Post by Cobramax Mechanique on Feb 13, 2006 17:26:58 GMT -5
Chat from 3rd general meeting, Feb 12, 2006:
You: we want to discusss the general status of the group and a few specific items
You: i know we are all anxious to see things move along
You: we have been thru quite a few proposals for how we should build here in galaxy
You: the latest is that we will divide the land around the edges into plots of 1024 and will deed/sell/rent them to members
You: prices is being ajusted
You: and then we will constuct a space station in the sky
You: for a nice vendor area, like ds9
You: and have the bridge/sickbay also up there
You: freeing up the land in the middle
You: for nice landscaping
You: and tactical/roleplay events
You: and along one edge have a sandbox area for members
You: would invite comments
You: and questions
Shannon Yamabushi: I have a couple
Al Kaiser: what about the sky box apartments?
You: oh, yes, skybox apartments below the vendor circle
Nikola Shirakawa: is there a set timetable for construction and opening?
You: i hope to have most everything built and going within the next 20-30 days
Shannon Yamabushi: I have a couple
You: quicker if possible
You: go ahead shannon
Shannon Yamabushi: one I have been helping with a few sim builder some of the top ones learned some interesting facts one is lag issues
and how to avoid them
Shannon Yamabushi: spacing for pryvacy is 20 meters
Shannon Yamabushi: for now
Shannon Yamabushi: no one can here you moan
Shannon Yamabushi: Second
Shannon Yamabushi: I propse the idea of instead of making HUGE outside things like space stations with outer ports
Shannon Yamabushi: make sounds tages
kitsumez Goodliffe: hmm I had a question about non land ishues after we have moved on to new buisness
Shannon Yamabushi: like in the studioes
Byron McHenry: what if we made sevral holodecks allowing us to make and enter any enviroment
Shannon Yamabushi: will lower lag with the higher details areas and things like turbo lifts and transfporters can cover the rest
Shannon Yamabushi: I have a project going with nightspy to do that but on a larger scale
Shannon Yamabushi: to drop hole sceanery
Shannon Yamabushi: can do half the sim all at once
Al Kaiser: wow half a sim!
Shannon Yamabushi: then drop in what you like for bildings and extra props
Shannon Yamabushi: He says he can do the hole sim but said look like a 1/4 for most of what we want
Byron McHenry: not really half a sim is neede for it we could creat stage sets of places we want to visit
Shannon Yamabushi: Excactly
Shannon Yamabushi: olso I am talking to a teleport maker
You: good ideas, will be good for tactical/rp and will not occupy a ton of prim
Al Kaiser: excellant idea
Shannon Yamabushi: who will make us a serounded telelport thatl ooks like shuttle but all you see it starts till you dock. still in
Al Kaiser: very exciting
You: sounds like a great idea
Shannon Yamabushi: Mostly would be nice to have a large group here and not lag eachother out so bad it is not fun
You: look forward to see how that will look
Shannon Yamabushi: so far sometests have been hot
Byron McHenry: to prevent lagg we just need to be spaced out
Shannon Yamabushi: I have a request though
Shannon Yamabushi: excactly
Byron McHenry: we probly need a communicator system too
Shannon Yamabushi: why I sugest ed the turbolisft/transporter idea
Shannon Yamabushi: Yes
Dora Resistance: we have a fairly good comunication system...
Shannon Yamabushi: I know a few but nothing solid but I DO have a request from some of you
Ta Moxie: That Mann made a repeater that can extend the range of our team coms but it needs to be in place in this sim to make it sim
Shannon Yamabushi: I need a REALLY REALLY good pictures of starships in space upsloce
Ta Moxie: We can prolly put the scripts in existing objects for the most part and not use up prims
Shannon Yamabushi: up close
Dora Resistance: thats wise.
You: pictures of startrek ships?
Shannon Yamabushi: even aliean one of the sets I Am working on is a outdoor hall set
Shannon Yamabushi: So need front back side and stuff of verious ships
Shannon Yamabushi: and will ahve to be stretched to scale
You: do you need us to import them into game or send them in email?
kitsumez Goodliffe: some of the more impresive startreck ships for sale have proven to be less then relyable on first test
Shannon Yamabushi: from it will be the stage lights and props
Al Kaiser: have u searched the web
Shannon Yamabushi: in game would be perfect
Kennet Agnon: hi, sorry i was later Slingo game dragged on after i had stuck 300L in the pot
Shannon Yamabushi: I have but I am broke
You: ok, we will all look for really good pictures to send you then
Al Kaiser: roget that sir
You: ok, any more questions before we move on
Shannon Yamabushi: Last thing I am trying to do other then try and show up here more doing a lot behind the sceans and I am sorry about
Shannon Yamabushi: OH on bilding last thing. will everyone get togeather pick things or parts of things and label them offical apporved
Shannon Yamabushi: like chairs
Shannon Yamabushi: concels
Shannon Yamabushi: and share them with are boulders
Shannon Yamabushi: I looked around lot of awsome bridges
Al Kaiser: Oh yes i was going to talk about that too
Shannon Yamabushi: But on dridge had perfect railing oand one next to it with awsome chairs has terrable railing
Teleporter Beam whispers: Initializing pattern buffer.
Teleporter Beam whispers: Energizing transport beam.
Teleporter Beam whispers: Squishing Serena Overlord into ball.
Teleporter Beam whispers: Transporting...
Dora Resistance: Has everyone seen the hull above? It's bridge is emplaced, and deck 2 is nearly complete.
kitsumez Goodliffe is online
Shannon Yamabushi: No can't wait to see it
You: second item is our ongoing discussion of the ranks
Al Kaiser: i have a proosal on that sir
You: go ahead al
Trek Jetpack C: All Go
Al Kaiser: here has been a lot of conversation about this topic. Both in person and on the forum. The general consensus is that there
are too many divisions proposed. There have some excellent posts by Olivia Nephilim and Ta Moxie on reducing the number of Division
Al Kaiser: If we look at the military in RL , we see that they are divided into four major groups: Personnel, Intelligence, Tactical
and Supply. So now the trick comes to applying this structure to SL.
Kennet Agnon: I know its there but i havent worked out how to get in
Abranimations Dance Sphere v1.4 whispers: Abranimations Dance Sphere Ready ...
Al Kaiser: I would like to make the following proposal.
Shannon Yamabushi: I had thoughts on that too
Al Kaiser: We form 4 Divisions as follows:
Al Kaiser: Personnel responsible for group personnel files, publicity, Counselor functions and Medical.
Al Kaiser: Intelligence responsible for security, sim administration, building codes
Al Kaiser: Tactical responsible for Tactile and Role Playing Events.
Al Kaiser: Supply responsible for building, textures, uniforms and scripting
Al Kaiser: Each divisions would be headed by a Captain with Lieutenants heading individual sub groups and Ensigns being the "worker
bees". For example: There would be a Captain of Personnel with Lieutenants for Files, Publicity, Councelor and Medical. Then Ensigns
Right hand blade: releasing controls
Left hand gun: Enter Mouselook to shoot me!
Trek Jetpack C: All Go
Al Kaiser: I feel that this structure imitates RL while filling the needs of SL. If there are any functions I left out please advise
Shannon Yamabushi: command structure you talking about
Al Kaiser: ok i'll shut up know
Shannon Yamabushi: no no
Shannon Yamabushi bonk al on head
Shannon Yamabushi: No shut up
Shannon Yamabushi: idea = good
Al Kaiser: any comments?
Shannon Yamabushi: I was telling cobra that we have one group for building
Shannon Yamabushi: are main group
Ta Moxie: I'd like to see the divisions named after starfleet divisions but with the same areas of responsibility.
Shannon Yamabushi: And the main group set up with a ormal command structure
Al Kaiser: we can do that
Ta Moxie: Sciences, Operations, Command, and Medical.
Al Kaiser: main thing is just 4 Divisions
Shannon Yamabushi: and I like the duel tital role al
Nikola Shirakawa: sem a little restrictive to me
Shannon Yamabushi: counceler hleps with roloplay engineer is props and effect
Shannon Yamabushi: thatk ind of thing
Al Kaiser: oh of course
You: so, is the general feeling that we need to reduce from 11 to just 4 and have subdivisions?
Shannon Yamabushi: Yes
Ta Moxie: restrictive how Nikola?
Shannon Yamabushi: rule of thumb is
Dora Resistance: I agree with that.
Nikola Shirakawa: 4 divisions is less than normal trek canon
Shannon Yamabushi: a commander can only lissin to 7 poeple at any one time
Ta Moxie: it IS normal trek cannon.
Nikola Shirakawa: it does appear there are too many divisions, but down to 4 seems like too much of a reduction
Al Kaiser: the entire military runs on run divisons
Shannon Yamabushi: Can I read from the book on this one?
Al Kaiser: four\
Ta Moxie: did you check out the forum posts on this Nikola?
You: ok
Nikola Shirakawa: i do nto have a web address
Shannon Yamabushi: the command structure of star fleet is this
Shannon Yamabushi: Federation councel
Shannon Yamabushi: then fleet command
Al Kaiser: correct
Shannon Yamabushi: Fleet command is devided into 4 operations groups
Al Kaiser: thats what i'm calling Divsions but operational groups is a more correct title
Shannon Yamabushi: Yes
Shannon Yamabushi: both are really
Ta Moxie: Please refrain from using toys that have spam guys, makes it hard to keep up with the meeting.
Shannon Yamabushi: Security
Nikola Shirakawa: which book is that?
Shannon Yamabushi: science
Shannon Yamabushi: Logistics
Shannon Yamabushi: and personael
Shannon Yamabushi: Star trak Techincal manual
Al Kaiser: ok so they replaced supply with logistics which makes sense
Nikola Shirakawa: well i assume a restriction for an admiralty to those four would make sense
Shannon Yamabushi: If you want tital BUT
Al Kaiser: and repalced Tacticla with Security which also makes sense
Nikola Shirakawa: but a full out divisional division would seem a ltitle restricitve creatively speaking
Shannon Yamabushi: I sugest that we keep that in the main group and use are personal info file to keep track
Al Kaiser: i agree Shannon
Dora Resistance: as do I
Shannon Yamabushi: As far as bilding here goes
Ta Moxie: Nikola there will be subdivisions within divisions, the reason for divisions is so less people are reporting to the higher
Ta Moxie: Too many divisions means too much paperwork and confusion, and stepped on toes.
Shannon Yamabushi: should be seperate from the rolplay Star trek aspect of are group
Nikola Shirakawa: who is in charge of the subdvisions again?
Al Kaiser: 100 % agree
Al Kaiser: we have a sim to build /run
Al Kaiser: and then we can RP
Shannon Yamabushi: in truth all this talk of divisions should stay in the rolplay aspect of are group not in are prime building till we
Al Kaiser: disagree we need some structure for the sim to work
Shannon Yamabushi: after we open the day to day running will bel ike that to easy confusion
Nikola Shirakawa: who will be the ranking officer of a subdivision?
Al Kaiser: without we'll have chaos
Ta Moxie: My feeling is that folks will gravitate toward divisions where they have aptitude whether that be for RP purposes or areas of
responsibility in the sim.
You: the general consensus seems to me moving towards making less divisions, and more subdivisions, is that correct?
Shannon Yamabushi: not if we do it like all the good sim builders too like dane and munch even
Nikola Shirakawa: is nobody going to answe the question?
Al Kaiser: that is my vote
Nikola Shirakawa: who will be the ranking officer iun a subdivision
Ta Moxie: we don't know yet Niklola
Shannon Yamabushi: Missed is Nikola
Al Kaiser: LT
Shannon Yamabushi: OH
You: as i see it, the captains, nikola
Nikola Shirakawa: thats why i say its too restrictive
CaptnPower Codesmith is offline
Shannon Yamabushi: It is
Shannon Yamabushi: Al
Nikola Shirakawa: i would have admiralty do the foru divisions
Al Kaiser: yes
Shannon Yamabushi: look at it this way
You: but i am open to good ideas
Ta Moxie: as far as ranking officers in a subdivision, I'd say that'd be up to the division head.
Nikola Shirakawa: i would allow cpatian rank to ru subdivisions
Shannon Yamabushi: when we are oepn we need that to maintain it to build we need a plan and one person runningthe building
Shannon Yamabushi: if we do it now ill take a long time to build it
Al Kaiser: then we would need admirals to run divisions
Nikola Shirakawa: exactly
Shannon Yamabushi: No rank
Shannon Yamabushi: wait
Ta Moxie: last I heard it was captain rank to head a division
Al Kaiser: that's why i said Captains for div
Shannon Yamabushi: every one
Nikola Shirakawa: if you do that, your plan is great
Shannon Yamabushi: gang
Al Kaiser: lt to strat for subdiv
Nikola Shirakawa: captians for subdivision would be ideal
Shannon Yamabushi: Gang?
Ta Moxie: so the captains can appoint or promote folks to LT for subdivisions methinks
CaptnPower Codesmith is online
Al Kaiser: then they could promot eto LT com and Com
Shannon Yamabushi: Gang?
You: go ahead shannon
Nikola Shirakawa: if you are that restrictive, it will eventually alienate poeple
Ta Moxie: Yes Shannon?
Kitshoji Hauptmann: the way you guys are planning things, there will be about 16 admirals. too many cheifs and not enough indians.
Nikola Shirakawa: people wnat to have the oppurtunity to command
Shannon Yamabushi: In truth I love my rank but if cobra asked me to run the building I would run it rank istherolplay part of what we
do here
Al Kaiser: yes exactly
Shannon Yamabushi: so for the build it is a pryvate contractor project
Al Kaiser: thats why it should be 1 Adm.
Al Kaiser: 4 Capt for div
Nikola Shirakawa: i would make there be aobut 7 cpatians and foru admirals below the counci
Shannon Yamabushi: Admid
Al Kaiser: then Commander, LT Commander, LT for subdivisions
Shannon Yamabushi: No you don't get it al
Ta Moxie: Nikola I suggest you look on the forums so you are not behind on what we have already discussed to date.
Dora Resistance: we aren't a big group. 4 admirals?
Al Kaiser: sorry Shaonon what am i missing
Shannon Yamabushi: The most creativeperson should run the building or the sim
Shannon Yamabushi: not about rank
Shannon Yamabushi: I could be wong though
Ta Moxie: then we'd better make sure the most creative person gets the rank ^_^
Shannon Yamabushi giggles
Hellfighter Solvang: let get the sim up and running and worry aboutt rank later
Al Kaiser: not nec- the most organized should run the group creativity and organization do not always go together
Ta Moxie: He has a point there
Ta Moxie: in fact they typically do NOT go together.
Dora Resistance: lol, I don't want to be an admiral, I just want to build amazing things
Shannon Yamabushi: eccept theranks are given to the most hlepfull to group not always to the most organized
Ta Moxie: geniuses are sloppy folks if the books are to be believed, heh.
Al Kaiser: he does but we do need some structure to get the Sim up and running = the leaders will float to the top
Dora Resistance: lke pond scum?
Nikola Shirakawa: at some point mos tpeopel will want to be called captain
Nikola Shirakawa: if you take away too much of an oppurtunity for that to happen, people won't want to participae in activity
Al Kaiser: true Nik but they have to earn it by hard work
Skylar Zephyr is offline
Nikola Shirakawa: of course
Kennet Agnon: yes every one wants to be a kirk janeway picard etc
You: we want to discusss the general status of the group and a few specific items
You: i know we are all anxious to see things move along
You: we have been thru quite a few proposals for how we should build here in galaxy
You: the latest is that we will divide the land around the edges into plots of 1024 and will deed/sell/rent them to members
You: prices is being ajusted
You: and then we will constuct a space station in the sky
You: for a nice vendor area, like ds9
You: and have the bridge/sickbay also up there
You: freeing up the land in the middle
You: for nice landscaping
You: and tactical/roleplay events
You: and along one edge have a sandbox area for members
You: would invite comments
You: and questions
Shannon Yamabushi: I have a couple
Al Kaiser: what about the sky box apartments?
You: oh, yes, skybox apartments below the vendor circle
Nikola Shirakawa: is there a set timetable for construction and opening?
You: i hope to have most everything built and going within the next 20-30 days
Shannon Yamabushi: I have a couple
You: quicker if possible
You: go ahead shannon
Shannon Yamabushi: one I have been helping with a few sim builder some of the top ones learned some interesting facts one is lag issues
and how to avoid them
Shannon Yamabushi: spacing for pryvacy is 20 meters
Shannon Yamabushi: for now
Shannon Yamabushi: no one can here you moan
Shannon Yamabushi: Second
Shannon Yamabushi: I propse the idea of instead of making HUGE outside things like space stations with outer ports
Shannon Yamabushi: make sounds tages
kitsumez Goodliffe: hmm I had a question about non land ishues after we have moved on to new buisness
Shannon Yamabushi: like in the studioes
Byron McHenry: what if we made sevral holodecks allowing us to make and enter any enviroment
Shannon Yamabushi: will lower lag with the higher details areas and things like turbo lifts and transfporters can cover the rest
Shannon Yamabushi: I have a project going with nightspy to do that but on a larger scale
Shannon Yamabushi: to drop hole sceanery
Shannon Yamabushi: can do half the sim all at once
Al Kaiser: wow half a sim!
Shannon Yamabushi: then drop in what you like for bildings and extra props
Shannon Yamabushi: He says he can do the hole sim but said look like a 1/4 for most of what we want
Byron McHenry: not really half a sim is neede for it we could creat stage sets of places we want to visit
Shannon Yamabushi: Excactly
Shannon Yamabushi: olso I am talking to a teleport maker
You: good ideas, will be good for tactical/rp and will not occupy a ton of prim
Al Kaiser: excellant idea
Shannon Yamabushi: who will make us a serounded telelport thatl ooks like shuttle but all you see it starts till you dock. still in
Al Kaiser: very exciting
You: sounds like a great idea
Shannon Yamabushi: Mostly would be nice to have a large group here and not lag eachother out so bad it is not fun
You: look forward to see how that will look
Shannon Yamabushi: so far sometests have been hot
Byron McHenry: to prevent lagg we just need to be spaced out
Shannon Yamabushi: I have a request though
Shannon Yamabushi: excactly
Byron McHenry: we probly need a communicator system too
Shannon Yamabushi: why I sugest ed the turbolisft/transporter idea
Shannon Yamabushi: Yes
Dora Resistance: we have a fairly good comunication system...
Shannon Yamabushi: I know a few but nothing solid but I DO have a request from some of you
Ta Moxie: That Mann made a repeater that can extend the range of our team coms but it needs to be in place in this sim to make it sim
Shannon Yamabushi: I need a REALLY REALLY good pictures of starships in space upsloce
Ta Moxie: We can prolly put the scripts in existing objects for the most part and not use up prims
Shannon Yamabushi: up close
Dora Resistance: thats wise.
You: pictures of startrek ships?
Shannon Yamabushi: even aliean one of the sets I Am working on is a outdoor hall set
Shannon Yamabushi: So need front back side and stuff of verious ships
Shannon Yamabushi: and will ahve to be stretched to scale
You: do you need us to import them into game or send them in email?
kitsumez Goodliffe: some of the more impresive startreck ships for sale have proven to be less then relyable on first test
Shannon Yamabushi: from it will be the stage lights and props
Al Kaiser: have u searched the web
Shannon Yamabushi: in game would be perfect
Kennet Agnon: hi, sorry i was later Slingo game dragged on after i had stuck 300L in the pot
Shannon Yamabushi: I have but I am broke
You: ok, we will all look for really good pictures to send you then
Al Kaiser: roget that sir
You: ok, any more questions before we move on
Shannon Yamabushi: Last thing I am trying to do other then try and show up here more doing a lot behind the sceans and I am sorry about
Shannon Yamabushi: OH on bilding last thing. will everyone get togeather pick things or parts of things and label them offical apporved
Shannon Yamabushi: like chairs
Shannon Yamabushi: concels
Shannon Yamabushi: and share them with are boulders
Shannon Yamabushi: I looked around lot of awsome bridges
Al Kaiser: Oh yes i was going to talk about that too
Shannon Yamabushi: But on dridge had perfect railing oand one next to it with awsome chairs has terrable railing
Teleporter Beam whispers: Initializing pattern buffer.
Teleporter Beam whispers: Energizing transport beam.
Teleporter Beam whispers: Squishing Serena Overlord into ball.
Teleporter Beam whispers: Transporting...
Dora Resistance: Has everyone seen the hull above? It's bridge is emplaced, and deck 2 is nearly complete.
kitsumez Goodliffe is online
Shannon Yamabushi: No can't wait to see it
You: second item is our ongoing discussion of the ranks
Al Kaiser: i have a proosal on that sir
You: go ahead al
Trek Jetpack C: All Go
Al Kaiser: here has been a lot of conversation about this topic. Both in person and on the forum. The general consensus is that there
are too many divisions proposed. There have some excellent posts by Olivia Nephilim and Ta Moxie on reducing the number of Division
Al Kaiser: If we look at the military in RL , we see that they are divided into four major groups: Personnel, Intelligence, Tactical
and Supply. So now the trick comes to applying this structure to SL.
Kennet Agnon: I know its there but i havent worked out how to get in
Abranimations Dance Sphere v1.4 whispers: Abranimations Dance Sphere Ready ...
Al Kaiser: I would like to make the following proposal.
Shannon Yamabushi: I had thoughts on that too
Al Kaiser: We form 4 Divisions as follows:
Al Kaiser: Personnel responsible for group personnel files, publicity, Counselor functions and Medical.
Al Kaiser: Intelligence responsible for security, sim administration, building codes
Al Kaiser: Tactical responsible for Tactile and Role Playing Events.
Al Kaiser: Supply responsible for building, textures, uniforms and scripting
Al Kaiser: Each divisions would be headed by a Captain with Lieutenants heading individual sub groups and Ensigns being the "worker
bees". For example: There would be a Captain of Personnel with Lieutenants for Files, Publicity, Councelor and Medical. Then Ensigns
Right hand blade: releasing controls
Left hand gun: Enter Mouselook to shoot me!
Trek Jetpack C: All Go
Al Kaiser: I feel that this structure imitates RL while filling the needs of SL. If there are any functions I left out please advise
Shannon Yamabushi: command structure you talking about
Al Kaiser: ok i'll shut up know
Shannon Yamabushi: no no
Shannon Yamabushi bonk al on head
Shannon Yamabushi: No shut up
Shannon Yamabushi: idea = good
Al Kaiser: any comments?
Shannon Yamabushi: I was telling cobra that we have one group for building
Shannon Yamabushi: are main group
Ta Moxie: I'd like to see the divisions named after starfleet divisions but with the same areas of responsibility.
Shannon Yamabushi: And the main group set up with a ormal command structure
Al Kaiser: we can do that
Ta Moxie: Sciences, Operations, Command, and Medical.
Al Kaiser: main thing is just 4 Divisions
Shannon Yamabushi: and I like the duel tital role al
Nikola Shirakawa: sem a little restrictive to me
Shannon Yamabushi: counceler hleps with roloplay engineer is props and effect
Shannon Yamabushi: thatk ind of thing
Al Kaiser: oh of course
You: so, is the general feeling that we need to reduce from 11 to just 4 and have subdivisions?
Shannon Yamabushi: Yes
Ta Moxie: restrictive how Nikola?
Shannon Yamabushi: rule of thumb is
Dora Resistance: I agree with that.
Nikola Shirakawa: 4 divisions is less than normal trek canon
Shannon Yamabushi: a commander can only lissin to 7 poeple at any one time
Ta Moxie: it IS normal trek cannon.
Nikola Shirakawa: it does appear there are too many divisions, but down to 4 seems like too much of a reduction
Al Kaiser: the entire military runs on run divisons
Shannon Yamabushi: Can I read from the book on this one?
Al Kaiser: four\
Ta Moxie: did you check out the forum posts on this Nikola?
You: ok
Nikola Shirakawa: i do nto have a web address
Shannon Yamabushi: the command structure of star fleet is this
Shannon Yamabushi: Federation councel
Shannon Yamabushi: then fleet command
Al Kaiser: correct
Shannon Yamabushi: Fleet command is devided into 4 operations groups
Al Kaiser: thats what i'm calling Divsions but operational groups is a more correct title
Shannon Yamabushi: Yes
Shannon Yamabushi: both are really
Ta Moxie: Please refrain from using toys that have spam guys, makes it hard to keep up with the meeting.
Shannon Yamabushi: Security
Nikola Shirakawa: which book is that?
Shannon Yamabushi: science
Shannon Yamabushi: Logistics
Shannon Yamabushi: and personael
Shannon Yamabushi: Star trak Techincal manual
Al Kaiser: ok so they replaced supply with logistics which makes sense
Nikola Shirakawa: well i assume a restriction for an admiralty to those four would make sense
Shannon Yamabushi: If you want tital BUT
Al Kaiser: and repalced Tacticla with Security which also makes sense
Nikola Shirakawa: but a full out divisional division would seem a ltitle restricitve creatively speaking
Shannon Yamabushi: I sugest that we keep that in the main group and use are personal info file to keep track
Al Kaiser: i agree Shannon
Dora Resistance: as do I
Shannon Yamabushi: As far as bilding here goes
Ta Moxie: Nikola there will be subdivisions within divisions, the reason for divisions is so less people are reporting to the higher
Ta Moxie: Too many divisions means too much paperwork and confusion, and stepped on toes.
Shannon Yamabushi: should be seperate from the rolplay Star trek aspect of are group
Nikola Shirakawa: who is in charge of the subdvisions again?
Al Kaiser: 100 % agree
Al Kaiser: we have a sim to build /run
Al Kaiser: and then we can RP
Shannon Yamabushi: in truth all this talk of divisions should stay in the rolplay aspect of are group not in are prime building till we
Al Kaiser: disagree we need some structure for the sim to work
Shannon Yamabushi: after we open the day to day running will bel ike that to easy confusion
Nikola Shirakawa: who will be the ranking officer of a subdivision?
Al Kaiser: without we'll have chaos
Ta Moxie: My feeling is that folks will gravitate toward divisions where they have aptitude whether that be for RP purposes or areas of
responsibility in the sim.
You: the general consensus seems to me moving towards making less divisions, and more subdivisions, is that correct?
Shannon Yamabushi: not if we do it like all the good sim builders too like dane and munch even
Nikola Shirakawa: is nobody going to answe the question?
Al Kaiser: that is my vote
Nikola Shirakawa: who will be the ranking officer iun a subdivision
Ta Moxie: we don't know yet Niklola
Shannon Yamabushi: Missed is Nikola
Al Kaiser: LT
Shannon Yamabushi: OH
You: as i see it, the captains, nikola
Nikola Shirakawa: thats why i say its too restrictive
CaptnPower Codesmith is offline
Shannon Yamabushi: It is
Shannon Yamabushi: Al
Nikola Shirakawa: i would have admiralty do the foru divisions
Al Kaiser: yes
Shannon Yamabushi: look at it this way
You: but i am open to good ideas
Ta Moxie: as far as ranking officers in a subdivision, I'd say that'd be up to the division head.
Nikola Shirakawa: i would allow cpatian rank to ru subdivisions
Shannon Yamabushi: when we are oepn we need that to maintain it to build we need a plan and one person runningthe building
Shannon Yamabushi: if we do it now ill take a long time to build it
Al Kaiser: then we would need admirals to run divisions
Nikola Shirakawa: exactly
Shannon Yamabushi: No rank
Shannon Yamabushi: wait
Ta Moxie: last I heard it was captain rank to head a division
Al Kaiser: that's why i said Captains for div
Shannon Yamabushi: every one
Nikola Shirakawa: if you do that, your plan is great
Shannon Yamabushi: gang
Al Kaiser: lt to strat for subdiv
Nikola Shirakawa: captians for subdivision would be ideal
Shannon Yamabushi: Gang?
Ta Moxie: so the captains can appoint or promote folks to LT for subdivisions methinks
CaptnPower Codesmith is online
Al Kaiser: then they could promot eto LT com and Com
Shannon Yamabushi: Gang?
You: go ahead shannon
Nikola Shirakawa: if you are that restrictive, it will eventually alienate poeple
Ta Moxie: Yes Shannon?
Kitshoji Hauptmann: the way you guys are planning things, there will be about 16 admirals. too many cheifs and not enough indians.
Nikola Shirakawa: people wnat to have the oppurtunity to command
Shannon Yamabushi: In truth I love my rank but if cobra asked me to run the building I would run it rank istherolplay part of what we
do here
Al Kaiser: yes exactly
Shannon Yamabushi: so for the build it is a pryvate contractor project
Al Kaiser: thats why it should be 1 Adm.
Al Kaiser: 4 Capt for div
Nikola Shirakawa: i would make there be aobut 7 cpatians and foru admirals below the counci
Shannon Yamabushi: Admid
Al Kaiser: then Commander, LT Commander, LT for subdivisions
Shannon Yamabushi: No you don't get it al
Ta Moxie: Nikola I suggest you look on the forums so you are not behind on what we have already discussed to date.
Dora Resistance: we aren't a big group. 4 admirals?
Al Kaiser: sorry Shaonon what am i missing
Shannon Yamabushi: The most creativeperson should run the building or the sim
Shannon Yamabushi: not about rank
Shannon Yamabushi: I could be wong though
Ta Moxie: then we'd better make sure the most creative person gets the rank ^_^
Shannon Yamabushi giggles
Hellfighter Solvang: let get the sim up and running and worry aboutt rank later
Al Kaiser: not nec- the most organized should run the group creativity and organization do not always go together
Ta Moxie: He has a point there
Ta Moxie: in fact they typically do NOT go together.
Dora Resistance: lol, I don't want to be an admiral, I just want to build amazing things
Shannon Yamabushi: eccept theranks are given to the most hlepfull to group not always to the most organized
Ta Moxie: geniuses are sloppy folks if the books are to be believed, heh.
Al Kaiser: he does but we do need some structure to get the Sim up and running = the leaders will float to the top
Dora Resistance: lke pond scum?
Nikola Shirakawa: at some point mos tpeopel will want to be called captain
Nikola Shirakawa: if you take away too much of an oppurtunity for that to happen, people won't want to participae in activity
Al Kaiser: true Nik but they have to earn it by hard work
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Nikola Shirakawa: of course
Kennet Agnon: yes every one wants to be a kirk janeway picard etc