Post by Cobramax Mechanique on Oct 3, 2007 17:10:26 GMT -5
Sept 30, 2007. 83rd General Meeting chat:
[15:02] You: Welcome to StarFleetCommand Second Life Quadrant! Officers, Cadets and guest! Chair Admiral Cobramax Mechanique.
[15:03] You: note: A record of the meeting chat will be made and posted in the groups forums.
[15:03] You: PLEASE TURN off any gestures or attachments that cause chat spam.
[15:04] You: Old business 1.
[15:04] You: Read and participate in the group forums at. Register at we got live chat now! Great feature when sl is down, or you can get in game. Dirk Klees - Web Master note: the old forums: are still maintained for historical purposes, and the GM chat is also posted there in addition to the new forums.
[15:04] You: 2. To be added to the meeting agenda please contact The admirals 2 days before the meeting.
[15:04] You: 3. Deadline for group weekly announcements Monday 5pm SLT/PST. Please submit Items to be shared with the members for the week to Admiral Katrina Bixby.
[15:05] You: 4. New Graduates from Recruite Orientation
[15:05] You: Sept 25, 2007 Orientation class
[15:05] Ethan Muldoon: title red ***AWAY FROM PANEL, CHECK BACK LATER***
[15:06] You: Kc Zhora
[15:06] Ethan Muldoon: AFK
[15:06] You: Instructor:Ens.Ramesh Singh
[15:06] You: Sept 26,2007 Orientation
[15:06] You: Reimiyaki Akina
[15:06] You: Paeter Weatherwax
[15:07] You: Instructor:Ens.Ltjg Demeter Slade
[15:07] You: Sept 29,2007 Orientation
[15:07] You: Yosh Qinan
[15:07] You: Jaye Jeffries
[15:07] You: Thorsten Barnes
[15:07] You: Shakur Tuqiri
[15:08] You: Josiane Llewellyn
[15:08] You: Azkharel Dagger
[15:08] You: Enlisted/Officers:
[15:08] You: JD Matova
[15:08] You: Aquilus Hutchinson
[15:09] You: Gandalf Nakamura
[15:09] You: congrats
[15:09] MJ Mathy claps
[15:09] Demeter Slade claps
[15:09] Warren Holt claps
[15:09] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:09] Kizna Oh claps
[15:09] Gizmo Theas claps
[15:09] bigmoe Whitfield calps
[15:09] Sadriel Gibbs: /claps
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: You're my...
[15:09] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: honeybunch
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: sugarplum
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: pump-i-umpy-umpkin
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: oops
[15:09] Journey Juran claps
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: You're my sweety-pie!
[15:09] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: You're my...
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: cuppy-cake
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: oops
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: gumdrop
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: shnuckem schnuckem sure
[15:09] Demeter Slade: ...
[15:09] Areyn Laurasia: Mr. Lewis...
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: the apple of my eye! =) <3<3<3
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: wrong gesture, sorry
[15:09] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:09] Gandalf Nakamura claps to all others
[15:09] Jyrras Wilder: turn it off
[15:10] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:10] You: 5. Reminder once a recruite, new members must be processed by personnel, Medical Division, Counseling, All each division will be offering a orientation also.
[15:10] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:10] You: 6. SFCSLQ Needs You: Members are asked to donate $50 or more Linden per week to the sim The donation boxes in the the sand box. This is an (optional) donation to the sim for its operation cost. Additional donation boxes have been placed in the sims.
[15:10] You: 7. Reminder, the admiralty are the only ones allowed to create any groups, for division, sub-divisions or affiliated groups for SFCSLQ.
[15:10] You: 8. SFCSLQ Officers, Crewman etc. are expected to be professional and Starfleet like at all times when on duty. An be familar with the sim rules Division meetings must focus on functions of SFCSLQ projects, products and task discussed in group division meetings should not discuss, taking projects from SFCSLQ nor creating revenue with a SFCSLQ project to be taken in world away from SFCSLQ any questions please direct to the admialty.
[15:10] You: 9. See the SFCSLQ web site calendar for event updates
[15:11] You: 10. Themed weekend planning commttee - And Engineering have done an excellent preparing for the Deserted Island, themed weekend, have you seen the volcano growing in HQ?. Additional info, report from Lead Libaraian RoBobby.
[15:11] You: (is his assistant here?
[15:11] You: ok, guessnot, i will read his report for the theamed event
[15:12] You: Greetings all!
[15:12] You: The Themed Week has been planned... and will start right after this GM! The Themed Week's theme is 'Deserted Island'. Since this will last the entire week, we've come up with a day to day story. This story is as follows: (and will be made available at the Galaxy Beach area, which is the roleplay area for this week)
[15:12] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:12] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:12] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:13] You: September 30th / October 1st : The Starfleet crews beam down to an unexplored planet for some R&R. They have already set up tiki huts, and so on. They look at what this lovely planet has to offer, and enjoy themselves. Swimming, sunbathing, relaxing: away from all the difficult lives of a Starfleet Officer.
[15:13] You: October 1st / 2nd: Something is wrong: contact with the ship is lost! No technology works anymore, because of the solar flares! The team gathers to find out what to do and how to survive without technology.
[15:14] You: now, this is the 1st two weeks
[15:14] You: the rest of it is in a notecard that will be in a announcment
[15:14] Katrina Bixby: R&R for the crew sounds great!!
[15:14] You: NEW BUSINESS
[15:15] You: 11. Vendors shop available in Galaxy Market, Constellation Sim
[15:15] You: 12. Division reports. Maximum 2 minutes each division and sub-division. PLEASE!
[15:16] You: Engineering report by Lt Natsuki Jinxing
[15:16] Totalus Karas claps
[15:16] Warren Holt claps
[15:16] Natsuki Jinxing: ty Admiral
[15:16] Natsuki Jinxing: Greetings Every One.
[15:17] Natsuki Jinxing: Here's the Engineering report.
[15:17] Natsuki Jinxing: Notices
[15:17] Natsuki Jinxing: Please note for inquiries into all Engineering Projects that Starfleet Personnel are to ask either the Chief Engineer or Asst. Engineers.
[15:17] Natsuki Jinxing: The Next Saturday Engineering will be hosting a open forum Meeting at the Aeon Auditorium it will be Oct 6 @ 1:00pm STL and will be a general open discussion about any project proposals and other ideas .
[15:18] Natsuki Jinxing: This Saturdays meeting when very well a lot was discussed and the notes will be posted shortly .
[15:18] Natsuki Jinxing: We are still looking for a ERDC Project Lead, position opened, we are taking applications for this and will be a project for the new building in AEON region we have "old security building" which will be a center for the Engineering Corps, of information on current projects, info on how to build, texture, animations, with guides & how-to's,
[15:18] Natsuki Jinxing: Please send applications to . Lt Warren Holt., LT Totalus Karas ,DarthBunny Petrovv , and my self if you would like to be interviewed for this .
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: next ..
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: Also at this time would like to announce the formation of the Daystrom Institute . It's mission is to be a point of focus for Engineering projects and Peer review of projects. The Project committee will bemade up of 8 to 12 people with 2 of them being Chair and Co-Chair /Project leader.
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: The Chair will be held buy me and the Co-chair/Project Lead will be selected out of the applications of people who wish to be part of this project. It Will be Tasked to evaluate project proposals and to create new and interesting ideas for new projects to be given out the the engineering group also to archive all past projects , Do study's and/or polls to get feedback from members in SLQ & Engineering and to Work closely with the ERDC to research and study & document engineering technique's.
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: Their is no formal application be creative and send me a notecard tell me some about your self and why you would be good as a guide to help others grow and help us build tomorrow today!. Note this is also open to Non Engineering people that would like to help contribute on the committee and/or when its formed would like to submit it ideas to it for Review .. so please let me know if you are interested .
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: also .
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: We have putt up Suggestion box's at the Aeon Sandbox , the 7th floor of the Inner NE tower and the New ERDC building in the lobby (aka the old Aeon security office ) . If you have any suggestions or comments Please place them their.
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: For any up to date info will be using the Engineering forums at to post needs and updates so keep watch their ...
[15:20] Natsuki Jinxing: Next item.. Current Projects status :
[15:20] Natsuki Jinxing: Residential ship project run by Cheif Lt Karas will give a brief over of it's status. TK the floor is yours
[15:20] Totalus Karas does a rolling, somersault onto the podium
[15:21] Totalus Karas: hi
[15:21] Totalus Karas: Now before you say it or think it, I intend for this to be not so long. Don't want to keep you here longer then we need too, and its not often these days you get me up here to speak. But what I have to say is important...
[15:21] Totalus Karas: Important he said... *murmours from the audience*
[15:21] Gizmo Theas smiles
[15:21] Adrian Sloane:
[15:21] Totalus Karas: Okay all joking aside, as you know im the project lead of the residential project which is continuing to be built in Sovereign. No doubt you've saw the Freighter i've been building... and if not you should have You still can, because I am proud to announce that Rod Halberd our resident starbase builder has constructed a new Starbase or Outpost whatever you want to call it, is now sitting at 500m and above, in the sky above Sovereign.
[15:22] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:22] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:22] Totalus Karas: So why am I telling you all this, well for two reasons to keep you aprised of our goings on as we have no secrets. Also because I need your help, over the next few days you may or may not see a few notices from me in various forms because I want you to come up with names for the new Starbase/Outpost and also the Freighter because as it currently is they are unnamed
[15:22] Aimhigh Seelowe: LOL
[15:23] Cameron Lewis: lol
[15:23] Totalus Karas: All new things need to be at some point christened (eg. a Name, or smashing a bottle of wine against the hull... which doesnt arrive till tuesday) and hopefully we'll have a party to celebrate the toils and labour of our Engineers.
[15:23] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:23] Warren Holt claps
[15:23] Adrian Sloane: Hear hear!
[15:23] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:23] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:23] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:23] Ajax Radek: Woo!
[15:23] Scootz Darcy: *claps*
[15:23] Totalus Karas: So just to reiterate and clarify this further, I want you the members of SFCSLQ to either send me your thoughts for names in a notecard and there is no end to the list of names. Then depending how many we get we'll short list them and then create a poll on the forum, which by now everyone here should be member of.
[15:24] Cameron Lewis winces.
[15:24] Totalus Karas: There are going to be a lot of announcements about this and I do intend to run this for two weeks, no going past it, no stopping it before hand. In two weeks time at the GM starting from now, I will announce there names.
[15:24] Totalus Karas: I'd also like to say please do go have a look at our new station and feedback and your thoughts are welcome, as we are here to build for you so i wont say no to a few thoughtful idea's that we could implement. I will stress this though, there maybe days when people are working on the station so please try not to disturb them.
[15:24] Totalus Karas: dont all rush off at once though
[15:24] Totalus Karas: and not now ^^
[15:25] Adrian Sloane:
[15:25] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:25] Totalus Karas: I now open the floor to any possible or future questions
[15:25] Adrian Sloane raises hand
[15:25] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:25] Totalus Karas: yes Adrian
[15:26] Adrian Sloane: Yes, how many prims will be allowed for each rsident?
[15:26] Adrian Sloane: gg
[15:26] Jyrras Wilder: definitivly not 414 i would say
[15:26] Areyn Laurasia:
[15:27] Totalus Karas: the station will not be for residency itself, it will house offices that are rentable... the quarters on the three ships, that will be appearing soon-ish will be rentable... as to the prim count that number is still to be determined and we will know more about that later
[15:28] Totalus Karas: see what happens when you crash adrain you miss my answer
[15:28] Adrian Sloane: Your pardon, sir
[15:28] Totalus Karas: hyst again for Adrian
[15:28] Totalus Karas: the station will not be for residency itself, it will house offices that are rentable... the quarters on the three ships, that will be appearing soon-ish will be rentable... as to the prim count that number is still to be determined and we will know more about that later
[15:29] Totalus Karas: any further questions?
[15:29] Totalus Karas: that be a no then
[15:29] Totalus Karas: the station will not be for residency itself, it will house offices that are rentable... the quarters on the three ships, that will be appearing soon-ish will be rentable... as to the prim count that number is still to be determined and we will know more about that later
[15:29] Totalus Karas: whoops
[15:29] Totalus Karas: thats three time
[15:29] Totalus Karas:
[15:29] Natsuki Jinxing: *giggles*
[15:29] Totalus Karas: thank you for listening and have fun
[15:30] Andromeda Quonset: didn't think it was that important
[15:30] JD Matova: :-)
[15:30] Totalus Karas: I give the floor which is really andros, that belongs to the amdiral back to suki
[15:30] Aimhigh Seelowe: wooot
[15:30] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:30] Andromeda Quonset: lol
[15:30] Warren Holt claps
[15:30] Kizna Oh: lol
[15:30] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:30] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:30] Journey Juran claps
[15:30] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:30] Kizna Oh claps
[15:30] JD Matova: claps
[15:30] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:30] Natsuki Jinxing: Ty Tk and now quickly onward ..
[15:30] Aimhigh Seelowe thinks no matter what TK says....he is Lion.
[15:31] Cameron Lewis: Boo!
[15:31] Aimhigh Seelowe: what?
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: Galaxy HQ project: Run by Chief Lieutenant Holt
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: Work on the outside of the HQ is mostly finalized, and only a few days to finish the details once the Themed event is over.Work on the inside of the HQ was slated to start this Friday, yesterday, with a planning stage, of visiting each building and assesing its status, and for now focusing on a design plan and concept for each lobby And deciding on its over all look and feel, color and textures.
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: So he is going to take another few days to go over concepts, reports and recommendations as well as meet with others to gather more, hopefully some of you have some idea's as well for the HQ lobbys & for all 5 of them. So if you have any suggestions or comments please IM /notecard Lt Holt about them .
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: next .. USS Athens project: run by Ensign Kizna Oh is now moveing steady plan also to finish the Captains ready room next week. some texturing work left and hopeful it will be ready for RP soon.
[15:32] Kizna Oh: (je is finished only the doors are missing )
[15:32] Natsuki Jinxing: next .. Tactical area Porject: run by Lt Natsuki Jinxing, still currently in review process .. we have a few redesigns on the table for discussion that will include part of the Klingon rp sections so we are hard are work makeing the final decisions and getting approvals as as soon as i have more ill be letting you know about it.. but at this time it looks like will be up running soon.
[15:32] Natsuki Jinxing: That ends my Report ...
[15:32] Natsuki Jinxing: Ill stand down now .. Admiral
[15:32] Natsuki Jinxing: have a good day all
[15:33] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:33] Warren Holt claps
[15:33] Journey Juran claps
[15:33] Gizmo Theas: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:33] Ajax Radek: Author! Author!
[15:33] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:33] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:33] JD Matova: claps
[15:33] Gandalf Nakamura claps
[15:33] Totalus Karas claps
[15:33] Scootz Darcy: *claps*
[15:33] Kizna Oh claps
[15:33] You: well, that was a very encouraging report!
[15:33] You: the Engineering Division is doing very nicely
[15:34] Totalus Karas grins
[15:34] You: next, Security report
[15:34] You: here is an announcment about an upcomming meeting that was Planned...
[15:34] You: Greetings everyone, My talents have been in high demand RL, and unfortunately i havent had the time to get everything ready for the meeting, so for the time being it will be in about a week times, that are friendly to both AEST and EU times Thanks Freelancer
[15:35] You: so, in the meantime, Bigmoe Whitfield will be doing some training for the Security staff
[15:35] You: i talked to Freelancer this morning
[15:36] You: and he is busy also getting the new course ready for Secruity and we also talked about some new uniforms, etc that will be in the Security meeting, details to follow
[15:36] You: and, here is a photo of our last Tactical
[15:37] You: it was in the lower levels of the NNZ
[15:37] You: which is now open for all members to explore and get familiar with
[15:37] You: as we will be using that area for other events also
[15:37] You: so, go over there, look around, get familiar with it
[15:38] You: griefers..well, there have been a few also, and some misc incidents, all handled well and promptly by security, nice work for our busy Security Officers!
[15:38] You: a round of applause for them!
[15:38] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:38] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Gizmo Theas: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Warren Holt claps
[15:39] Ajax Radek: *claps*
[15:39] Journey Juran claps
[15:39] bigmoe Whitfield claps for his team
[15:39] MJ Mathy clap
[15:39] Demeter Slade claps
[15:39] Scootz Darcy: *claps*
[15:39] JD Matova: claps and nods
[15:39] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:39] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:39] Dwayne Lancaster: thank you all
[15:39] Kizna Oh claps
[15:39] bigmoe Whitfield: ^^
[15:39] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:39] You: i know im putting you on the spot here, Ltjg Wilder, but, any thing else to add?
[15:40] Jyrras Wilder: not today
[15:40] You: ok, a reminder then
[15:40] You: Tactical events are
[15:40] You: Wednesdays
[15:40] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:40] You: and ... Saturdays if im not mistaken
[15:40] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Jyrras Wilder: *cough* monday 1200 wednesday 1930 saturday 1400 pdt
[15:41] You: check with Ltjg Wilder
[15:41] You: ah
[15:41] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:41] You: yes
[15:41] You: ty
[15:41] You:
[15:41] Aimhigh Seelowe: yes those are the days I die.
[15:41] Adrian Sloane eeps.
[15:41] Demeter Slade nods
[15:41] Jyrras Wilder whistles innocently
[15:41] You: report
[15:41] Areyn Laurasia: ((and you love it...))
[15:41] You: Science Chief, LtCmdr Andromeda Quonset
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you admiral!
[15:42] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: This will be very brief.
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: My first priority is to determine the status of all Science Division projects.
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: This is still on-going.
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: Many people in Science haven't been in-world.
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset: For the rest, want to thank all of the Science Division staff that so far have sent in their Science Status Questionaire to me.
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset: For those that haven't, please get your questionaire in to me ASAP.
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset: I don't have the records of my predecessor, so I'm having to start from scratch.
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset: As for the Research Subdvision, while I'm up here....
[15:44] Andromeda Quonset: The only thing to report is that our (my) asistant lead has resigned, so that position is open again.
[15:44] Andromeda Quonset: End of report.
[15:44] Demeter Slade claps
[15:44] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:44] Andromeda Quonset: Questions?
[15:44] MJ Mathy: /claps
[15:44] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you!
[15:44] Journey Juran claps
[15:44] JD Matova: claps and very short
[15:44] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:45] You: ty LtCmdr
[15:45] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:45] Gandalf Nakamura claps
[15:45] Kizna Oh claps
[15:45] Warren Holt claps
[15:45] You: next report, Medical , Dr Journey Juran
[15:45] Aimhigh Seelowe: /claps
[15:45] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:45] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:45] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:45] Demeter Slade claps
[15:45] MJ Mathy: /claps
[15:45] Hrothgar Vhargon claps
[15:45] Journey Juran: Thank you sir.
[15:45] Journey Juran: Medical and Counseling have been very busy. Like the Personnel division we are virtually on-call 24/7/365, and it may take a little time to respond to all requests for medical exams, counseling sessions or personnel for other activities. Please bear with us as we train additional staff and impliment additional ways to improve our operations.
[15:46] Journey Juran: Medical and Counseling are looking for additional dedicated personnel. Please notice the 'dedicated' part. Good roleplaying skills are a must, and knowledge of Trek medicine and counseling will be very helpful. Please contact myself, Dr. Deej Kasshiki or Lt(j.g.) Demeter Slade if you are interested.
[15:46] Journey Juran: I would like to congratulate our newest Medical Officer, Dr. MissySkyra Yoshikawa, and Medical Intern, Dr. Pax Forwzy, and also our new Medical Technicians and Students.
[15:46] Demeter Slade claps
[15:46] Gizmo Theas claps
[15:46] Journey Juran: In addition, hearty congratulations to the Counseling team lead by Lt(j.g.) Demeter Slade for their superb performance. I salute you all for the hard work you provide to the Fleet to make a better Star Trek experience for us all.
[15:46] bigmoe Whitfield calps
[15:46] Scootz Darcy: *claps*
[15:47] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:47] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:47] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:47] Demeter Slade blushes
[15:47] Gandalf Nakamura: (( go missy go ))
[15:47] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: ((thx, everyone))
[15:47] JD Matova: claps
[15:47] Journey Juran: I would like to make a reminder to any members who were previously in Counseling and have to contacted Lt Slade to do so immediately.
[15:48] Journey Juran: A reminder to all: there is a free Trek species avatar for all members of Starfleet, over at the McCoy Medical Clinic here in Galaxy. Go get yours!
[15:48] Journey Juran: For the sake of keeping this report brief, unless there are questions from the Admiralty, please contact me via IM.
[15:48] Journey Juran: By your leave, Admiral?
[15:48] You: nods
[15:48] Demeter Slade claps
[15:48] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:48] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:48] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:49] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:49] Kizna Oh claps
[15:49] You: ty Dr Juran
[15:49] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
continued in Part 2
[15:02] You: Welcome to StarFleetCommand Second Life Quadrant! Officers, Cadets and guest! Chair Admiral Cobramax Mechanique.
[15:03] You: note: A record of the meeting chat will be made and posted in the groups forums.
[15:03] You: PLEASE TURN off any gestures or attachments that cause chat spam.
[15:04] You: Old business 1.
[15:04] You: Read and participate in the group forums at. Register at we got live chat now! Great feature when sl is down, or you can get in game. Dirk Klees - Web Master note: the old forums: are still maintained for historical purposes, and the GM chat is also posted there in addition to the new forums.
[15:04] You: 2. To be added to the meeting agenda please contact The admirals 2 days before the meeting.
[15:04] You: 3. Deadline for group weekly announcements Monday 5pm SLT/PST. Please submit Items to be shared with the members for the week to Admiral Katrina Bixby.
[15:05] You: 4. New Graduates from Recruite Orientation
[15:05] You: Sept 25, 2007 Orientation class
[15:05] Ethan Muldoon: title red ***AWAY FROM PANEL, CHECK BACK LATER***
[15:06] You: Kc Zhora
[15:06] Ethan Muldoon: AFK
[15:06] You: Instructor:Ens.Ramesh Singh
[15:06] You: Sept 26,2007 Orientation
[15:06] You: Reimiyaki Akina
[15:06] You: Paeter Weatherwax
[15:07] You: Instructor:Ens.Ltjg Demeter Slade
[15:07] You: Sept 29,2007 Orientation
[15:07] You: Yosh Qinan
[15:07] You: Jaye Jeffries
[15:07] You: Thorsten Barnes
[15:07] You: Shakur Tuqiri
[15:08] You: Josiane Llewellyn
[15:08] You: Azkharel Dagger
[15:08] You: Enlisted/Officers:
[15:08] You: JD Matova
[15:08] You: Aquilus Hutchinson
[15:09] You: Gandalf Nakamura
[15:09] You: congrats
[15:09] MJ Mathy claps
[15:09] Demeter Slade claps
[15:09] Warren Holt claps
[15:09] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:09] Kizna Oh claps
[15:09] Gizmo Theas claps
[15:09] bigmoe Whitfield calps
[15:09] Sadriel Gibbs: /claps
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: You're my...
[15:09] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: honeybunch
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: sugarplum
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: pump-i-umpy-umpkin
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: oops
[15:09] Journey Juran claps
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: You're my sweety-pie!
[15:09] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: You're my...
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: cuppy-cake
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: oops
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: gumdrop
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: shnuckem schnuckem sure
[15:09] Demeter Slade: ...
[15:09] Areyn Laurasia: Mr. Lewis...
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: the apple of my eye! =) <3<3<3
[15:09] Cameron Lewis: wrong gesture, sorry
[15:09] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:09] Gandalf Nakamura claps to all others
[15:09] Jyrras Wilder: turn it off
[15:10] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:10] You: 5. Reminder once a recruite, new members must be processed by personnel, Medical Division, Counseling, All each division will be offering a orientation also.
[15:10] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:10] You: 6. SFCSLQ Needs You: Members are asked to donate $50 or more Linden per week to the sim The donation boxes in the the sand box. This is an (optional) donation to the sim for its operation cost. Additional donation boxes have been placed in the sims.
[15:10] You: 7. Reminder, the admiralty are the only ones allowed to create any groups, for division, sub-divisions or affiliated groups for SFCSLQ.
[15:10] You: 8. SFCSLQ Officers, Crewman etc. are expected to be professional and Starfleet like at all times when on duty. An be familar with the sim rules Division meetings must focus on functions of SFCSLQ projects, products and task discussed in group division meetings should not discuss, taking projects from SFCSLQ nor creating revenue with a SFCSLQ project to be taken in world away from SFCSLQ any questions please direct to the admialty.
[15:10] You: 9. See the SFCSLQ web site calendar for event updates
[15:11] You: 10. Themed weekend planning commttee - And Engineering have done an excellent preparing for the Deserted Island, themed weekend, have you seen the volcano growing in HQ?. Additional info, report from Lead Libaraian RoBobby.
[15:11] You: (is his assistant here?
[15:11] You: ok, guessnot, i will read his report for the theamed event
[15:12] You: Greetings all!
[15:12] You: The Themed Week has been planned... and will start right after this GM! The Themed Week's theme is 'Deserted Island'. Since this will last the entire week, we've come up with a day to day story. This story is as follows: (and will be made available at the Galaxy Beach area, which is the roleplay area for this week)
[15:12] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:12] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:12] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:13] You: September 30th / October 1st : The Starfleet crews beam down to an unexplored planet for some R&R. They have already set up tiki huts, and so on. They look at what this lovely planet has to offer, and enjoy themselves. Swimming, sunbathing, relaxing: away from all the difficult lives of a Starfleet Officer.
[15:13] You: October 1st / 2nd: Something is wrong: contact with the ship is lost! No technology works anymore, because of the solar flares! The team gathers to find out what to do and how to survive without technology.
[15:14] You: now, this is the 1st two weeks
[15:14] You: the rest of it is in a notecard that will be in a announcment
[15:14] Katrina Bixby: R&R for the crew sounds great!!
[15:14] You: NEW BUSINESS
[15:15] You: 11. Vendors shop available in Galaxy Market, Constellation Sim
[15:15] You: 12. Division reports. Maximum 2 minutes each division and sub-division. PLEASE!
[15:16] You: Engineering report by Lt Natsuki Jinxing
[15:16] Totalus Karas claps
[15:16] Warren Holt claps
[15:16] Natsuki Jinxing: ty Admiral
[15:16] Natsuki Jinxing: Greetings Every One.
[15:17] Natsuki Jinxing: Here's the Engineering report.
[15:17] Natsuki Jinxing: Notices
[15:17] Natsuki Jinxing: Please note for inquiries into all Engineering Projects that Starfleet Personnel are to ask either the Chief Engineer or Asst. Engineers.
[15:17] Natsuki Jinxing: The Next Saturday Engineering will be hosting a open forum Meeting at the Aeon Auditorium it will be Oct 6 @ 1:00pm STL and will be a general open discussion about any project proposals and other ideas .
[15:18] Natsuki Jinxing: This Saturdays meeting when very well a lot was discussed and the notes will be posted shortly .
[15:18] Natsuki Jinxing: We are still looking for a ERDC Project Lead, position opened, we are taking applications for this and will be a project for the new building in AEON region we have "old security building" which will be a center for the Engineering Corps, of information on current projects, info on how to build, texture, animations, with guides & how-to's,
[15:18] Natsuki Jinxing: Please send applications to . Lt Warren Holt., LT Totalus Karas ,DarthBunny Petrovv , and my self if you would like to be interviewed for this .
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: next ..
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: Also at this time would like to announce the formation of the Daystrom Institute . It's mission is to be a point of focus for Engineering projects and Peer review of projects. The Project committee will bemade up of 8 to 12 people with 2 of them being Chair and Co-Chair /Project leader.
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: The Chair will be held buy me and the Co-chair/Project Lead will be selected out of the applications of people who wish to be part of this project. It Will be Tasked to evaluate project proposals and to create new and interesting ideas for new projects to be given out the the engineering group also to archive all past projects , Do study's and/or polls to get feedback from members in SLQ & Engineering and to Work closely with the ERDC to research and study & document engineering technique's.
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: Their is no formal application be creative and send me a notecard tell me some about your self and why you would be good as a guide to help others grow and help us build tomorrow today!. Note this is also open to Non Engineering people that would like to help contribute on the committee and/or when its formed would like to submit it ideas to it for Review .. so please let me know if you are interested .
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: also .
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: We have putt up Suggestion box's at the Aeon Sandbox , the 7th floor of the Inner NE tower and the New ERDC building in the lobby (aka the old Aeon security office ) . If you have any suggestions or comments Please place them their.
[15:19] Natsuki Jinxing: For any up to date info will be using the Engineering forums at to post needs and updates so keep watch their ...
[15:20] Natsuki Jinxing: Next item.. Current Projects status :
[15:20] Natsuki Jinxing: Residential ship project run by Cheif Lt Karas will give a brief over of it's status. TK the floor is yours
[15:20] Totalus Karas does a rolling, somersault onto the podium
[15:21] Totalus Karas: hi
[15:21] Totalus Karas: Now before you say it or think it, I intend for this to be not so long. Don't want to keep you here longer then we need too, and its not often these days you get me up here to speak. But what I have to say is important...
[15:21] Totalus Karas: Important he said... *murmours from the audience*
[15:21] Gizmo Theas smiles
[15:21] Adrian Sloane:
[15:21] Totalus Karas: Okay all joking aside, as you know im the project lead of the residential project which is continuing to be built in Sovereign. No doubt you've saw the Freighter i've been building... and if not you should have You still can, because I am proud to announce that Rod Halberd our resident starbase builder has constructed a new Starbase or Outpost whatever you want to call it, is now sitting at 500m and above, in the sky above Sovereign.
[15:22] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:22] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:22] Totalus Karas: So why am I telling you all this, well for two reasons to keep you aprised of our goings on as we have no secrets. Also because I need your help, over the next few days you may or may not see a few notices from me in various forms because I want you to come up with names for the new Starbase/Outpost and also the Freighter because as it currently is they are unnamed
[15:22] Aimhigh Seelowe: LOL
[15:23] Cameron Lewis: lol
[15:23] Totalus Karas: All new things need to be at some point christened (eg. a Name, or smashing a bottle of wine against the hull... which doesnt arrive till tuesday) and hopefully we'll have a party to celebrate the toils and labour of our Engineers.
[15:23] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:23] Warren Holt claps
[15:23] Adrian Sloane: Hear hear!
[15:23] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:23] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:23] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:23] Ajax Radek: Woo!
[15:23] Scootz Darcy: *claps*
[15:23] Totalus Karas: So just to reiterate and clarify this further, I want you the members of SFCSLQ to either send me your thoughts for names in a notecard and there is no end to the list of names. Then depending how many we get we'll short list them and then create a poll on the forum, which by now everyone here should be member of.
[15:24] Cameron Lewis winces.
[15:24] Totalus Karas: There are going to be a lot of announcements about this and I do intend to run this for two weeks, no going past it, no stopping it before hand. In two weeks time at the GM starting from now, I will announce there names.
[15:24] Totalus Karas: I'd also like to say please do go have a look at our new station and feedback and your thoughts are welcome, as we are here to build for you so i wont say no to a few thoughtful idea's that we could implement. I will stress this though, there maybe days when people are working on the station so please try not to disturb them.
[15:24] Totalus Karas: dont all rush off at once though
[15:24] Totalus Karas: and not now ^^
[15:25] Adrian Sloane:
[15:25] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:25] Totalus Karas: I now open the floor to any possible or future questions
[15:25] Adrian Sloane raises hand
[15:25] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:25] Totalus Karas: yes Adrian
[15:26] Adrian Sloane: Yes, how many prims will be allowed for each rsident?
[15:26] Adrian Sloane: gg
[15:26] Jyrras Wilder: definitivly not 414 i would say
[15:26] Areyn Laurasia:
[15:27] Totalus Karas: the station will not be for residency itself, it will house offices that are rentable... the quarters on the three ships, that will be appearing soon-ish will be rentable... as to the prim count that number is still to be determined and we will know more about that later
[15:28] Totalus Karas: see what happens when you crash adrain you miss my answer
[15:28] Adrian Sloane: Your pardon, sir
[15:28] Totalus Karas: hyst again for Adrian
[15:28] Totalus Karas: the station will not be for residency itself, it will house offices that are rentable... the quarters on the three ships, that will be appearing soon-ish will be rentable... as to the prim count that number is still to be determined and we will know more about that later
[15:29] Totalus Karas: any further questions?
[15:29] Totalus Karas: that be a no then
[15:29] Totalus Karas: the station will not be for residency itself, it will house offices that are rentable... the quarters on the three ships, that will be appearing soon-ish will be rentable... as to the prim count that number is still to be determined and we will know more about that later
[15:29] Totalus Karas: whoops
[15:29] Totalus Karas: thats three time
[15:29] Totalus Karas:
[15:29] Natsuki Jinxing: *giggles*
[15:29] Totalus Karas: thank you for listening and have fun
[15:30] Andromeda Quonset: didn't think it was that important
[15:30] JD Matova: :-)
[15:30] Totalus Karas: I give the floor which is really andros, that belongs to the amdiral back to suki
[15:30] Aimhigh Seelowe: wooot
[15:30] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:30] Andromeda Quonset: lol
[15:30] Warren Holt claps
[15:30] Kizna Oh: lol
[15:30] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:30] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:30] Journey Juran claps
[15:30] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:30] Kizna Oh claps
[15:30] JD Matova: claps
[15:30] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:30] Natsuki Jinxing: Ty Tk and now quickly onward ..
[15:30] Aimhigh Seelowe thinks no matter what TK says....he is Lion.
[15:31] Cameron Lewis: Boo!
[15:31] Aimhigh Seelowe: what?
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: Galaxy HQ project: Run by Chief Lieutenant Holt
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: Work on the outside of the HQ is mostly finalized, and only a few days to finish the details once the Themed event is over.Work on the inside of the HQ was slated to start this Friday, yesterday, with a planning stage, of visiting each building and assesing its status, and for now focusing on a design plan and concept for each lobby And deciding on its over all look and feel, color and textures.
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: So he is going to take another few days to go over concepts, reports and recommendations as well as meet with others to gather more, hopefully some of you have some idea's as well for the HQ lobbys & for all 5 of them. So if you have any suggestions or comments please IM /notecard Lt Holt about them .
[15:31] Natsuki Jinxing: next .. USS Athens project: run by Ensign Kizna Oh is now moveing steady plan also to finish the Captains ready room next week. some texturing work left and hopeful it will be ready for RP soon.
[15:32] Kizna Oh: (je is finished only the doors are missing )
[15:32] Natsuki Jinxing: next .. Tactical area Porject: run by Lt Natsuki Jinxing, still currently in review process .. we have a few redesigns on the table for discussion that will include part of the Klingon rp sections so we are hard are work makeing the final decisions and getting approvals as as soon as i have more ill be letting you know about it.. but at this time it looks like will be up running soon.
[15:32] Natsuki Jinxing: That ends my Report ...
[15:32] Natsuki Jinxing: Ill stand down now .. Admiral
[15:32] Natsuki Jinxing: have a good day all
[15:33] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:33] Warren Holt claps
[15:33] Journey Juran claps
[15:33] Gizmo Theas: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:33] Ajax Radek: Author! Author!
[15:33] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:33] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:33] JD Matova: claps
[15:33] Gandalf Nakamura claps
[15:33] Totalus Karas claps
[15:33] Scootz Darcy: *claps*
[15:33] Kizna Oh claps
[15:33] You: well, that was a very encouraging report!
[15:33] You: the Engineering Division is doing very nicely
[15:34] Totalus Karas grins
[15:34] You: next, Security report
[15:34] You: here is an announcment about an upcomming meeting that was Planned...
[15:34] You: Greetings everyone, My talents have been in high demand RL, and unfortunately i havent had the time to get everything ready for the meeting, so for the time being it will be in about a week times, that are friendly to both AEST and EU times Thanks Freelancer
[15:35] You: so, in the meantime, Bigmoe Whitfield will be doing some training for the Security staff
[15:35] You: i talked to Freelancer this morning
[15:36] You: and he is busy also getting the new course ready for Secruity and we also talked about some new uniforms, etc that will be in the Security meeting, details to follow
[15:36] You: and, here is a photo of our last Tactical
[15:37] You: it was in the lower levels of the NNZ
[15:37] You: which is now open for all members to explore and get familiar with
[15:37] You: as we will be using that area for other events also
[15:37] You: so, go over there, look around, get familiar with it
[15:38] You: griefers..well, there have been a few also, and some misc incidents, all handled well and promptly by security, nice work for our busy Security Officers!
[15:38] You: a round of applause for them!
[15:38] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:38] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Gizmo Theas: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:38] Warren Holt claps
[15:39] Ajax Radek: *claps*
[15:39] Journey Juran claps
[15:39] bigmoe Whitfield claps for his team
[15:39] MJ Mathy clap
[15:39] Demeter Slade claps
[15:39] Scootz Darcy: *claps*
[15:39] JD Matova: claps and nods
[15:39] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:39] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:39] Dwayne Lancaster: thank you all
[15:39] Kizna Oh claps
[15:39] bigmoe Whitfield: ^^
[15:39] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:39] You: i know im putting you on the spot here, Ltjg Wilder, but, any thing else to add?
[15:40] Jyrras Wilder: not today
[15:40] You: ok, a reminder then
[15:40] You: Tactical events are
[15:40] You: Wednesdays
[15:40] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:40] You: and ... Saturdays if im not mistaken
[15:40] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:40] Jyrras Wilder: *cough* monday 1200 wednesday 1930 saturday 1400 pdt
[15:41] You: check with Ltjg Wilder
[15:41] You: ah
[15:41] Andromeda Quonset claps
[15:41] You: yes
[15:41] You: ty
[15:41] You:
[15:41] Aimhigh Seelowe: yes those are the days I die.
[15:41] Adrian Sloane eeps.
[15:41] Demeter Slade nods
[15:41] Jyrras Wilder whistles innocently
[15:41] You: report
[15:41] Areyn Laurasia: ((and you love it...))
[15:41] You: Science Chief, LtCmdr Andromeda Quonset
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you admiral!
[15:42] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: This will be very brief.
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: My first priority is to determine the status of all Science Division projects.
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: This is still on-going.
[15:42] Andromeda Quonset: Many people in Science haven't been in-world.
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset: For the rest, want to thank all of the Science Division staff that so far have sent in their Science Status Questionaire to me.
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset: For those that haven't, please get your questionaire in to me ASAP.
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset: I don't have the records of my predecessor, so I'm having to start from scratch.
[15:43] Andromeda Quonset: As for the Research Subdvision, while I'm up here....
[15:44] Andromeda Quonset: The only thing to report is that our (my) asistant lead has resigned, so that position is open again.
[15:44] Andromeda Quonset: End of report.
[15:44] Demeter Slade claps
[15:44] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:44] Andromeda Quonset: Questions?
[15:44] MJ Mathy: /claps
[15:44] Andromeda Quonset: Thank you!
[15:44] Journey Juran claps
[15:44] JD Matova: claps and very short
[15:44] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:45] You: ty LtCmdr
[15:45] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:45] Gandalf Nakamura claps
[15:45] Kizna Oh claps
[15:45] Warren Holt claps
[15:45] You: next report, Medical , Dr Journey Juran
[15:45] Aimhigh Seelowe: /claps
[15:45] Applause Box: Katrina Bixby clapped!
[15:45] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:45] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:45] Demeter Slade claps
[15:45] MJ Mathy: /claps
[15:45] Hrothgar Vhargon claps
[15:45] Journey Juran: Thank you sir.
[15:45] Journey Juran: Medical and Counseling have been very busy. Like the Personnel division we are virtually on-call 24/7/365, and it may take a little time to respond to all requests for medical exams, counseling sessions or personnel for other activities. Please bear with us as we train additional staff and impliment additional ways to improve our operations.
[15:46] Journey Juran: Medical and Counseling are looking for additional dedicated personnel. Please notice the 'dedicated' part. Good roleplaying skills are a must, and knowledge of Trek medicine and counseling will be very helpful. Please contact myself, Dr. Deej Kasshiki or Lt(j.g.) Demeter Slade if you are interested.
[15:46] Journey Juran: I would like to congratulate our newest Medical Officer, Dr. MissySkyra Yoshikawa, and Medical Intern, Dr. Pax Forwzy, and also our new Medical Technicians and Students.
[15:46] Demeter Slade claps
[15:46] Gizmo Theas claps
[15:46] Journey Juran: In addition, hearty congratulations to the Counseling team lead by Lt(j.g.) Demeter Slade for their superb performance. I salute you all for the hard work you provide to the Fleet to make a better Star Trek experience for us all.
[15:46] bigmoe Whitfield calps
[15:46] Scootz Darcy: *claps*
[15:47] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:47] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:47] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:47] Demeter Slade blushes
[15:47] Gandalf Nakamura: (( go missy go ))
[15:47] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: ((thx, everyone))
[15:47] JD Matova: claps
[15:47] Journey Juran: I would like to make a reminder to any members who were previously in Counseling and have to contacted Lt Slade to do so immediately.
[15:48] Journey Juran: A reminder to all: there is a free Trek species avatar for all members of Starfleet, over at the McCoy Medical Clinic here in Galaxy. Go get yours!
[15:48] Journey Juran: For the sake of keeping this report brief, unless there are questions from the Admiralty, please contact me via IM.
[15:48] Journey Juran: By your leave, Admiral?
[15:48] You: nods
[15:48] Demeter Slade claps
[15:48] Gandalf Nakamura: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:48] Natsuki Jinxing Claps
[15:48] Adrian Sloane: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[15:49] DarthBunny Petrov claps
[15:49] Kizna Oh claps
[15:49] You: ty Dr Juran
[15:49] MissySkyra Yoshikawa: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
continued in Part 2