Post by Cobramax Mechanique on Mar 10, 2008 18:04:21 GMT -5
December 16, 2007 94th General Meeting:
[15:09] You: StarFleetCommand Second Life Quadrant! Officers, Cadets and guest gather for the Quadrant's General Meeting (GM).
[15:09] Falo Priestman: i missed the flashing bulbs:-)
[15:09] Katrina Bixby: greetings! SLQ
[15:09] You: Meeting Chair Admiral Cobramax Mechanique.
[15:09] You: (and my chair still has not rezzed)
[15:10] You: PLEASE TURN off Commbadges, except security personnel of course. Gestures or attachments that cause chat spam, may be consider greifing, which is not taken lightly by the members. (note several positions, and ranks have ability to eject violators into unknown space. "Just a warning".
[15:10] You: Old business 1.
[15:10] You: Read and participate in the group forums at. Register at we got live chat. Wednesdays when SL is doing maintance, join us!. Dirk Klees - Web Master note: the old forums: are still maintained for historical purposes, and the GM chat is also posted there in addition to the new forums. note: A record of the meeting chat will be made and posted in the groups forums.
[15:11] You: 2. To be added to the meeting agenda please contact The admirals 2 days before the meeting.
[15:12] You: 3. Bi-Annual Ball Friday December 14th 2:30pm slt, To be repeated 9:30pm slt, Saturday December 15th 5:30 am slt. was a great sucess, all had a great time and many new awards and promotions were handed out.
[15:12] You: NEW BUSINESS
[15:14] You: this was the class Lt McMillan instructed
[15:14] You: Lazlo Drechsler
[15:14] You: 4. New Graduates from Recruite Orientation
[15:15] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] You: Hort Aichi
[15:15] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:15] You: Azraell Aeon
[15:15] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:15] You: Dlaitini Maurer
[15:15] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:15] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:15] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:16] Chaley May claps
[15:16] You: there was another class by Ltjg Ramesh Singh
[15:16] You: but, the note card wont open
[15:17] You: anyone know who passed that Orientation?
[15:18] MissySkyra Yoshikawa looks around
[15:18] Ethan Muldoon: oh, sorry did not mean to yell
[15:18] Aimhigh Seelowe: Its a plot.
[15:19] You: well, when i find out, ill put thier names in the chat log on the forums
[15:19] You: lets move on
[15:19] You: Attention recruites/ new members you are expected to be processed by personnel, Those advancing in the ranks, and or the trek expericence will continue processing in Medical Division, Counseling, All each division will be offering a orientation also.
[15:19] You: 5. SLQ Members are asked to donate a minimum of $50 Linden per week, to the sim The donation boxes in the sand box.
[15:20] You: 6. Reminder, the admiralty are the only ones allowed to create any groups, for division, sub-divisions or affiliated groups for SFCSLQ.
[15:20] You: 7. SFCSLQ Officers, Crewman etc. are expected to be professional and Starfleet like at all times when on duty. An be familar with the sim rules Division meetings must focus on functions of SFCSLQ projects, products and task discussed in group division meetings should not discuss, taking projects from SFCSLQ nor creating revenue with a SFCSLQ project to be taken in world away from SFCSLQ any questions please direct to the admiralty.
[15:20] You: 8. SFCSLQ has opened talks for groups participation in a Federation collaboration. Members are encouraged to share ideas with the admiralty on how this should be organized. Current Federation Collaborates are: Maquis SLQ UFB Uniao de Frotas de Brasil
[15:20] You: 9. Reminder- New item - Senior Officer SO, meetings note are posted on the forums weekly.
[15:21] You: 10. Division reports. Maximum 2 minutes each division and sub-division. PLEASE!
[15:21] You: Engineering report, Lt Natsuki Jixing
[15:21] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:21] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:21] Natsuki Jinxing: Ty Sir
[15:21] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:21] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:21] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:21] Adrienne Hegel claps
[15:21] Journey Juran claps
[15:22] Natsuki Jinxing: sorry lag spike
[15:22] Natsuki Jinxing: Greetings Every One.
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing: Here's the Engineering report.
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing: Please note for inquiries into all Engineering Projects that Starfleet Personnel are to ask either the Eng Chief of Staff and/or Check the forums. Also if you have just complete you requirement requirements and have contacted your placement officer and need further assistance with joining the Engineering Division please contact me. Thx.
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing: As a personal Note i would like to make a quick statement thinking all of you who made the Ball a success!!
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing: Not only to the fine people that received awards and recognition of their skills , abilities and Contributions to SLQ Fleet but to the people of the planning committee and builders the put such a fine place together for us to have it done as well as the great DJ hosting the Audio part of it. Thanks for a job well done.
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: Current project status are as follows :
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: Flip title improvment project - Chaley may (in progress) This project is a prototype. It's basic outline is a follows:
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: Flip title for SFCSLQ, one that adds rank, and your division to title via menu. and has more advanced options than just taking it on/off or setting its title through chat.
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: A menu based system with these features:
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: 1. Set rank via menu
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: 2. Set division via menu
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: 3. set a) On-duty status b) Off-duty status c) Title Off
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: next
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: Soverenign Development Project: Status(holding for Review) : Project on hold for review of it's scope and of it's current completion state.
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: next item ..
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: Uss Intrepid : Run buy : lotan flan : Status (In Progress) : Additional sections are being planed out and well be added to the Set Rezzer project.
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: Security Building:Project lead Freelancer Takacs: Engineering oversite: Lt Natsuki Jinxing : Status (on hold-project Review) On hold for stranded project status review and scope.
[15:26] Natsuki Jinxing: Fifth Pip Club Aeon -: Dwain knight :Status In-Progress : The club is nearing it's final completion stages more details coming.
[15:26] Natsuki Jinxing: Engineering 101 Class :Handy GearsIn progrees) Class is now in final stages and we hope to be ready to be running it at the begging of the New Year.
[15:26] Natsuki Jinxing: On a side note well will be starting our Sandbox/Workshops as well so be on the look out for announcements as to up and coming times and subjects.
[15:26] Natsuki Jinxing: Note We are located in the 6th Floor NE Inner Tower of the HQ building come by and see are our offices. We have suggestions box's, Forms , and Crew notes inplace.
[15:27] Natsuki Jinxing: well once again a busy week and that completes my report !
[15:27] Natsuki Jinxing: Ill stand down now .. Admiral
[15:27] Adrienne Hegel claps
[15:27] Demeter Slade claps
[15:27] Journey Juran claps
[15:27] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:27] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:27] Darand Fitzgerald claps
[15:27] Hort Aichi claps
[15:27] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:27] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:27] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:27] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:27] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:27] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:27] You: nods
[15:27] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:27] Chaley May claps
[15:28] JD Matova: (nice cap fadm)
[15:28] You: its great that Engineering is pulling together!
[15:28] You: a round of applause for our great engineering staff
[15:28] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:28] Journey Juran claps
[15:28] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:28] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:28] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:28] Darand Fitzgerald: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:28] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:28] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:28] Katrina Bixby claps
[15:28] Demeter Slade claps
[15:28] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:29] Kyler McMahon: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:29] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:29] Chaley May claps
[15:29] Applause Box: talma Tomsen clapped!
[15:29] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:29] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:30] You: and now
[15:30] You: we have a very good announcment
[15:31] You: we are now moving Lt Freelancer Takacs from subDivision Security Lead to Chief of Security
[15:31] You: a round of applause
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:31] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:31] Journey Juran claps
[15:31] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Azraell Aeon: claps
[15:31] You: Lt Takacs, please come up to thepodium
[15:31] Hort Aichi claps
[15:31] Elisaveta Vasser: Claps
[15:31] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Kyler McMahon: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:31] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:31] Hort Aichi claps
[15:31] Demeter Slade claps
[15:31] talma Tomsen chears
[15:31] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:32] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:32] You: we have been working on this for quite some time...
[15:32] You: a few words please
[15:32] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:32] Azraell Aeon: claps
[15:32] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:33] bigmoe Whitfield: got him on skype and he is having a few issues
[15:33] Freelancer Takacs: Admiralty, fellow Officers, Members of SLQ, With great pleasure i accept the role of Chief of Security.
[15:34] Freelancer Takacs: Firstly i am very thankfull that the admiralthy has choosen me for this Assignment as it is a Position which request Integrity, Reliability and Trust in me and my subordinates.
[15:34] Freelancer Takacs: As I was Lead of Security Division it was my first responsibilty to maintain a well functioning and outstanding Division which reflects the best of SLQ and provides a reliable Partner for Servive and Protection of the Estate and most important all of it members. This will continue as i take this new position.
[15:34] Freelancer Takacs: Most of you are aware there has been a great deal of activity behind the scenes in the Division, and stage one of the changes will be revield at the public meeting held later on this week.
[15:35] Freelancer Takacs: I would like to take this oppertunity to thank a few people who have worked very hard, on the coming changes,
[15:35] Freelancer Takacs: Bigmoe Whitfield, Jyrras Wilder, Lugh Dragonash, Demeter Slade and last but no means least Admiral Cobramax.
[15:35] Katrina Bixby: ?
[15:35] Freelancer Takacs: And FADM Bixby our Fleet Admiral
[15:36] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: hehe
[15:36] Katrina Bixby: ty
[15:36] Freelancer Takacs: Please a ropund of applouse for those people
[15:36] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:36] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:36] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:36] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:36] Journey Juran claps
[15:36] BigSexy Cuttita: Claps
[15:36] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:36] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:36] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:36] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:36] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:36] Freelancer Takacs: With out these people working behind the scenes the Division today would be a very different story.
[15:37] Freelancer Takacs: Now on a more serious note, id like to refer to Captain Stones's speech at the ball. This administration, is prepaired, to start laying the framework of the bridge, to cross the revene. Make no mistake, we are more then prepaired to face and challenges that come our way, For the division, and for the fleet.
[15:37] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:37] Freelancer Takacs: Again, I appreciate that you have assigned me and repay you in doing my outmost best in paying back the trust you and all Members of SLQ set upon me.
[15:38] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:38] BigSexy Cuttita: Claps
[15:38] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:38] Demeter Slade claps
[15:38] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:38] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:38] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:38] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Freelancer Takacs: Now i have an announcement of my own
[15:38] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:38] Freelancer Takacs: well actualy 2
[15:38] Freelancer Takacs: Bigmoe, and Demeter, will you step up please
[15:39] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:39] bigmoe Whitfield: ?
[15:39] Demeter Slade: ?!
[15:40] Freelancer Takacs: Firstly to moe, with great pleasure i take the oppertunity to announce that moe, is the new Assistant Chief, as well as the divisional Chief of Staff[15:40] bigmoe Whitfield: 0.o
[15:40] Demeter Slade claps
[15:40] Falo Priestman: wohoot
[15:40] Areyn Laurasia smiles and claps
[15:40] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:40] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:40] Kyler McMahon: way to go oe
[15:40] Lugh Dragonash: :=)
[15:40] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:40] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:40] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Journey Juran claps
[15:40] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:40] Kyler McMahon: moe
[15:40] Kyler McMahon: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Freelancer Takacs: moe please a few words
[15:41] bigmoe Whitfield: well what an honor. This I was truley not expecting. I am just awash with emotions right now. I thank you for this and shall do my best to fulfill this job set upon me. Thank you
[15:41] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:41] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:41] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:41] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:41] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:41] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:41] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:42] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:42] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:43] Freelancer Takacs:Now i also take this moment to announce , that Demeter Slade, is now the Security Subdivision Lead
[15:43] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:43] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:43] Journey Juran claps
[15:43] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:43] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:43] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:43] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:43] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:43] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:43] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:43] Freelancer Takacs: Demeter, if you would say a few words
[15:43] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:44] Demeter Slade: Thank you Chief. Dear Admirals , Dear fellow members it's both an Honor and a Pleasure to serve this great Community in this new role. I thank you very much for that and will perform my new Duties to my best knowledge. Thank you again.
[15:44] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:44] Demeter Slade: I ahnd the floor back to the Chief of Security.
[15:44] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:44] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:45] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:45] Freelancer Takacs: Now just so your all imformed, there will be a public Security Meeting on wednesday SLT, the time is TBA
[15:45] Freelancer Takacs: there will be a group notice sentout tommorrow with the time and place
[15:46] Freelancer Takacs: At this meetings we will announce the Administration, and inform you of the new changes coming into affect
[15:47] Freelancer Takacs: And lastly i would like to thank you all for being here
[15:47] Freelancer Takacs: And with that, permission to step down
[15:47] You: nods
[15:47] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:47] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:47] Journey Juran claps
[15:47] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:47] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:48] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:48] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:48] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:48] Lugh Dragonash: *Claps*
[15:49] You: We look forward to how things devellop in Security and the changes that have been worked on for a while.
[15:49] You: and now
[15:49] You: Engineering report
[15:49] You: Lt Cmdr Andromeda Quonset
[15:49] bigmoe Whitfield: 0.o
[15:49] Freelancer Takacs: O.o
[15:49] Demeter Slade: o.o
[15:49] Lugh Dragonash: O.o
[15:49] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: o,O
[15:50] JD Matova: (is wondering engineering and andro?)
[15:50] Aimhigh Seelowe: .O.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: I'm sure that Admiral Cobramax meant to say "Science report"
[15:50] You: oh yes, sorry
[15:50] You: Science Report
[15:50] You: ty for catching that
[15:50] You:
[15:50] Adrienne Hegel claps
[15:50] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:50] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:50] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:50] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you admiral!
[15:50] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:50] Journey Juran claps
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: This is going to be brief, again, so don't blink
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: I am in the process of developing a new plan for the NNZ area, both above ground and underground.
[15:51] You: 0.0
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: Along with that, I am in the process of trying out new design concepts there.
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: So, if your division is depending on something there for an event you are running, please let me know. Otherwise, it might not be there for you
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you!
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: Any questions?
[15:52] Aimhigh Seelowe: no?
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: I guess not.
[15:52] talma Tomsen: beddy time for me nn
[15:53] Aimhigh Seelowe: Night Talma
[15:53] Andromeda Quonset: Then I'll step down.
[15:53] You: nite Talma
[15:53] JD Matova: night
[15:53] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:53] Journey Juran claps
[15:53] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:53] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:53] talma Tomsen: nn all
[15:53] Demeter Slade claps
[15:53] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:53] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:53] JD Matova: /aüü
[15:53] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:53] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:53] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:54] You: Medical report, Dr Journey Juran Lt
[15:54] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:54] Demeter Slade claps
[15:54] Lugh Dragonash: *coughs* ;=)
[15:54] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:54] Journey Juran: Thank you Sir.
[15:54] Journey Juran: Greetings, members of Starfleet and honored guests.
[15:54] Journey Juran: First, my usual reminders: A free Trek species avatar is available to all members of the Fleet at the McCoy Medical Center. Also, a new free rank collar pin for all of our enlisted/NCO members is available through senior/lead officers or myself.
[15:55] Journey Juran: Additional avatars from the set may be purchased at a very reasonable price from vendors at Infinity Station. Please remember to use Infinity Station and the Galaxy Marketplace as your first choice when shopping for Trek and related merchandise. Purchases at those venders help support the maintenance of SLQ.
[15:55] Journey Juran: In the first two weeks of the new year we will be holding some Fleet Medical Readiness Exercises. These scenarios will involve as many members of the Fleet as choose to participate, and should be a lot of fun. More information will be available in the next couple of weeks.
[15:55] Journey Juran: I would personally like to commend our Medical and Counseling team members, as well as our comrades in Personnel and the Academy, for their hard work and dedication.
[15:55] Journey Juran: I am proud to be allowed to work with you all.
[15:56] Journey Juran: Are there any questions?
[15:56] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:56] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:56] Journey Juran: Then, by your leave Admiral?
[15:56] Adrienne Hegel claps
[15:56] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:56] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:56] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:56] You: nods
[15:56] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:57] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:57] Andromeda Quonset claps
continued in Part 2
[15:09] You: StarFleetCommand Second Life Quadrant! Officers, Cadets and guest gather for the Quadrant's General Meeting (GM).
[15:09] Falo Priestman: i missed the flashing bulbs:-)
[15:09] Katrina Bixby: greetings! SLQ
[15:09] You: Meeting Chair Admiral Cobramax Mechanique.
[15:09] You: (and my chair still has not rezzed)
[15:10] You: PLEASE TURN off Commbadges, except security personnel of course. Gestures or attachments that cause chat spam, may be consider greifing, which is not taken lightly by the members. (note several positions, and ranks have ability to eject violators into unknown space. "Just a warning".
[15:10] You: Old business 1.
[15:10] You: Read and participate in the group forums at. Register at we got live chat. Wednesdays when SL is doing maintance, join us!. Dirk Klees - Web Master note: the old forums: are still maintained for historical purposes, and the GM chat is also posted there in addition to the new forums. note: A record of the meeting chat will be made and posted in the groups forums.
[15:11] You: 2. To be added to the meeting agenda please contact The admirals 2 days before the meeting.
[15:12] You: 3. Bi-Annual Ball Friday December 14th 2:30pm slt, To be repeated 9:30pm slt, Saturday December 15th 5:30 am slt. was a great sucess, all had a great time and many new awards and promotions were handed out.
[15:12] You: NEW BUSINESS
[15:14] You: this was the class Lt McMillan instructed
[15:14] You: Lazlo Drechsler
[15:14] You: 4. New Graduates from Recruite Orientation
[15:15] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] You: Hort Aichi
[15:15] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:15] You: Azraell Aeon
[15:15] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:15] You: Dlaitini Maurer
[15:15] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:15] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:15] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:15] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:16] Chaley May claps
[15:16] You: there was another class by Ltjg Ramesh Singh
[15:16] You: but, the note card wont open
[15:17] You: anyone know who passed that Orientation?
[15:18] MissySkyra Yoshikawa looks around
[15:18] Ethan Muldoon: oh, sorry did not mean to yell
[15:18] Aimhigh Seelowe: Its a plot.
[15:19] You: well, when i find out, ill put thier names in the chat log on the forums
[15:19] You: lets move on
[15:19] You: Attention recruites/ new members you are expected to be processed by personnel, Those advancing in the ranks, and or the trek expericence will continue processing in Medical Division, Counseling, All each division will be offering a orientation also.
[15:19] You: 5. SLQ Members are asked to donate a minimum of $50 Linden per week, to the sim The donation boxes in the sand box.
[15:20] You: 6. Reminder, the admiralty are the only ones allowed to create any groups, for division, sub-divisions or affiliated groups for SFCSLQ.
[15:20] You: 7. SFCSLQ Officers, Crewman etc. are expected to be professional and Starfleet like at all times when on duty. An be familar with the sim rules Division meetings must focus on functions of SFCSLQ projects, products and task discussed in group division meetings should not discuss, taking projects from SFCSLQ nor creating revenue with a SFCSLQ project to be taken in world away from SFCSLQ any questions please direct to the admiralty.
[15:20] You: 8. SFCSLQ has opened talks for groups participation in a Federation collaboration. Members are encouraged to share ideas with the admiralty on how this should be organized. Current Federation Collaborates are: Maquis SLQ UFB Uniao de Frotas de Brasil
[15:20] You: 9. Reminder- New item - Senior Officer SO, meetings note are posted on the forums weekly.
[15:21] You: 10. Division reports. Maximum 2 minutes each division and sub-division. PLEASE!
[15:21] You: Engineering report, Lt Natsuki Jixing
[15:21] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:21] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:21] Natsuki Jinxing: Ty Sir
[15:21] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:21] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:21] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:21] Adrienne Hegel claps
[15:21] Journey Juran claps
[15:22] Natsuki Jinxing: sorry lag spike
[15:22] Natsuki Jinxing: Greetings Every One.
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing: Here's the Engineering report.
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing: Please note for inquiries into all Engineering Projects that Starfleet Personnel are to ask either the Eng Chief of Staff and/or Check the forums. Also if you have just complete you requirement requirements and have contacted your placement officer and need further assistance with joining the Engineering Division please contact me. Thx.
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing: As a personal Note i would like to make a quick statement thinking all of you who made the Ball a success!!
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing: Not only to the fine people that received awards and recognition of their skills , abilities and Contributions to SLQ Fleet but to the people of the planning committee and builders the put such a fine place together for us to have it done as well as the great DJ hosting the Audio part of it. Thanks for a job well done.
[15:23] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: Current project status are as follows :
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: Flip title improvment project - Chaley may (in progress) This project is a prototype. It's basic outline is a follows:
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: Flip title for SFCSLQ, one that adds rank, and your division to title via menu. and has more advanced options than just taking it on/off or setting its title through chat.
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: A menu based system with these features:
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: 1. Set rank via menu
[15:24] Natsuki Jinxing: 2. Set division via menu
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: 3. set a) On-duty status b) Off-duty status c) Title Off
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: next
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: Soverenign Development Project: Status(holding for Review) : Project on hold for review of it's scope and of it's current completion state.
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: next item ..
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: Uss Intrepid : Run buy : lotan flan : Status (In Progress) : Additional sections are being planed out and well be added to the Set Rezzer project.
[15:25] Natsuki Jinxing: Security Building:Project lead Freelancer Takacs: Engineering oversite: Lt Natsuki Jinxing : Status (on hold-project Review) On hold for stranded project status review and scope.
[15:26] Natsuki Jinxing: Fifth Pip Club Aeon -: Dwain knight :Status In-Progress : The club is nearing it's final completion stages more details coming.
[15:26] Natsuki Jinxing: Engineering 101 Class :Handy GearsIn progrees) Class is now in final stages and we hope to be ready to be running it at the begging of the New Year.
[15:26] Natsuki Jinxing: On a side note well will be starting our Sandbox/Workshops as well so be on the look out for announcements as to up and coming times and subjects.
[15:26] Natsuki Jinxing: Note We are located in the 6th Floor NE Inner Tower of the HQ building come by and see are our offices. We have suggestions box's, Forms , and Crew notes inplace.
[15:27] Natsuki Jinxing: well once again a busy week and that completes my report !
[15:27] Natsuki Jinxing: Ill stand down now .. Admiral
[15:27] Adrienne Hegel claps
[15:27] Demeter Slade claps
[15:27] Journey Juran claps
[15:27] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:27] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:27] Darand Fitzgerald claps
[15:27] Hort Aichi claps
[15:27] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:27] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:27] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:27] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:27] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:27] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:27] You: nods
[15:27] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:27] Chaley May claps
[15:28] JD Matova: (nice cap fadm)
[15:28] You: its great that Engineering is pulling together!
[15:28] You: a round of applause for our great engineering staff
[15:28] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:28] Journey Juran claps
[15:28] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:28] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:28] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:28] Darand Fitzgerald: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:28] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:28] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:28] Katrina Bixby claps
[15:28] Demeter Slade claps
[15:28] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:29] Kyler McMahon: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:29] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:29] Chaley May claps
[15:29] Applause Box: talma Tomsen clapped!
[15:29] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:29] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:30] You: and now
[15:30] You: we have a very good announcment
[15:31] You: we are now moving Lt Freelancer Takacs from subDivision Security Lead to Chief of Security
[15:31] You: a round of applause
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:31] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:31] Journey Juran claps
[15:31] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Azraell Aeon: claps
[15:31] You: Lt Takacs, please come up to thepodium
[15:31] Hort Aichi claps
[15:31] Elisaveta Vasser: Claps
[15:31] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Kyler McMahon: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:31] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:31] Hort Aichi claps
[15:31] Demeter Slade claps
[15:31] talma Tomsen chears
[15:31] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:31] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:32] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:32] You: we have been working on this for quite some time...
[15:32] You: a few words please
[15:32] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:32] Azraell Aeon: claps
[15:32] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:33] bigmoe Whitfield: got him on skype and he is having a few issues
[15:33] Freelancer Takacs: Admiralty, fellow Officers, Members of SLQ, With great pleasure i accept the role of Chief of Security.
[15:34] Freelancer Takacs: Firstly i am very thankfull that the admiralthy has choosen me for this Assignment as it is a Position which request Integrity, Reliability and Trust in me and my subordinates.
[15:34] Freelancer Takacs: As I was Lead of Security Division it was my first responsibilty to maintain a well functioning and outstanding Division which reflects the best of SLQ and provides a reliable Partner for Servive and Protection of the Estate and most important all of it members. This will continue as i take this new position.
[15:34] Freelancer Takacs: Most of you are aware there has been a great deal of activity behind the scenes in the Division, and stage one of the changes will be revield at the public meeting held later on this week.
[15:35] Freelancer Takacs: I would like to take this oppertunity to thank a few people who have worked very hard, on the coming changes,
[15:35] Freelancer Takacs: Bigmoe Whitfield, Jyrras Wilder, Lugh Dragonash, Demeter Slade and last but no means least Admiral Cobramax.
[15:35] Katrina Bixby: ?
[15:35] Freelancer Takacs: And FADM Bixby our Fleet Admiral
[15:36] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: hehe
[15:36] Katrina Bixby: ty
[15:36] Freelancer Takacs: Please a ropund of applouse for those people
[15:36] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:36] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:36] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:36] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:36] Journey Juran claps
[15:36] BigSexy Cuttita: Claps
[15:36] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:36] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:36] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:36] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:36] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:36] Freelancer Takacs: With out these people working behind the scenes the Division today would be a very different story.
[15:37] Freelancer Takacs: Now on a more serious note, id like to refer to Captain Stones's speech at the ball. This administration, is prepaired, to start laying the framework of the bridge, to cross the revene. Make no mistake, we are more then prepaired to face and challenges that come our way, For the division, and for the fleet.
[15:37] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:37] Freelancer Takacs: Again, I appreciate that you have assigned me and repay you in doing my outmost best in paying back the trust you and all Members of SLQ set upon me.
[15:38] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:38] BigSexy Cuttita: Claps
[15:38] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:38] Demeter Slade claps
[15:38] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:38] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:38] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:38] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Freelancer Takacs: Now i have an announcement of my own
[15:38] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:38] Freelancer Takacs: well actualy 2
[15:38] Freelancer Takacs: Bigmoe, and Demeter, will you step up please
[15:39] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:39] bigmoe Whitfield: ?
[15:39] Demeter Slade: ?!
[15:40] Freelancer Takacs: Firstly to moe, with great pleasure i take the oppertunity to announce that moe, is the new Assistant Chief, as well as the divisional Chief of Staff[15:40] bigmoe Whitfield: 0.o
[15:40] Demeter Slade claps
[15:40] Falo Priestman: wohoot
[15:40] Areyn Laurasia smiles and claps
[15:40] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:40] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:40] Kyler McMahon: way to go oe
[15:40] Lugh Dragonash: :=)
[15:40] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:40] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:40] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Journey Juran claps
[15:40] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:40] Kyler McMahon: moe
[15:40] Kyler McMahon: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Freelancer Takacs: moe please a few words
[15:41] bigmoe Whitfield: well what an honor. This I was truley not expecting. I am just awash with emotions right now. I thank you for this and shall do my best to fulfill this job set upon me. Thank you
[15:41] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:41] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:41] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:41] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:41] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:41] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:41] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:42] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:42] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:43] Freelancer Takacs:Now i also take this moment to announce , that Demeter Slade, is now the Security Subdivision Lead
[15:43] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:43] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:43] Journey Juran claps
[15:43] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:43] Elisaveta Vasser: claps
[15:43] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:43] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:43] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:43] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:43] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:43] Freelancer Takacs: Demeter, if you would say a few words
[15:43] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:44] Demeter Slade: Thank you Chief. Dear Admirals , Dear fellow members it's both an Honor and a Pleasure to serve this great Community in this new role. I thank you very much for that and will perform my new Duties to my best knowledge. Thank you again.
[15:44] Freelancer Takacs claps
[15:44] Demeter Slade: I ahnd the floor back to the Chief of Security.
[15:44] Areyn Laurasia claps
[15:44] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:45] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:45] Freelancer Takacs: Now just so your all imformed, there will be a public Security Meeting on wednesday SLT, the time is TBA
[15:45] Freelancer Takacs: there will be a group notice sentout tommorrow with the time and place
[15:46] Freelancer Takacs: At this meetings we will announce the Administration, and inform you of the new changes coming into affect
[15:47] Freelancer Takacs: And lastly i would like to thank you all for being here
[15:47] Freelancer Takacs: And with that, permission to step down
[15:47] You: nods
[15:47] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:47] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:47] Journey Juran claps
[15:47] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:47] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:48] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:48] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:48] Handy Gears: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:48] Lugh Dragonash: *Claps*
[15:49] You: We look forward to how things devellop in Security and the changes that have been worked on for a while.
[15:49] You: and now
[15:49] You: Engineering report
[15:49] You: Lt Cmdr Andromeda Quonset
[15:49] bigmoe Whitfield: 0.o
[15:49] Freelancer Takacs: O.o
[15:49] Demeter Slade: o.o
[15:49] Lugh Dragonash: O.o
[15:49] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: o,O
[15:50] JD Matova: (is wondering engineering and andro?)
[15:50] Aimhigh Seelowe: .O.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: I'm sure that Admiral Cobramax meant to say "Science report"
[15:50] You: oh yes, sorry
[15:50] You: Science Report
[15:50] You: ty for catching that
[15:50] You:
[15:50] Adrienne Hegel claps
[15:50] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:50] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:50] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:50] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:50] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you admiral!
[15:50] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:50] Journey Juran claps
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: This is going to be brief, again, so don't blink
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: I am in the process of developing a new plan for the NNZ area, both above ground and underground.
[15:51] You: 0.0
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: Along with that, I am in the process of trying out new design concepts there.
[15:51] Andromeda Quonset: So, if your division is depending on something there for an event you are running, please let me know. Otherwise, it might not be there for you
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you!
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: Any questions?
[15:52] Aimhigh Seelowe: no?
[15:52] Andromeda Quonset: I guess not.
[15:52] talma Tomsen: beddy time for me nn
[15:53] Aimhigh Seelowe: Night Talma
[15:53] Andromeda Quonset: Then I'll step down.
[15:53] You: nite Talma
[15:53] JD Matova: night
[15:53] Falo Priestman: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:53] Journey Juran claps
[15:53] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:53] Thorn Vanvleck: claps
[15:53] talma Tomsen: nn all
[15:53] Demeter Slade claps
[15:53] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:53] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:53] JD Matova: /aüü
[15:53] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:53] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:53] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:54] You: Medical report, Dr Journey Juran Lt
[15:54] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:54] Demeter Slade claps
[15:54] Lugh Dragonash: *coughs* ;=)
[15:54] JD Matova: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:54] Journey Juran: Thank you Sir.
[15:54] Journey Juran: Greetings, members of Starfleet and honored guests.
[15:54] Journey Juran: First, my usual reminders: A free Trek species avatar is available to all members of the Fleet at the McCoy Medical Center. Also, a new free rank collar pin for all of our enlisted/NCO members is available through senior/lead officers or myself.
[15:55] Journey Juran: Additional avatars from the set may be purchased at a very reasonable price from vendors at Infinity Station. Please remember to use Infinity Station and the Galaxy Marketplace as your first choice when shopping for Trek and related merchandise. Purchases at those venders help support the maintenance of SLQ.
[15:55] Journey Juran: In the first two weeks of the new year we will be holding some Fleet Medical Readiness Exercises. These scenarios will involve as many members of the Fleet as choose to participate, and should be a lot of fun. More information will be available in the next couple of weeks.
[15:55] Journey Juran: I would personally like to commend our Medical and Counseling team members, as well as our comrades in Personnel and the Academy, for their hard work and dedication.
[15:55] Journey Juran: I am proud to be allowed to work with you all.
[15:56] Journey Juran: Are there any questions?
[15:56] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:56] Dlaitini Maurer claps
[15:56] Journey Juran: Then, by your leave Admiral?
[15:56] Adrienne Hegel claps
[15:56] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:56] Elizabeth Bechir: claps
[15:56] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:56] You: nods
[15:56] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:57] Lugh Dragonash: *claps*
[15:57] Andromeda Quonset claps
continued in Part 2