Post by Cobramax Mechanique on Apr 11, 2007 17:17:27 GMT -5
...continued from Part 1
[15:47] You: Lead Research Lt Andromeda Quonset
[15:47] Vanessa Noarlunga: Leave him alone guys...;-) the Giffin scale was a mere idea and Dolamite developed a very nice sociological tool...if richter can nme earth quakes ..Dola can nae "mood"
[15:47] Dolamite Giffen grins
[15:47] Dolamite Giffen: thanks boss
[15:47] Dolamite Giffen:
[15:47] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you admiral, good afternoon everyone!
[15:47] Dolamite Giffen waves
[15:47] Katrina Bixby: acknowledges research lead!
[15:47] Shannon Yamabushi: I think it is clever
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: If anyone has questions during my report, please feel free to ask me at the end, and I will address them, lag-permitting
[15:48] Lucas Fairweather: alright engineering
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: Item 1: MEETING SCHEDULE INFORMATION
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: The research subdivision tries to meet once per week.
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: Notice of meetings is generally included in The Fleet Admiral's weekly Announcements.
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: Please keep up with reading the announcment.
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: Last week, we held the meeting on Thursday April 5, 2007
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 7:00 PM SLT
[15:49] Jessica Kanahoe: ops
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: Item 2: Work on the transportation plan for Galaxy is currently tabled, pending completion of the current building efforts.
[15:49] Lucas Fairweather: sgi is one
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: - Jim Foxley is currently working on this project.
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: Item 3: The Research subdivision is temporarily quartered in the Sato Center, on the second floor.
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: You may drop notecards for me, or the subdivision, into the PADD on my desk.
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: Additionally, there is a new online-indicator on my desk. Clicking on it will result in a message sent to me, both in-world and off-world, requesting my presence to the location.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: Item 4: If you have a project suggestion, or any other inquiry, the research subdivision prefers that you put it on a notecard, and put it in the PADD on my desk.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: This helps with formalizing our projects, and keeping projects from getting lost or forgotten, buried in one person's inventory.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: Or sent as an IM and never being documented at all, depending on one person's memory.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: Also, please remember to put your name in the contents of any notecards, and rename the notecard to something other than "New Note".
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: I have received my share of notecards which are both named "New Note", and containing no names, forcing me to have to look at the notecard properties to see who sent it.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: tem 5: By the request of Admiral Cobramax Mechanique, Research is looking into a new display system for keeping track of personnel records.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: We opened the discussion of this at our last meeting, and plan to discuss this in greater depth as a part of our upcoming meeting.
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: We have also gathered information from Personnel regarding existing record-keeping, and to help understand the problems involved.
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: End of report.
[15:51] Katrina Bixby: ty
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: Are there any questions? Comments?
[15:51] Tal Dix raises his hand
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: Yes Tal?
[15:51] Tal Dix: aye, Transportation plan for galaxy?
[15:51] Tal Dix: can you elaborate what you mean?
[15:51] Katrina Bixby: good question
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: This is a project the fleet admiral has requested.
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: We are looking at some kind of facsimile to a monorail for giving guided tours of Galaxy.
[15:53] Andromeda Quonset: Or provide just basic transportation.
[15:53] Andromeda Quonset: In addition, an organized TP system, and possible an air system.
[15:53] Tal Dix: can i speak with you or Jim later offline about my idea for autopilot shuttles then?
[15:53] Max Neumann: what about expanding it to aeon?
[15:53] Lucas Fairweather: I can fly my own >
[15:54] Andromeda Quonset: I would recomment that you contact Jim Foxley about any suggestions.
[15:54] Talon Lardner: ((Be right back...))
[15:54] You: yes but to tourist spots and division offices?
[15:54] Lucas Fairweather: Scuse me I have to leave, suppers calling
[15:54] Tal Dix: i mean shuttles that would fly on their own, and handle passengers Lucas =)
[15:54] Lucas Fairweather: OK
[15:54] Andromeda Quonset: Once we see how it works with 1 sim, we may look at adding to other sims.
[15:54] Mike Calhoun is Online
[15:55] Andromeda Quonset: Are there any other questions?
[15:55] Tal Dix: aye, Adnro, thanks, i'll speak with him, and yes ma'am, and to/from destiantion could be programs, or it could be set to user control, you click the ship and select where you want to go like a teleporter, but the ship flys you
[15:55] Tal Dix: Andro*
[15:55] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you!
[15:55] Si Arcadia claps.
[15:55] Si Arcadia: claps.
[15:55] Morgue McMillan claps
[15:55] Areyn Laurasia claps.
[15:55] Hugh Dench claps
[15:56] Shannon Yamabushi applauds
[15:56] Tal Dix claps.
[15:56] Dolamite Giffen claps
[15:56] Dolamite Giffen accepted your inventory offer.
[15:57] Talon Lardner: ((back))
[15:57] Tal Dix: The Adrmial has left the building
[15:57] Dolamite Giffen: NOOOOOOO!!!
[15:57] Herrmann Hiten: roger
[15:57] You: ok
[15:57] Dolamite Giffen: Emergency transports!!
[15:57] Areyn Laurasia: Beam him back!
[15:57] Totalus Karas: talon did it
[15:57] You: pls see the agenda
[15:57] Dolamite Giffen scans for the admirals lifesign
[15:57] Spaceman Lane: maybe computer crash.. now tehcnicians will get low giffen grade
[15:57] You: next division report
[15:58] Tal Dix: Looks like Talon is next per the agenda?
[15:58] Dolamite Giffen: LMAO
[15:58] Jophiel Bisiani hums the life forms song from Generations..
[15:58] You: lets move to activities,
[15:58] Tal Dix: unless of course the admirals have someting to present =)
[15:58] You: lead or representative pls report!
[15:58] Dolamite Giffen: Talonis here!
[15:59] Spaceman Lane: call Scotty.. he knows how to beam it
[15:59] Si Arcadia laughs.
[15:59] Talon Lardner: Allright, let's see here... *pulls out his notes*
[15:59] Talon Lardner: Sorry about being scarce last week... I was quite sick.
[15:59] Talon Lardner: The Profile project is going on strong... if you roleplay, please start thinking up about your character's background, as it'll come in handy down the road.
[16:00] Talon Lardner: Party for the new Ensigns! I plan on having this near the end of the month over at Ten Forward. More details to come. I'm also looking for people to help plan it as well
[16:00] Talon Lardner mumbles to himself... "I did NOT just see Cobra Ruthed..."
[16:00] Talon Lardner: And Lastly, Roleplaying Classes! Now offering classes AND one on one tutoring! IM me for details.
[16:00] Tal Dix grins
[16:00] Dolamite Giffen cheers!!
[16:00] Talon Lardner: Party for the new Ensigns! I plan on having this near the end of the month over at Ten Forward. More details to come. I'm also looking for people to help plan it as well
[16:00] Talon Lardner mumbles to himself... "I did NOT just see Cobra Ruthed..."
[16:00] Talon Lardner: And Lastly, Roleplaying Classes! Now offering classes AND one on one tutoring! IM me for details.
[16:00] Tal Dix grins
[16:00] Dolamite Giffen cheers!!
[16:01] Talon Lardner: Any questions about our role-plays or the party?
[16:01] Talon Lardner: Spaceman?
[16:01] Katrina Bixby: question?
[16:01] Talon Lardner: As in play the same character, or position?
[16:01] Rachel Aldrich: Like a pantomime horse?
[16:01] Dolamite Giffen grins
[16:01] Herrmann Hiten: funny
[16:02] Katrina Bixby: /the activity division? meeting?
[16:02] Laertes Menjou: are these to help participants get into character? Acting classes of a sort?
[16:02] Talon Lardner: Eep... Well, two characters CAN share a post, I suppose... though we do ask that each person plays a unique character.
[16:03] Shannon Yamabushi raises hand when Talon has time
[16:03] Talon Lardner: Oh, yes, thanks Katrina! Our meetings are fully public, and are held every sunday at 1, as well as having spontanious conversations from time to time
[16:04] Talon Lardner: Laertes: Yes, these classes both serve to help teach people how to roleplay, and also helps to develop one's character.
[16:04] Talon Lardner: Shannon?
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: I use to teach rolplay
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: especialy in postings
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: two sysemt is a log your chat then clean edit it
[16:05] Rowan Jacobus: how can i learn what those classes are, and enroll?
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: This shows the event with a arrator
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: narrator
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: handt for forum post for others to injoy the story
[16:06] Dolamite Giffen hopes thae academy is gonn abe involved...
[16:06] Talon Lardner: Rowan: Right now, I'm just gauging interest, figuring out what sort of demand it is... for now, just IM me and I'll set something up
[16:06] Rowan Jacobus: thank you
[16:06] Katrina Bixby: btw shannon Yamabushi is a senior member to the group and excellent rp manager, help (prn) as needd, due to managing her own sims
[16:07] Shannon Yamabushi smiles "thank you ma'am"
[16:07] Talon Lardner: Shannon, That does sound interesting, but right now, I would rather not have my group put manhours into posting logs of role-play events into the forums when we got other priorities such as the new profile system and the monthly ensign party
[16:07] Talon Lardner: However, I would LOVE your advice as far as teaching a class goes
[16:07] Shannon Yamabushi: just a segestion and does nottake to long I got example online if you wouldl ike to look
[16:08] Shannon Yamabushi: But thank you for listing at least there only small ideas
[16:08] Talon Lardner: I'd love to... can you IM me with the lonk?
[16:08] Shannon Yamabushi smiles
[16:08] Talon Lardner: *Link?
[16:08] Shannon Yamabushi: Sure I would be glad too
[16:08] Talon Lardner: Did I miss anyone?
[16:08] Shannon Yamabushi: some are from anarchy online events I ran
[16:08] Dolamite Giffen: AHHH!!
[16:08] Dolamite Giffen:
[16:09] Tal Dix claps.
[16:09] Laertes Menjou: Perhaps some writer or actor imput would be helpful in establishing class structure.
[16:09] Jessica Kanahoe:
[16:09] Talon Lardner: *nods* OOh, one last thing! We're looking for Role-Play leads! Anyone who is intererested PLEASE IM me...
[16:09] Talon Lardner: Freeform RP experience is a must on this one
[16:10] Tal Dix claps.
[16:10] Talon Lardner: Did I miss anyone?
[16:10] Dolamite Giffen wants to eat eggs
[16:11] Jessica Kanahoe: <<<---
[16:11] Talon Lardner: Well, if Dolamite wants to eat eggs, then I guess that means I'm done. Unless Jessica's awwed stare means she has a question.
[16:11] Laertes Menjou: Carnivorous species scare me.
[16:11] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:11] Dolamite Giffen grins!
[16:11] Jessica Kanahoe giggles
[16:12] Journey Juran claps
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen lovess holiday celebrations and fun
[16:12] You: ty Lt Talon Lardner
[16:12] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:12] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:12] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:12] Jessica Kanahoe claps
[16:12] Talon Lardner: The floor is yours, Cobra
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen cheers
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:12] Areyn Laurasia claps.
[16:12] You: thanks, always wanted a floor
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen: ADM*
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen: lmao
[16:12] Jessica Kanahoe: I think it clean
[16:12] Shannon Yamabushi giggles at Cobra
[16:12] Journey Juran laughs
[16:12] Jessica Kanahoe: i just mop it
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen can clean it later..
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen:
[16:12] You: i hope so.....
[16:12] You: ok, next report from
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: clean enough for eating eggs
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen grins
[16:13] Jessica Kanahoe: and cookies if you want too
[16:13] Dolamite Giffen: COOKIE!
[16:13] Dolamite Giffen needs to shutup.....
[16:13] You: Lt jg Dolamite Giffen, Academy Vice Commandant, standing in for AcademyCommandant, Lt Cmdr Stones Petty
[16:13] Max Neumann: mmmm cookie...
[16:13] Dolamite Giffen: ?
[16:13] Jessica Kanahoe giggles
[16:14] You: the Academy Report
[16:14] Dolamite Giffen needs to change titles...
[16:14] Dolamite Giffen: Ahh there we go
[16:14] Dolamite Giffen: Hi again!
[16:14] Dolamite Giffen: Welcome to easter sunday...or past easter...or before easter....
[16:14] Laertes Menjou: Hey!
[16:15] Dolamite Giffen: The academy is going along nicely, our academy dean Ekevu Lian, has been meeting with divisions to see what classes they are gonna offer
[16:15] Dolamite Giffen: If any of you division people want to teach a class talk to ekevu
[16:15] Dolamite Giffen: We look forward to making our academy policies set in stone when Solomon Flax gets back on the 16th
[16:16] Dolamite Giffen: Also, the cadet to ensign classes are going well, remembe two weeks in group and you are eleigible
[16:16] Dolamite Giffen: So yea with that, have fun and stay in school!
[16:16] Dolamite Giffen: end report
[16:16] Tal Dix claps.
[16:16] Journey Juran claps
[16:17] Shannon Yamabushi applauds
[16:17] You: ty for that report, Ltjg Dolamite Giffen, Academy Vice Commandant
[16:17] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:17] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:17] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:17] Dolamite Giffen raises hand
[16:17] Dolamite Giffen forgot to mention....
[16:18] Dolamite Giffen: There is a building contest going on...
[16:18] Dolamite Giffen: IM warren holt or christopher Molinaro
[16:18] Dolamite Giffen: For details
[16:18] Max Neumann is intrested
[16:18] You: ok, next report
[16:19] You: Linguistics Lead, Ens Hugh Dench
[16:19] Hugh Dench: Greetings everbody, thank you Admiral. Now Science's Linguistic report #04.
[16:19] Hugh Dench: The "Conversation Courses" - project, to teach newbies the right conversation and especially used words (english) of StarFleet, is in phase of fine tuning. ATM we develop the courses, which want to teach that. Sure, the texts won't do that, but the teachers *laughs*
[16:20] Hugh Dench: So you can help us. At the moment we are creating a handbook with especially used words and shortcuts. Please have a look on the StarFleet-forum. (
[16:20] Katrina Bixby: nice
[16:20] Hugh Dench: The Linguisitc has got now over 20 members, and we are so powerful in working. I love the whole group. Some great and productive meetings are showing that. (Meetings always on Thursday, Friday and Sunday)
[16:20] Hugh Dench: Also there are so much more translated texts. Thanks to my whole team! They really spend so much work, hours, in this work... It's true - we are making StarFleet more and more international.
[16:21] Hugh Dench: So finally I don't have the fear, that we won't keep on the good work. I'm so amazed that I'm able to manage such a great team.
[16:21] Hugh Dench: Last information: The "Conversation Courses" will be completed - I think - in round about 2 weeks. If there are questions, feel free to contact me or my Asst. Morgue McMillan.
[16:21] Hugh Dench: So that's all - thank you very much indeed for your attention.
[16:21] Tal Dix claps.
[16:21] DarkAlpha Bourne applauds
[16:21] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:21] Hugh Dench nods to the Admirals.
[16:21] Journey Juran claps
[16:21] Katrina Bixby: ty
[16:21] Vanessa Noarlunga: raises hand
[16:22] Hugh Dench: Sure, quesiton
[16:22] Jessica Kanahoe claps
[16:22] Hugh Dench: Ms Noarlunga
[16:22] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:22] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:23] Jessica Kanahoe dance in her seat.
[16:23] Vanessa Noarlunga: 1) thanks Hugh for making me proud a sa new Mom for what you did with the Linguistic dep/......and 2) I hjid 6 eggs in Aeon ...each egg is worth 100 is worth 500..wjhoever finds one (After the meeting)....
[16:23] Dolamite Giffen: OOO!
[16:24] Dolamite Giffen: aww cute jessica
[16:24] Hugh Dench: Ty Lt. Noarlunga
[16:24] Hugh Dench: I hope I'll make you proud ever
[16:24] Jessica Kanahoe: ops
[16:24] You: ty Ens Hugh Dench, Linguistics Lead Officer
[16:24] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:24] You: next report
[16:25] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:25] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:25] Jessica Kanahoe reach for the cookie in dolamite mouth
[16:25] Dolamite Giffen hisses
[16:25] You: Lt jg Tal Dix, Group Assets Lead Officer
[16:25] Jessica Kanahoe giggles
[16:26] Katrina Bixby: reminder meeting agenda, touch the pole here for info.
[16:26] Tal Dix: title off
[16:26] Tal Dix: Greetings! First I'd like to appologize for my 2 week unexplained absence. I came down with a cold which turned into Pnumonia, I'll be a little slow getting back into things, but i'm able to get out of bed for short periods at a time now, so i'll slowly be getting back into my normal routine.
[16:26] Tal Dix: Secondly, I'd like to remind people about prim limits, while I understand our current displacement situation, and have gladdly been letting division heads/assistants use their divisional prims on top of their house prims, please remember that there are still limits, some i have found going over even the combined total of their house prim limits and the additional 60 divisonal prims. All i ask is that you please keep an eye on your prim counts. Thank you in advance.
[16:27] Tal Dix: Lastly, I wanted to let everyone know that Hugh Dench and Ryan Franciosa have started helping me in Group Assets (i'm a few weeks behind in making this announcement due to my illness), while they may not be able to actually reset or remove anything, when i'm not around, they can certianly make sure it either gets taken care of via other channels, or make sure that I know about it for you so when i am on I can get it taken care of, feel free to ask either of them how they can assist if i'm not available, they want to make sure you are happy in your homes as well. =)
[16:27] Vanessa Noarlunga accepted your inventory offer.
[16:27] Tal Dix: Thanks for your time. Any questions? =)
[16:27] Katrina Bixby: question?
[16:27] Tal Dix: aye ma'am?
[16:27] Jessica Kanahoe shaker her head no
[16:27] Katrina Bixby accepted your inventory offer.
[16:28] Tal Dix: did you have a question ma'am?
[16:28] Jessica Kanahoe accepted your inventory offer.
[16:29] Tal Dix: ok thanks for all your time =)
[16:29] Dolamite Giffen claps
[16:29] Journey Juran claps
[16:29] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:29] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:29] Rachel Aldrich claps
[16:29] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:29] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:29] Katrina Bixby: /we are expanding in to 3 sim,s d0 you / assesst need new members
[16:29] Tal Dix: sorry ma'am think i'm lagging
[16:30] Katrina Bixby: so byou need an assistant?
[16:30] Tal Dix: right now we have Hugh and Ryan helping, and with their help so far, we haven't needed anyone else, however we'll have to gauge it as the new sim build starts
[16:30] Tal Dix: not as of now ma'am, however should that change, I will of course inform you =)
[16:30] Jessica Kanahoe: Pssst Dolamite if your not going to eat that thing can i have some...
[16:31] Tal Dix: does that answer your question ma'am?
[16:31] Katrina Bixby: ok ty
[16:31] Tal Dix: yes ma'am =)
[16:31] You: one edit to the Cadet to Ensign
[16:32] You: new Ensign Bedwyr Merlin
[16:32] You: also passed the test
[16:32] Dolamite Giffen cheers
[16:32] Tal Dix claps.
[16:32] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:32] Bedwyr Merlin: Thank you, Admiral!
[16:33] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:33] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:33] You: ok, any last minute announcments?
[16:33] Rowan Jacobus: yay!
[16:34] Dolamite Giffen: Happy easter??
[16:34] You: oh yes
[16:34] Tal Dix claps.
[16:34] You: indeed
[16:34] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:34] Areyn Laurasia claps.
[16:34] Dolamite Giffen wants eggs!
[16:34] You: and thank you for your participation in this meeting
[16:34] DarkAlpha Bourne ditto ^^
[16:34] You: you are all dismissed
[15:47] You: Lead Research Lt Andromeda Quonset
[15:47] Vanessa Noarlunga: Leave him alone guys...;-) the Giffin scale was a mere idea and Dolamite developed a very nice sociological tool...if richter can nme earth quakes ..Dola can nae "mood"
[15:47] Dolamite Giffen grins
[15:47] Dolamite Giffen: thanks boss
[15:47] Dolamite Giffen:
[15:47] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you admiral, good afternoon everyone!
[15:47] Dolamite Giffen waves
[15:47] Katrina Bixby: acknowledges research lead!
[15:47] Shannon Yamabushi: I think it is clever
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: If anyone has questions during my report, please feel free to ask me at the end, and I will address them, lag-permitting
[15:48] Lucas Fairweather: alright engineering
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: Item 1: MEETING SCHEDULE INFORMATION
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: The research subdivision tries to meet once per week.
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: Notice of meetings is generally included in The Fleet Admiral's weekly Announcements.
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: Please keep up with reading the announcment.
[15:48] Andromeda Quonset: Last week, we held the meeting on Thursday April 5, 2007
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 7:00 PM SLT
[15:49] Jessica Kanahoe: ops
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: Item 2: Work on the transportation plan for Galaxy is currently tabled, pending completion of the current building efforts.
[15:49] Lucas Fairweather: sgi is one
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: - Jim Foxley is currently working on this project.
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: Item 3: The Research subdivision is temporarily quartered in the Sato Center, on the second floor.
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: You may drop notecards for me, or the subdivision, into the PADD on my desk.
[15:49] Andromeda Quonset: Additionally, there is a new online-indicator on my desk. Clicking on it will result in a message sent to me, both in-world and off-world, requesting my presence to the location.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: Item 4: If you have a project suggestion, or any other inquiry, the research subdivision prefers that you put it on a notecard, and put it in the PADD on my desk.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: This helps with formalizing our projects, and keeping projects from getting lost or forgotten, buried in one person's inventory.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: Or sent as an IM and never being documented at all, depending on one person's memory.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: Also, please remember to put your name in the contents of any notecards, and rename the notecard to something other than "New Note".
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: I have received my share of notecards which are both named "New Note", and containing no names, forcing me to have to look at the notecard properties to see who sent it.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: tem 5: By the request of Admiral Cobramax Mechanique, Research is looking into a new display system for keeping track of personnel records.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: We opened the discussion of this at our last meeting, and plan to discuss this in greater depth as a part of our upcoming meeting.
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: We have also gathered information from Personnel regarding existing record-keeping, and to help understand the problems involved.
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: End of report.
[15:51] Katrina Bixby: ty
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: Are there any questions? Comments?
[15:51] Tal Dix raises his hand
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: Yes Tal?
[15:51] Tal Dix: aye, Transportation plan for galaxy?
[15:51] Tal Dix: can you elaborate what you mean?
[15:51] Katrina Bixby: good question
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: This is a project the fleet admiral has requested.
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: We are looking at some kind of facsimile to a monorail for giving guided tours of Galaxy.
[15:53] Andromeda Quonset: Or provide just basic transportation.
[15:53] Andromeda Quonset: In addition, an organized TP system, and possible an air system.
[15:53] Tal Dix: can i speak with you or Jim later offline about my idea for autopilot shuttles then?
[15:53] Max Neumann: what about expanding it to aeon?
[15:53] Lucas Fairweather: I can fly my own >
[15:54] Andromeda Quonset: I would recomment that you contact Jim Foxley about any suggestions.
[15:54] Talon Lardner: ((Be right back...))
[15:54] You: yes but to tourist spots and division offices?
[15:54] Lucas Fairweather: Scuse me I have to leave, suppers calling
[15:54] Tal Dix: i mean shuttles that would fly on their own, and handle passengers Lucas =)
[15:54] Lucas Fairweather: OK
[15:54] Andromeda Quonset: Once we see how it works with 1 sim, we may look at adding to other sims.
[15:54] Mike Calhoun is Online
[15:55] Andromeda Quonset: Are there any other questions?
[15:55] Tal Dix: aye, Adnro, thanks, i'll speak with him, and yes ma'am, and to/from destiantion could be programs, or it could be set to user control, you click the ship and select where you want to go like a teleporter, but the ship flys you
[15:55] Tal Dix: Andro*
[15:55] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you!
[15:55] Si Arcadia claps.
[15:55] Si Arcadia: claps.
[15:55] Morgue McMillan claps
[15:55] Areyn Laurasia claps.
[15:55] Hugh Dench claps
[15:56] Shannon Yamabushi applauds
[15:56] Tal Dix claps.
[15:56] Dolamite Giffen claps
[15:56] Dolamite Giffen accepted your inventory offer.
[15:57] Talon Lardner: ((back))
[15:57] Tal Dix: The Adrmial has left the building
[15:57] Dolamite Giffen: NOOOOOOO!!!
[15:57] Herrmann Hiten: roger
[15:57] You: ok
[15:57] Dolamite Giffen: Emergency transports!!
[15:57] Areyn Laurasia: Beam him back!
[15:57] Totalus Karas: talon did it
[15:57] You: pls see the agenda
[15:57] Dolamite Giffen scans for the admirals lifesign
[15:57] Spaceman Lane: maybe computer crash.. now tehcnicians will get low giffen grade
[15:57] You: next division report
[15:58] Tal Dix: Looks like Talon is next per the agenda?
[15:58] Dolamite Giffen: LMAO
[15:58] Jophiel Bisiani hums the life forms song from Generations..
[15:58] You: lets move to activities,
[15:58] Tal Dix: unless of course the admirals have someting to present =)
[15:58] You: lead or representative pls report!
[15:58] Dolamite Giffen: Talonis here!
[15:59] Spaceman Lane: call Scotty.. he knows how to beam it
[15:59] Si Arcadia laughs.
[15:59] Talon Lardner: Allright, let's see here... *pulls out his notes*
[15:59] Talon Lardner: Sorry about being scarce last week... I was quite sick.
[15:59] Talon Lardner: The Profile project is going on strong... if you roleplay, please start thinking up about your character's background, as it'll come in handy down the road.
[16:00] Talon Lardner: Party for the new Ensigns! I plan on having this near the end of the month over at Ten Forward. More details to come. I'm also looking for people to help plan it as well
[16:00] Talon Lardner mumbles to himself... "I did NOT just see Cobra Ruthed..."
[16:00] Talon Lardner: And Lastly, Roleplaying Classes! Now offering classes AND one on one tutoring! IM me for details.
[16:00] Tal Dix grins
[16:00] Dolamite Giffen cheers!!
[16:00] Talon Lardner: Party for the new Ensigns! I plan on having this near the end of the month over at Ten Forward. More details to come. I'm also looking for people to help plan it as well
[16:00] Talon Lardner mumbles to himself... "I did NOT just see Cobra Ruthed..."
[16:00] Talon Lardner: And Lastly, Roleplaying Classes! Now offering classes AND one on one tutoring! IM me for details.
[16:00] Tal Dix grins
[16:00] Dolamite Giffen cheers!!
[16:01] Talon Lardner: Any questions about our role-plays or the party?
[16:01] Talon Lardner: Spaceman?
[16:01] Katrina Bixby: question?
[16:01] Talon Lardner: As in play the same character, or position?
[16:01] Rachel Aldrich: Like a pantomime horse?
[16:01] Dolamite Giffen grins
[16:01] Herrmann Hiten: funny
[16:02] Katrina Bixby: /the activity division? meeting?
[16:02] Laertes Menjou: are these to help participants get into character? Acting classes of a sort?
[16:02] Talon Lardner: Eep... Well, two characters CAN share a post, I suppose... though we do ask that each person plays a unique character.
[16:03] Shannon Yamabushi raises hand when Talon has time
[16:03] Talon Lardner: Oh, yes, thanks Katrina! Our meetings are fully public, and are held every sunday at 1, as well as having spontanious conversations from time to time
[16:04] Talon Lardner: Laertes: Yes, these classes both serve to help teach people how to roleplay, and also helps to develop one's character.
[16:04] Talon Lardner: Shannon?
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: I use to teach rolplay
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: especialy in postings
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: two sysemt is a log your chat then clean edit it
[16:05] Rowan Jacobus: how can i learn what those classes are, and enroll?
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: This shows the event with a arrator
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: narrator
[16:05] Shannon Yamabushi: handt for forum post for others to injoy the story
[16:06] Dolamite Giffen hopes thae academy is gonn abe involved...
[16:06] Talon Lardner: Rowan: Right now, I'm just gauging interest, figuring out what sort of demand it is... for now, just IM me and I'll set something up
[16:06] Rowan Jacobus: thank you
[16:06] Katrina Bixby: btw shannon Yamabushi is a senior member to the group and excellent rp manager, help (prn) as needd, due to managing her own sims
[16:07] Shannon Yamabushi smiles "thank you ma'am"
[16:07] Talon Lardner: Shannon, That does sound interesting, but right now, I would rather not have my group put manhours into posting logs of role-play events into the forums when we got other priorities such as the new profile system and the monthly ensign party
[16:07] Talon Lardner: However, I would LOVE your advice as far as teaching a class goes
[16:07] Shannon Yamabushi: just a segestion and does nottake to long I got example online if you wouldl ike to look
[16:08] Shannon Yamabushi: But thank you for listing at least there only small ideas
[16:08] Talon Lardner: I'd love to... can you IM me with the lonk?
[16:08] Shannon Yamabushi smiles
[16:08] Talon Lardner: *Link?
[16:08] Shannon Yamabushi: Sure I would be glad too
[16:08] Talon Lardner: Did I miss anyone?
[16:08] Shannon Yamabushi: some are from anarchy online events I ran
[16:08] Dolamite Giffen: AHHH!!
[16:08] Dolamite Giffen:
[16:09] Tal Dix claps.
[16:09] Laertes Menjou: Perhaps some writer or actor imput would be helpful in establishing class structure.
[16:09] Jessica Kanahoe:
[16:09] Talon Lardner: *nods* OOh, one last thing! We're looking for Role-Play leads! Anyone who is intererested PLEASE IM me...
[16:09] Talon Lardner: Freeform RP experience is a must on this one
[16:10] Tal Dix claps.
[16:10] Talon Lardner: Did I miss anyone?
[16:10] Dolamite Giffen wants to eat eggs
[16:11] Jessica Kanahoe: <<<---
[16:11] Talon Lardner: Well, if Dolamite wants to eat eggs, then I guess that means I'm done. Unless Jessica's awwed stare means she has a question.
[16:11] Laertes Menjou: Carnivorous species scare me.
[16:11] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:11] Dolamite Giffen grins!
[16:11] Jessica Kanahoe giggles
[16:12] Journey Juran claps
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen lovess holiday celebrations and fun
[16:12] You: ty Lt Talon Lardner
[16:12] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:12] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:12] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:12] Jessica Kanahoe claps
[16:12] Talon Lardner: The floor is yours, Cobra
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen cheers
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:12] Areyn Laurasia claps.
[16:12] You: thanks, always wanted a floor
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen: ADM*
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen: lmao
[16:12] Jessica Kanahoe: I think it clean
[16:12] Shannon Yamabushi giggles at Cobra
[16:12] Journey Juran laughs
[16:12] Jessica Kanahoe: i just mop it
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen can clean it later..
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen:
[16:12] You: i hope so.....
[16:12] You: ok, next report from
[16:12] Andromeda Quonset: clean enough for eating eggs
[16:12] Dolamite Giffen grins
[16:13] Jessica Kanahoe: and cookies if you want too
[16:13] Dolamite Giffen: COOKIE!
[16:13] Dolamite Giffen needs to shutup.....
[16:13] You: Lt jg Dolamite Giffen, Academy Vice Commandant, standing in for AcademyCommandant, Lt Cmdr Stones Petty
[16:13] Max Neumann: mmmm cookie...
[16:13] Dolamite Giffen: ?
[16:13] Jessica Kanahoe giggles
[16:14] You: the Academy Report
[16:14] Dolamite Giffen needs to change titles...
[16:14] Dolamite Giffen: Ahh there we go
[16:14] Dolamite Giffen: Hi again!
[16:14] Dolamite Giffen: Welcome to easter sunday...or past easter...or before easter....
[16:14] Laertes Menjou: Hey!
[16:15] Dolamite Giffen: The academy is going along nicely, our academy dean Ekevu Lian, has been meeting with divisions to see what classes they are gonna offer
[16:15] Dolamite Giffen: If any of you division people want to teach a class talk to ekevu
[16:15] Dolamite Giffen: We look forward to making our academy policies set in stone when Solomon Flax gets back on the 16th
[16:16] Dolamite Giffen: Also, the cadet to ensign classes are going well, remembe two weeks in group and you are eleigible
[16:16] Dolamite Giffen: So yea with that, have fun and stay in school!
[16:16] Dolamite Giffen: end report
[16:16] Tal Dix claps.
[16:16] Journey Juran claps
[16:17] Shannon Yamabushi applauds
[16:17] You: ty for that report, Ltjg Dolamite Giffen, Academy Vice Commandant
[16:17] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:17] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:17] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:17] Dolamite Giffen raises hand
[16:17] Dolamite Giffen forgot to mention....
[16:18] Dolamite Giffen: There is a building contest going on...
[16:18] Dolamite Giffen: IM warren holt or christopher Molinaro
[16:18] Dolamite Giffen: For details
[16:18] Max Neumann is intrested
[16:18] You: ok, next report
[16:19] You: Linguistics Lead, Ens Hugh Dench
[16:19] Hugh Dench: Greetings everbody, thank you Admiral. Now Science's Linguistic report #04.
[16:19] Hugh Dench: The "Conversation Courses" - project, to teach newbies the right conversation and especially used words (english) of StarFleet, is in phase of fine tuning. ATM we develop the courses, which want to teach that. Sure, the texts won't do that, but the teachers *laughs*
[16:20] Hugh Dench: So you can help us. At the moment we are creating a handbook with especially used words and shortcuts. Please have a look on the StarFleet-forum. (
[16:20] Katrina Bixby: nice
[16:20] Hugh Dench: The Linguisitc has got now over 20 members, and we are so powerful in working. I love the whole group. Some great and productive meetings are showing that. (Meetings always on Thursday, Friday and Sunday)
[16:20] Hugh Dench: Also there are so much more translated texts. Thanks to my whole team! They really spend so much work, hours, in this work... It's true - we are making StarFleet more and more international.
[16:21] Hugh Dench: So finally I don't have the fear, that we won't keep on the good work. I'm so amazed that I'm able to manage such a great team.
[16:21] Hugh Dench: Last information: The "Conversation Courses" will be completed - I think - in round about 2 weeks. If there are questions, feel free to contact me or my Asst. Morgue McMillan.
[16:21] Hugh Dench: So that's all - thank you very much indeed for your attention.
[16:21] Tal Dix claps.
[16:21] DarkAlpha Bourne applauds
[16:21] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:21] Hugh Dench nods to the Admirals.
[16:21] Journey Juran claps
[16:21] Katrina Bixby: ty
[16:21] Vanessa Noarlunga: raises hand
[16:22] Hugh Dench: Sure, quesiton
[16:22] Jessica Kanahoe claps
[16:22] Hugh Dench: Ms Noarlunga
[16:22] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:22] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:23] Jessica Kanahoe dance in her seat.
[16:23] Vanessa Noarlunga: 1) thanks Hugh for making me proud a sa new Mom for what you did with the Linguistic dep/......and 2) I hjid 6 eggs in Aeon ...each egg is worth 100 is worth 500..wjhoever finds one (After the meeting)....
[16:23] Dolamite Giffen: OOO!
[16:24] Dolamite Giffen: aww cute jessica
[16:24] Hugh Dench: Ty Lt. Noarlunga
[16:24] Hugh Dench: I hope I'll make you proud ever
[16:24] Jessica Kanahoe: ops
[16:24] You: ty Ens Hugh Dench, Linguistics Lead Officer
[16:24] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:24] You: next report
[16:25] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:25] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:25] Jessica Kanahoe reach for the cookie in dolamite mouth
[16:25] Dolamite Giffen hisses
[16:25] You: Lt jg Tal Dix, Group Assets Lead Officer
[16:25] Jessica Kanahoe giggles
[16:26] Katrina Bixby: reminder meeting agenda, touch the pole here for info.
[16:26] Tal Dix: title off
[16:26] Tal Dix: Greetings! First I'd like to appologize for my 2 week unexplained absence. I came down with a cold which turned into Pnumonia, I'll be a little slow getting back into things, but i'm able to get out of bed for short periods at a time now, so i'll slowly be getting back into my normal routine.
[16:26] Tal Dix: Secondly, I'd like to remind people about prim limits, while I understand our current displacement situation, and have gladdly been letting division heads/assistants use their divisional prims on top of their house prims, please remember that there are still limits, some i have found going over even the combined total of their house prim limits and the additional 60 divisonal prims. All i ask is that you please keep an eye on your prim counts. Thank you in advance.
[16:27] Tal Dix: Lastly, I wanted to let everyone know that Hugh Dench and Ryan Franciosa have started helping me in Group Assets (i'm a few weeks behind in making this announcement due to my illness), while they may not be able to actually reset or remove anything, when i'm not around, they can certianly make sure it either gets taken care of via other channels, or make sure that I know about it for you so when i am on I can get it taken care of, feel free to ask either of them how they can assist if i'm not available, they want to make sure you are happy in your homes as well. =)
[16:27] Vanessa Noarlunga accepted your inventory offer.
[16:27] Tal Dix: Thanks for your time. Any questions? =)
[16:27] Katrina Bixby: question?
[16:27] Tal Dix: aye ma'am?
[16:27] Jessica Kanahoe shaker her head no
[16:27] Katrina Bixby accepted your inventory offer.
[16:28] Tal Dix: did you have a question ma'am?
[16:28] Jessica Kanahoe accepted your inventory offer.
[16:29] Tal Dix: ok thanks for all your time =)
[16:29] Dolamite Giffen claps
[16:29] Journey Juran claps
[16:29] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:29] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:29] Rachel Aldrich claps
[16:29] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:29] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:29] Katrina Bixby: /we are expanding in to 3 sim,s d0 you / assesst need new members
[16:29] Tal Dix: sorry ma'am think i'm lagging
[16:30] Katrina Bixby: so byou need an assistant?
[16:30] Tal Dix: right now we have Hugh and Ryan helping, and with their help so far, we haven't needed anyone else, however we'll have to gauge it as the new sim build starts
[16:30] Tal Dix: not as of now ma'am, however should that change, I will of course inform you =)
[16:30] Jessica Kanahoe: Pssst Dolamite if your not going to eat that thing can i have some...
[16:31] Tal Dix: does that answer your question ma'am?
[16:31] Katrina Bixby: ok ty
[16:31] Tal Dix: yes ma'am =)
[16:31] You: one edit to the Cadet to Ensign
[16:32] You: new Ensign Bedwyr Merlin
[16:32] You: also passed the test
[16:32] Dolamite Giffen cheers
[16:32] Tal Dix claps.
[16:32] Andromeda Quonset claps
[16:32] Bedwyr Merlin: Thank you, Admiral!
[16:33] Si Arcadia claps.
[16:33] Si Arcadia: claps.
[16:33] You: ok, any last minute announcments?
[16:33] Rowan Jacobus: yay!
[16:34] Dolamite Giffen: Happy easter??
[16:34] You: oh yes
[16:34] Tal Dix claps.
[16:34] You: indeed
[16:34] Morgue McMillan claps
[16:34] Areyn Laurasia claps.
[16:34] Dolamite Giffen wants eggs!
[16:34] You: and thank you for your participation in this meeting
[16:34] DarkAlpha Bourne ditto ^^
[16:34] You: you are all dismissed