Below is the chatlog from the first planning meeting. Please have a read if you were interested in attending but missed out. It was a very constructve meeting with plenty of ideas and suggestions.
Thank you for all those who attended.
[15:52] Solomon Flax: Good afternoon, guys.
[15:52] Afalalota Cummings: hello Solomon
[15:52] DarkAlpha Bourne: sir
[15:52] Afalalota Cummings: going to grab cofee before the meeting begins
[15:52] Afalalota Cummings: need my trimethylxanthine hit
[15:52] Solomon Flax: Sure.
[15:55] Solomon Flax: Everyone have the agenda for this meeting?
[15:55] DarkAlpha Bourne: sure
[15:56] Si Arcadia: Yes
[15:56] Afalalota Cummings: back
[15:56] Freyr Elvehjem: Indeed
[15:57] Solomon Flax: OK, we will wait a few more minutes before we get underway.
[15:57] Afalalota Cummings: Soloman, can you throw a copy my way... it's gone the way of all my notecards... entered the big unsorted mess that is my Notecards folder :/
[15:58] Afalalota Cummings accepted your inventory offer.
[15:58] Afalalota Cummings: thanks
[16:00] Solomon Flax: Anyone have qualms about me running the meeting from down here... I would rather not stand on the stage so far away.
[16:00] Si Arcadia: What is "qualms"?
[16:00] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:01] Jin Tao: fine by me
[16:01] Solomon Flax: OK, let's get underway... I wonder where Dolamite is?
[16:01] Si Arcadia: (Probably running after "qualms").
[16:01] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:02] Solomon Flax: Thank you all for coming to this meeting.
[16:02] Halogen Plasma: thanks
[16:02] Solomon Flax: It is your chance to offer up some opinions and ideas about the soon to be Academy of ours.
[16:03] Solomon Flax: Like I mention in the agenda handout, it is unreasonable for all aspects of the Academy's startup to be discussed but it will help me gauge the interest in the SFA.
[16:03] Solomon Flax: Certainly, we can continue discussions in private after this meeting.
[16:04] Solomon Flax: OK, to keep some order in this meeting, I have a few requests, please bear with me.
[16:04] Solomon Flax: (Welcome to those who just arrived)
[16:05] Totalus Karas: (ty I've had a really bad day, im just glad I can attend)
[16:05] Solomon Flax: firstly, please raise your hand before you ask a question/offer an opinion, I will do my best to call on you in order.
[16:05] Areyn Laurasia: (Thank you, sir.)
[16:05] Solomon Flax: second, try to keep to the topic of the agenda so we can have a unified discussion before moving on.
[16:05] Solomon Flax: there will be time for general discussion at the end
[16:06] Solomon Flax: OK, as a starter could I get a showinig of 'ayes' for those here interested in teaching at the Academy. (I will use the chatlog to note your names down).
[16:06] Totalus Karas: aye
[16:06] Afalalota Cummings: aye
[16:06] DarkAlpha Bourne: aye
[16:06] Freyr Elvehjem: aye
[16:07] Si Arcadia: Ayes
[16:07] Halogen Plasma: aye
[16:07] Ludo Merit: Aye sir
[16:07] Rod Halberd: aye
[16:08] Solomon Flax: Excellent, I thank you for your interest. For those of you who haven't intended on teaching (yet), thank you for your attendance here too.
[16:08] Solomon Flax: OK, the first agenda item is with regards to Cadet Orientation.
[16:09] Solomon Flax: Basically, I am interested in ideas on how to improve the first impression that new recruits get of SLQ... presently, after they get processed by personnel they sort of get left on their own to figure things out before the exam.
[16:10] Jin Tao raises his hand
[16:10] Si Arcadia raises hand.
[16:10] Solomon Flax: Yes, Jin.
[16:10] Halogen Plasma raises hand
[16:11] Jin Tao: well if the we could maybe set our application forms up were the personnel are enlisted.....It would allow them to walk over and imediatly contact the division of interest
[16:11] Solomon Flax: applications to join subdivisions?
[16:11] Jin Tao: so that we could assign them a mentor type figure
[16:11] Jin Tao: aye yes
[16:12] Solomon Flax: Ah, a mentor scheme... very good. This idea has been mooted before and we will definitely consider it.
[16:13] Rod Halberd gave you Proposal for Academy (Rod Halberd).
[16:13] Totalus Karas raises hand for a question after Si and Halo if not addressed by them first
[16:13] Solomon Flax: before I move onto the next person, anyone like to add to the mentoring idea?
[16:14] Afalalota Cummings: I would
[16:14] Solomon Flax: Yes?
[16:14] Si Arcadia: Well, my question comes to it, almost.
[16:14] Solomon Flax: (it would save time if you could already type up your questions while another is answering/asking)
[16:14] Rod Halberd: yeap
[16:14] Afalalota Cummings: I think mentoring would be extremely beneficial, but I think it should take place after any indoctrination rather than immediately
[16:14] Solomon Flax: Indoctrination? Like assimilation?
[16:15] Afalalota Cummings: yes, lol... that is, after the most basic of "this is SLQ, this is what we do" classes
[16:15] Rod Halberd: this is in that proposal that I sent you......sir
[16:15] Solomon Flax: OK, thank you for that suggestion, it does make sense.
[16:15] Si Arcadia: Mentoring is great, but like anything else, no ressources.
[16:15] Solomon Flax: OK, Si, your comment.
[16:15] Si Arcadia: I would recommend they are directed towards the head of their division. Heads should allways have to contact new members, when they are available.
[16:16] Solomon Flax: Yes, this is true, but who should initiate the contact, Cadet or subdiv lead?
[16:16] Si Arcadia: I do not understand why heads are so discreet towards their subordinates.
[16:16] Si Arcadia laughs.
[16:17] Si Arcadia: Heads, in my sense.
[16:17] Halogen Plasma: Cadets should apply where they want to go
[16:17] Solomon Flax: OK, any comments from others about that?
[16:17] Areyn Laurasia raises a hand.
[16:17] Solomon Flax: Yes, Areyn.
[16:17] Halogen Plasma: ahem
[16:18] Rod Halberd: I think cadets should try first in academy and after that decide what they want....
[16:18] Areyn Laurasia: Sir, I'm in favour of the first suggestion.
[16:18] Solomon Flax: Rod, please raise your hand before speaking, thanks.
[16:18] Halogen Plasma raises hand
[16:18] Solomon Flax: Sorry, Areyn, which suggestion do you mean?
[16:19] Areyn Laurasia: The one about the mentors for cadets.
[16:19] Solomon Flax: OK, thank you.
[16:19] Solomon Flax: Your question, Halogen.
[16:19] Halogen Plasma: When I was a Cadet, I had 2 things on my mind
[16:19] Halogen Plasma: 1) What do I need to know to pass thetest
[16:20] Halogen Plasma: and 2) What do the divisions do (so I know where to apply)
[16:20] Halogen Plasma: there isn't enough info on what we do
[16:20] Totalus Karas agress with Halo
[16:20] Halogen Plasma: i.e. Medical does av skins
[16:20] Halogen Plasma: I never would have guessed that
[16:21] Solomon Flax: Thank you, Halogen. Do we agree that before we can assign a mentor from a subdiv, the Cadet must be able to make a well informed decision about which subdiv they want to serve, and approach that subdiv for a mentor?
[16:21] Halogen Plasma: agreed
[16:21] Si Arcadia: Not to me.
[16:21] Jin Tao: aye
[16:21] Halogen Plasma: maybe have a class or something
[16:21] Halogen Plasma: or notecard
[16:22] Rod Halberd raises hand
[16:22] Jin Tao raises his hand
[16:22] Totalus Karas: aye, the linguistics department could have fun converting the subjects for each department so all those involved can read what is available to them
[16:22] Solomon Flax: Please explain your concern, Si. and then I will take your question, Rod.
[16:22] Si Arcadia: I believe a cadet should have read the manual and chosen a division...
[16:23] Si Arcadia: ...thus having the haead (or mentor) contact him and show him the basics...
[16:23] Si Arcadia: ...still leaving the option to change division at the ensign class.
[16:24] Solomon Flax: OK, the means by which a Cadet gets a basic familiarity with each subdiv is yet to be decided. Thanks, Rod.
[16:24] Rod Halberd: my idea is that the academy should provide classes on basic concepts and after that choose classes about divisions that they are interested to see how it works....
[16:24] Totalus Karas tags Rod "my question is also related"
[16:24] Rod Halberd: cadets choose the classes that they are interested about divisions
[16:25] Halogen Plasma nods
[16:25] Rod Halberd: but in basics are for all
[16:25] Solomon Flax: Thanks, Rod. It is clear that we need to provide a foundation of 'common knowledge' that will let Cadets branch into their interests under their own discretion.
[16:26] Solomon Flax: Totalus?
[16:26] Totalus Karas: during my two weeks at joining period i found it very boring and loborious to come on as being from the EU then its hard for us europeans too attend the evening games so to speak.... I was wondering if it be possible to have more academy events running through the day such as a brief course in engineering or a quickt tactical demonstration, or maybe even a brief thought and life into designing skins... just to give the extra added personnel involved in those departments to help towards keeping the cadet active and also make them feel more at home here, knowing there was events being run for them to attend.
[16:26] Solomon Flax: Thank you for preparing your question, Totalus.
[16:27] Solomon Flax: As of now, there is already plans of revamping the 'Cadet Experience'... opinions vary from making the Academy virtually separate from the rest of the fleet, all the way to having the Academy be a subset of each subdivision.
[16:28] Solomon Flax: But certainly, we need to address that 'boredom' that exists now for those starting two weeks, thanks.
[16:28] Totalus Karas nods
[16:28] Solomon Flax: Anything to add before we move on?
[16:28] Halogen Plasma raises hand
[16:29] Solomon Flax: Halogen?
[16:29] Halogen Plasma: I saw in the Library the beginnings of notecard info on the divisions
[16:29] Halogen Plasma: if we could flesh that out a bit and get that to the Cadets as a starting point
[16:30] Solomon Flax: Yes, when I was heading the library I was trying to get that down... then we needed to... remodel.
[16:30] Halogen Plasma: right
[16:30] Solomon Flax: But certainly a resource like that where a Cadet can access in their own time is critical.
[16:30] Halogen Plasma: yes thats what I mean
[16:30] Solomon Flax: The Courses.
[16:30] Solomon Flax: OK, thank you for those ideas. Let's move onto another aspect of the Academy.
[16:31] Solomon Flax: Hmm... I distinctly remember typing those two lines in the other order...
[16:32] Solomon Flax: Anyway, aside from orienting our new Cadets, the Academy is charged with coordinating officer training for our other members and the general public.
[16:32] Solomon Flax: Now, a number of you mentioned you wanted to teach, just yell out (the only time during this meeting) what some of the topics are you want to teach.
[16:33] DarkAlpha Bourne: scripting
[16:33] Ludo Merit: SociaLogic
[16:34] Halogen Plasma raises hand
[16:34] Ludo Merit: Other courses about human relations, mediation, that kind of thing.
[16:34] Freyr Elvehjem: Physics and space sciences, as related to ST
[16:34] Solomon Flax: OK, any more?
[16:34] Afalalota Cummings: random starfleet/star trek things, building, scripting, texturing, clothing...
[16:34] Solomon Flax: Wow... a great diversity there.
[16:34] Areyn Laurasia: definitely star trek science
[16:34] Halogen Plasma: I am hardly qualified to teach it, but
[16:34] Solomon Flax: Yes, Halogen.
[16:35] Rod Halberd: RP Engineering and Startrek Science....
[16:35] Halogen Plasma: I agree there should be ST protocol
[16:35] Halogen Plasma: type of stuff
[16:35] Solomon Flax: Great!
[16:35] Halogen Plasma: ranks, and so forth
[16:35] Rod Halberd: Regulations
[16:35] Floating Keyboard (LCARS) V1.2 whispers: Active: LCARS air keyboard by Aodhan McDunnough
[16:35] Halogen Plasma: to orient our new Cadets
[16:35] Halogen Plasma: and educate our visitors
[16:35] Halogen Plasma: whats canon and no, etc
[16:35] Solomon Flax: OK, we are heading that way in the discussion so I'll ask the question:
[16:36] Freyr Elvehjem: Indeed, along with protocol...leadership
[16:36] Solomon Flax: what are some topics you would like taught but you probably could not teach yourself, something not mentioned yet.
[16:36] Si Arcadia raises hand.
[16:36] Halogen Plasma: SF regulations, protocols, how to RP
[16:36] Afalalota Cummings: would be interesting to run a leadership course (I might be able to teach it, but that stuff takes a lot of time)
[16:36] Solomon Flax: Yes, Si.
[16:37] Si Arcadia: I would really like RL science on warp, teleportation and other "advanced" sciences.
[16:37] Rod Halberd: Well....On my proposal I set a lot of subjects....
[16:37] DarkAlpha Bourne: definatly how to rp... a good suggestion
[16:37] Solomon Flax: OK. Thank you for your input.
[16:38] Solomon Flax: Now, in reference to those questions I would like to propose an idea to you all, one that admittedly I am quite partial to.
[16:38] Totalus Karas: the RP is a must in my oppinion
[16:38] Solomon Flax: (0.11 Time Dilation)
[16:38] Si Arcadia: (A class ontime dilation and time travel would be fun)
[16:39] Solomon Flax: OK, it is my conjecture that previous attempts of getting the Academy going has failed because too much work was given to the Commandant...
[16:40] Solomon Flax: Now, without wanting to sound like a slacker... I hope to shift more responsibility for course development onto you... the subdiv members... the instructors.
[16:41] Solomon Flax: the reason being because you are the ones with the knowhow and expertise... my capacity is only as an administrator.
[16:41] Halogen Plasma raises hand
[16:42] Solomon Flax: In line with that, the suggestion is to appoint a teaching coordinator for each subdivision who will review and approve all the courses from their discipline. As Commandant, I will look through it too, but your opinions will carry much weight.
[16:42] Solomon Flax: Yes, Halogen.
[16:42] Halogen Plasma: thats what I wanted to know... each subdiv would have a rep...I agree
[16:43] Solomon Flax: No doubt some subdivs already have a member who coordinates their training... I am merely formalizing it... and giving them an Academy tag
[16:43] Halogen Plasma raises hand
[16:44] Solomon Flax: OK, I've put that idea out... c'mon... shoot it!
[16:44] Halogen Plasma raises hand
[16:44] Ludo Merit: I've been hoping for it for some time.
[16:44] Solomon Flax: (Ludo seems to be typing a lot... it worries me...)
[16:44] Solomon Flax: Yes, Halogen.
[16:44] Halogen Plasma: along that line
[16:44] Halogen Plasma: with a published list of classes
[16:45] Halogen Plasma: I could have a contact to sign up for a class unrelated to my division
[16:45] Halogen Plasma: say a Counseling course
[16:45] Halogen Plasma: I could see inter-division communications improved too
[16:46] Rod Halberd raises hand
[16:46] Ludo Merit nods
[16:46] Solomon Flax: Sorry, Halogen, is that a question?
[16:46] Halogen Plasma: no, I agree totally
[16:46] Solomon Flax: OK, thanks.
[16:47] Solomon Flax: I should also add, that all course proposals will come from our membership... and aside from the content, I would also expect you to provide an instructor.
[16:47] Solomon Flax: I don't envisage having the post of generic 'Academy Instructor' who is not attached to a course to be taught.
[16:47] Solomon Flax: Yes, Rod
[16:48] Rod Halberd: Since we have a coordinator ...what about engineering school.....medical institute....create departments inside academy?
[16:48] Si Arcadia raises hand.
[16:48] Rod Halberd: coneected with divisions
[16:49] Solomon Flax: I did consider that... I propose to implement, at least initially, by giving your subdiv coordinator a joint appointment as an Academy staff... we don't have the resources (at least at the outset) to draw up entire Schools/Departments.
[16:49] Solomon Flax: What do you think of that, Rod?
[16:50] Rod Halberd: well...we are groing up fast and I think that soon we'll have the human resources for that
[16:50] Halogen Plasma nods
[16:50] Solomon Flax: I will not preclude the development of Departments
[16:50] Solomon Flax: Yes, Si.
[16:50] Si Arcadia: Actually, why not just start by giving a few classes, unrelated, if needed? That way, we'll gain experience and probably will be able to go more into details? And as teachers, shouldn't we be able to teach basically in almost anything, but refer to divisions for review and comments? Trying to be too specialized and getting too many people with different responsabilities may make it hard to start in the first place?,
[16:50] Rod Halberd: if we do a really nice job and create an organized academy other people will be interested , I think
[16:51] Rod Halberd: if we do just what is possible will be always what is possible....
[16:52] Rod Halberd: I think we and new cadets need a challenge
[16:52] Solomon Flax: well, once again any courses that are taught will come from you folks, at the start while we are forming I imagine that we will have courses all over the place.
[16:53] Rod Halberd raises hand
[16:53] Solomon Flax: OK, let me make one last point before we go on to assessment/accreditation.
[16:53] Solomon Flax: Sorry, yes, Rod?
[16:54] Rod Halberd: but we need to decide together what will be the curriculum.....not everyone do what it want
[16:54] Solomon Flax: Yes, that is a big issue that will need to be addressed at a subsequent gathering.
[16:55] Solomon Flax: I will start a thread on the forums to that effect too.