud to be in SFCSLQ!
[16:11] Totalus Karas: If you have not done so, I request all activities members to post in the headcount thread at the forums
[16:12] Totalus Karas: talon is almost done with school for the semester, so he'll be back on the grid more often after next week.
[16:12] Totalus Karas: Be thinking of characters to play in role-plays, they will become manditory in May! (Cobra's Role-play may not require character profiles, it is up to him.)
[16:12] Totalus Karas: Any questions? Please e-mail questions to
[16:12] Totalus Karas: and that is all I have to say I can't answer questions as I really don't whats the plan
[16:12] Totalus Karas: thus ends my report
[16:12] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:13] Warren Holt claps
[16:13] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:13] Totalus Karas: thank you
[16:13] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:13] Jimbu Watanabe claps
[16:13] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:13] Dirk Klees claps
[16:13] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:13] Katrina Bixby: /claps
[16:13] Morgue McMillan claps - nice, Totalus
[16:13] Mikey Sinatra: *claps*
[16:13] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:13] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:13] Journey Juran claps
[16:13] You: ty, very nice report
[16:13] Totalus Karas nods
[16:14] Command Pannel: Enter Text:.
[16:15] You: a report from Personnel, from Lt Ethan Muldoon
[16:15] Ethan Muldoon: Good afternoon Admirals, officers and cadets
[16:15] Aiden Zhichao: what i miss
[16:16] Ethan Muldoon: This report will be brief, and I ask that you hold questions until the the end please.
[16:16] Ethan Muldoon: The personnel sub-division is growing and adding new officers so we can address the needs of those wishing to join our group
[16:17] Ethan Muldoon: I am glad that we have such a fantastic group and people want to be part of it.
[16:17] Ethan Muldoon: The work we do is sometimes demanding, but if you are interested in becoming part of our team, please see either Lt. Cmdr Stones Petty or myself.
[16:18] Ethan Muldoon: I am sure that the Sci Fi event in June will only bring more interested people to SLQ, so we need to make sure that we are prepared with the appropriate staff.
[16:18] Ethan Muldoon: Also, Personnel is working to ensure that we are ready day one when Galaxy reopens with a fantastic new office.
[16:19] Ethan Muldoon: That is all for my report, are there any questions?
[16:19] Ethan Muldoon: If there are no questions, i return to floor to the admiral.
[16:19] Ethan Muldoon: thank you
[16:19] Warren Holt claps
[16:19] Dirk Klees claps
[16:19] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:19] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:19] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:19] Ludo Merit clapss
[16:19] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:19] Journey Juran claps
[16:19] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:19] Jimbu Watanabe claps
[16:19] Mikey Sinatra: *claps*
[16:20] Aiden Zhichao: *clap
[16:20] You: next report
[16:21] You: Ltjg Si Arcadia, Lead Regulations Officer
[16:21] Si Arcadia: Greetings, members of this:
[16:22] Si Arcadia: If you'd like to raise hand or a paw during this report...
[16:22] Si Arcadia: Please do so ( As I like to clear things up as we go along ).
[16:22] Si Arcadia: Firstly, we had the last "lead meeting" posponed, due to uncheerfull events...
[16:22] Si Arcadia: So details on the regulation's sub-division are still to come.
[16:22] Si Arcadia: I had the opportunity to meet with a few people, including ludo merit...
[16:23] Si Arcadia: About subjects pertaining to the regulation's sub-division.
[16:23] Si Arcadia: Noted were those comments...
[16:23] Si Arcadia: And they will be adapted to the next revisions that are presently underway.
[16:23] Si Arcadia: Since it seems no previous regulations had been approved...
[16:24] Si Arcadia: I will make sure to get an approved version of the those revisions I was not implicated with.
[16:24] Si Arcadia: Plans are being made to have revisions approved monthly...
[16:24] Si Arcadia: If possible in conjunction with the admiralty.
[16:24] Si Arcadia: Also, I was looking to hold a weekly meeting surrounding regulations...
[16:24] Si Arcadia: But not excluding other related aspects as: - security options - duty-officer's - realism and similarities to "SF".
[16:25] Si Arcadia: Secondly, we now have a "trivia" network installed at the lounge...
[16:25] Si Arcadia: In the temporary headquarter, at Aeon.
[16:25] Si Arcadia: Work has been made on it, to have it respectfully functionnal...
[16:25] Si Arcadia: At you can try out some of the new trivias created in good part by ensign Bedwyr Merlin.
[16:25] Si Arcadia: If you'd like to participate in anyway...
[16:25] Si Arcadia: Please head down to the lounge and fill out a template!
[16:25] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:26] Si Arcadia: Third and lastly, DarkAlpha Bourne has been so kind, again...
[16:26] Si Arcadia: To enable me to adapt part of his coding for us all to use a new filing cabinet system.
[16:26] Si Arcadia: Those are available for all to access...
[16:26] Si Arcadia: And you can find some at the PPI ( Pile of Paper Intel at Galaxy "Jonathan Archer Building", first floor ).
[16:27] Si Arcadia: ( If you have any data to add to those cabinets or get from them...
[16:27] Si Arcadia: Please see with Paula Dix, Grace Nakamura, Jyrras Wielder or myself )
[16:27] Katrina Bixby: /claps
[16:27] Si Arcadia: Thank-you all for your time...
[16:27] Warren Holt claps
[16:27] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro sits down very quietly
[16:27] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:27] DarkAlpha Bourne claps
[16:27] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:27] Jonathan Heaney claps
[16:27] Si Arcadia: And may the stars bring you luck!
[16:27] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:27] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:27] Journey Juran claps and smiles
[16:27] Dirk Klees claps
[16:27] Mikey Sinatra: *Claps enthusiastically*
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:27] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:28] You: ty , nice report
[16:28] You: next report
[16:28] You: filling in for Lt Dwain Knight, Lead Communications Officer, Ens Warren Holt
[16:29] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:29] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:29] Ludo Merit claps
[16:29] Warren Holt: Good evening everyone.
[16:29] Warren Holt: Lt Dwain Knight was not available to make the General Meeting, so asked me to take his place.
[16:29] Warren Holt: Publicity is now known as Starfleet Communications, please annotate all documentation and information where possible.
[16:29] Warren Holt: We have currently 2 active projects that we would like to inform you all about, firstly the group newsletter for SLQ.
[16:30] Warren Holt pauses for a moment looking over his data pad
[16:30] Warren Holt: 1# newsletter was produced a while back by Publicity but in order for this to be successful it requires contribution from the whole group. The deadline for the new newsletter will be May 1st and so if you wish to contribute we would ask.
[16:30] Warren Holt: that you turn in any contributions no later than a this Friday, the sooner the better and more of a chance that we will include your contribution in that issue. It is the members that make this group what it is and we want you to have some way of displaying your efforts, thoughts and ideas publically.
[16:31] Warren Holt: 2# , Secondly we would ask you to be mindful that the division will be busy with a Sci Fi convention due to happen in June.
[16:31] Warren Holt: We are not here to dictate the content of your ideas or contributions but we would ask that if you have anything to contribute that you pass it through our division so all information and efforts can be coordinated.
[16:31] Warren Holt: In a consistent and organised manner. I would ask you to offer as much support and enthusiasm for this as this will be a big project for us all. I would clarify that our divsion is here to help organise and provide a central point of contact but we are not here to monoplise the event content.
[16:31] Warren Holt: and we encourage group participation, we just ask that you channel that participation through the correct channels, i.e. us, so we know who is wanting to do what and where
[16:32] Warren Holt: and the event flows smoothly and with consistency. More details of this event will be released sooner to the event.
[16:32] Warren Holt: Also I would ask if you need to contact Lt Dwain Knight to do so through forum IM, or pass along any submissions or contributions to Morgue McMillan for the newsletter, or me for the Sci Fi convention.
[16:32] Warren Holt: I'll be taking questions after the meeting, due to time restraints. as well as alot of the details I do not have on hand. or in this data pad. This concludes my report.
[16:33] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:33] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:33] Ludo Merit claps
[16:33] Dirk Klees claps
[16:33] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:33] Jonathan Heaney claps
[16:33] Mikey Sinatra: *claps*
[16:33] Warren Holt: Thanks everyone, permission to step down
[16:33] Journey Juran claps
[16:33] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[16:33] Marie Lawson claps
[16:33] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:33] You: granted
[16:33] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:33] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:33] Christopher Molinaro wispers ood report
[16:33] You: ty for that report
[16:33] Christopher Molinaro mispelled good
[16:33] Aiden Zhichao: hee
[16:34] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:34] You: and now a development of interest
[16:34] Warren Holt frowns
[16:34] You: It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you a distinguished guest.....
[16:35] You: a envoy from the Vulcan Council, a new Ambassador to our group....
[16:35] You: i present to you, Rowan Jacobus
[16:36] You: please stand, Ambassador
[16:36] Dirk Klees claps
[16:36] Morgue McMillan: clap
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:36] Aiden Zhichao: *clap
[16:36] Warren Holt claps
[16:36] Marie Lawson slaps
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:36] Ludo Merit nods.
[16:36] nokithecat Writer: Yaaaaaaaay!!!! !
[16:36] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:36] Jonathan Heaney claps
[16:36] Marie Lawson claps*
[16:36] Mikey Sinatra: *claps*
[16:36] Dwayne Lancaster: /c;
[16:36] Totalus Karas claps
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro: welcome to starfleet command
[16:36] Journey Juran claps enthusiastically
[16:36] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:36] DarthBunny Petrov claps.
[16:36] Aiden Zhichao: *whisles in the good way*
[16:36] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:36] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:36] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:36] You: Ty Ambassador Jacobus
[16:37] Rowan Jacobus: thank you, all my wonderful friends
[16:37] You: well, with that, we come to the conclusion of another great Meeting, this is our 61st General Meeting
[16:37] You: how time flies...
[16:37] Christopher Molinaro: yay
[16:37] Aiden Zhichao: *Clab
[16:37] Si Arcadia smiles.
[16:37] Aiden Zhichao: ops
[16:37] Christopher Molinaro claps
[16:37] Areyn Laurasia claps
[16:37] Warren Holt claps
[16:37] Aiden Zhichao: *claps
[16:37] Christopher Molinaro: it sure dose
[16:38] Dirk Klees claps
[16:38] Deej Kasshiki claps
[16:38] Journey Juran claps
[16:38] Jonathan Heaney claps
[16:38] Areyn Laurasia nods
[16:38] Marie Lawson puts away the catnip
[16:38] Christopher Molinaro: before we know it we will be at 100:)
[16:38] You: indeed
[16:38] Aiden Zhichao: man, good thing i skiped the frist hour
[16:38] Aiden Zhichao: this sucker is long
[16:38] You: so, with no further ado, this meeting is ajourned, you are all dismissed